Northwest · M
The problem with flip phones, is that I cannot take a Zoom meeting on one of them, check on Slack, approve a PR through GitHub, comment on a Jira item, and send or respond to an email. Otherwise, I love them.
Fluffybull · F
My hub has a phone like that. We call it his "builder's phone" coz it's less likely to smash to pieces if dropped at work. 😉👏
shanec · 41-45, M
@Fluffybull They do the job, if just want a phone for making calls and texts. Some people go but " My phone takes great photos " and I'm like " well so does my camera "
exexec · 70-79, C
I still have a flip phone. My wife has the latest and greatest.
I have a nokia 3310. I got it for my dad but he never used it. lol
shanec · 41-45, M
@canusernamebemyusername I have a very basic Nokia. It's got a flash light and it can be used for calls and texts lol and yes that model you mentioned was a popular one in the early 00s, and got re released about three years ago with newer features
Torsten · 36-40, M
I have a $20 piece of crap phone and only have it if my son wants to contact me. I would be happy without a mobile phone all together though
SpaceJesus · 41-45
I'm tempted to go back to a flip phone
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shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus Oh yeah lol, just get the phone out like a James Bond gadget!! Lol, anyway for me a phone is a phone. When people go on about " my phone has the best camera" .. I'm like " my camera can also take photos "
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@shanec I am highly tempted to go back to something like what you have. Just to save some money.
shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus Depends what you use your phone for. Some people they use their phone as a tablet computer more than a phone
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I loved my Nokia, I have an Iphone of some sort of make, now people give me shit for not knowing how to scan or google or whatever the fuck it is they do with their phones... I miss my Nokia.