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Im so depressed

I miss my cat so much. The last thing i did for him was give him wet food. He took a few bites and laid his head down and i took him to the ER and he passed away. I think about him almost everyday. I broke all the blood vessles in my face from screaming over my loss. 20 years and he could have Lived lived longer. I miss him more than anything.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I lost my Mr. Daisy April 6th last month...16 years of Love Love Love! He grew up with my kids! I called his name outside last night, then I felt dumb cause he wasn't with us anymore...Sometimes I think I see him passing in the corner of my eye... I miss him so so much too. So do the kids. I feel ya.
@saintsong This may sound totally wacko to you, but you MAY be seeing him passing in the corner of your eye. Many people who "die" are seen by the living shortly after their "deaths." It's not a hallucination or an apparition, it's the energy of that person which can appear in physical reality.

Consciousness survives physical death. And when one makes their transition to "the other side," their vibration is most often too high for us mortals to see or hear. But every once in a while, especially if you can raise your vibration high enough to get that much closer to their vibration, you can catch a glimpse of their spirit.

There's a LOT on YouTube about this. Hospice nurses have a lot of stories about this.
saintsong · 41-45, F
@PhoenixPhail this brings tears to my eyes, I do wish it's Daisy's spirit who's coming to me
@saintsong Trust Daisy's spirit is still very much with you, and always will be. 🩵
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I know it is hard to accept, but sometimes life can be very cruel. At this stage you have to look after the number one person in your life and that is you and you must try and be positive
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PatKirby · M
I can sense the weight of your loss, condolences. I raised a tabby like the one in the group picture from a tiny critter to well-behaved, trusty, loyal adulthood and was devastated when he passed after 12 years. Other critters succeeded him, but never replaced him. I've always had a soft spot for critters and so this brought some comfort that I hope reaches you.

You should save another little kitty from a lonely life. You should share the love you have to make another kitten feel cared for. You can't replace them, but you can still find room for another kitty that needs you.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’m sorry for your loss. Pets are such an important part of our family
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My cat died 7 years ago. I still miss her every day.
Neoerectus · M
He was the equivalent of 100 years. He lived a long and much loved life. There is another who needs that love no doubt.

We rescue male (less wanted) guinea pigs (cavies) from pounds. They all need love, but have a 4-7 year expected lifespan. Oldest we got at 8 and lived to 10. Youngest was maybe a year, but ALL were loved and treasured.
DMmeyourtits · 26-30, M
Make something for your cat, something to always keep remember him by. Like a shrine of sorts. He seems like the cat who deserves that honor, and it may be therapeutic to do. Always let him know how much you miss him, and how much he meant to you
I am sorry for your loss. You feel so empty and alone when a loved one passes. It is like a pit in your heart that doesn't seem to fill. I will pray you will find healing and peace 🙏🙏
Dusty101 · F
Omg so sorry to hear this. Much love. This pain is so hard. He'll leave forever paw prints on your heart! 💕☘️
GLITTER · 36-40, F
There are no words, our animals are our family . Im so sorry for your loss
GovanDUNNY · M
Relocate time
pdockal · 56-60, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
You were good to him. That's the best you can do.
tenente · 100+, M
i'm sorry for your loss. i hope you will find comfort soon

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