AJ023 · M
Water damage can cause performance issues on a PC. For example, water can short-circuit the ram slots or the graphics card.
Here are some steps you can take to fix water damage on a PC:
Unplug the PC and remove the battery
Let the PC sit open in a dry, sunny spot
Dry the PC for at least 24 hours
Remove any corrosion
Update your graphics card driver
Update your Windows
Use System File Checker to check for corrupted system files
You can also try these steps:
Removing the easily detachable outer components
Removing the inner parts
Disassembling the function of the motherboard
Examining each component specifically
Swabbing the water or other liquid
Water damage can ruin a computer completely, but many can recover after an accident like this. An expert can evaluate the damage to your system and help you save or backup your data if it's still accessible.
Here are some steps you can take to fix water damage on a PC:
Unplug the PC and remove the battery
Let the PC sit open in a dry, sunny spot
Dry the PC for at least 24 hours
Remove any corrosion
Update your graphics card driver
Update your Windows
Use System File Checker to check for corrupted system files
You can also try these steps:
Removing the easily detachable outer components
Removing the inner parts
Disassembling the function of the motherboard
Examining each component specifically
Swabbing the water or other liquid
Water damage can ruin a computer completely, but many can recover after an accident like this. An expert can evaluate the damage to your system and help you save or backup your data if it's still accessible.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
No one can definitively troubleshoot your pc from here without looking at it and testing it physically.
Your only best option is to take it in to a technical shop or person.
Your only best option is to take it in to a technical shop or person.
twiigss · M
I spilled 7 Up soda in the top of my PC. Had to replace the ram sticks completely, also replaced the GPU just in case.
That happened over 5 years ago, ever since then my PC has been fine.
That happened over 5 years ago, ever since then my PC has been fine.
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twiigss · M
@Pathetic it mostly depends on the game. Usually when new games come out, they can be full of memory holes and end up using a lot of memory unnecessarily.
Replacing the ram is actually really easy. Above and below the stick, vertically, are these white switches and you basically push the top switch up and pull the bottom switch down and that loosens the ram stick to where it's about to fall out and you're just able to pull it right out of there, it comes out real easily.
To put new ram in don't touch the switches, make sure the stick is in the right orientation. Usually what I'll do is I'll push on the bottom of the stick and that should automatically lock that white bottom switch for you. Then just push the top of the ram stick in, and that should lock the top switch. If not you can lock the switches yourself.
That's all there is to it. And I'm sure there's plenty of instructional videos on YouTube that you could check out as well.
Replacing the ram is actually really easy. Above and below the stick, vertically, are these white switches and you basically push the top switch up and pull the bottom switch down and that loosens the ram stick to where it's about to fall out and you're just able to pull it right out of there, it comes out real easily.
To put new ram in don't touch the switches, make sure the stick is in the right orientation. Usually what I'll do is I'll push on the bottom of the stick and that should automatically lock that white bottom switch for you. Then just push the top of the ram stick in, and that should lock the top switch. If not you can lock the switches yourself.
That's all there is to it. And I'm sure there's plenty of instructional videos on YouTube that you could check out as well.
Take it to a repair shop sooner than later
@Pathetic Maybe go on craigslist or something and see if you can find somebody local who can fix it for like $50 or at least show you how to fix it. Or maybe let it fully dry out for a few days without using it. Just be thankful it still works at all.
Pathetic · 26-30, F
@GoToTheCompound there is a repair shop nearby. I would like to take it there.
@Pathetic Call around to different repair shops just get a sense of how much it would cost to fix it
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SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Test the Best Buy Geek Squad or an independent PC repair person.
Pathetic · 26-30, F
@SubstantialKick best buy is just American
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I would take it to the computer repair shop
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
UnPlug it
Put a big table fan on High
For over night..blowing through it
Remove its cover if you can
Put a big table fan on High
For over night..blowing through it
Remove its cover if you can
Pathetic · 26-30, F
@TheDisciplinarian I used the hair dryer