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2 Months, Old Kitten doesn't eat dry or wet food

We have a 2 months old kitten living in our house with his mother. The cat was originally a stray cat and gave birth. All kittens, are eating canned dry and wet food. But this one kitten doesn't eat anything except boiled egg and boiled and her mother's milk.
I don't know how make him eat other food than that. I am concerned for his health as he is not getting all nutrition.
Please advise what should I do?
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UnderLockDown · M Best Comment
Try lactose free milk, or goat milk. If he drinks it, mix a tiny bit of canned food in his milk so he gets a taste for it. Increase the amount of food over a few says.
Boiled or roast chicken (no salt or season) chopped up and mixed with cat food, also UNSALTED sardines.
Raw egg yoke mixed with a teaspoon of cultured sour cream seems to entice even the picky or sick cats, and it's high in fat, protein, taurine... things that are good.😻
Check his sense of smell, cats are very dependent upon smell to tell them if something is edible and they have excellent olfactory abilities.👃😆
Most cultured dairy is better than regular cow milk, most of the lactose is consumed by the culture, but don't give anything sweetened and check their poo to make sure they don't get runny.
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4meAndyou · F
You should contact your veterinarian. They have special canned food there that usually gets a cat to want to eat it, because it smells so good. They give it to sick cats who won't eat.

Catering to the cat, and giving her boiled eggs, will probably fixate her on that one food, and eventually she won't like any other, and can develop brittle bones that will just snap when she jumps or moves the wrong way.

It is all right to let the cat be hungry for a day or two. She will be much more inclined to eat the canned food.
Rozail · 46-50, F
@4meAndyou thank you for your reply.
I am, also concerned about his health but again it's very difficult to see a kitten hungry. Can I really keep 2 months old kitten hungry? He also feeding on her mother still.
4meAndyou · F
@Rozail It's not going to hurt her to feed from her mother...or his mother if it is a male. You should really call your veterinarian.

My adult cat has become a picky eater, and refuses all foods but the food he has decided he will eat that day. Fortunately, most of it is dry food...but it gets stale waiting for him to eat, and I have to throw it away. He is losing weight.

If I want the cat to be really sick, I can just feed him water from a can of tuna or chicken, or open a can of sardines in water, or even give him a slice of smoked turkey lunchmeat...but that just makes him worse. He gets SO picky he is starving himself rather than eat.
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CommandLine · 56-60, M
The vet is the best option. They would have seen it before and know what to do. Do not delay.
Although egg is a good source of protein, they cannot survive on it.
akindheart · 61-69, F
please go to a pet store. they have special milk for kittens.
Rozail · 46-50, F
@akindheart thank you for your reply. Yes I, was giving him milk replacement just stopped it was trying to put him on more solid food.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Rozail you are welcome. i trap feral cats. I have actually adopted 4 but feed a lot of them. that little one might need the vet.
Mash the egg add some things in it that might help its nutrition.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
maybe mix the egg with a tiny amount of cat food and increase slowly the ratio
Rozail · 46-50, F
@reflectingmonkey thank you for your reply. I have tried this too but failed. Now I am thinking to give lactose free milk with small amount of egg yolk n it.
Will he eat if you help?
Rozail · 46-50, F
@UnderLockDown no he very stubborn.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I don't think I would feed the cat human food unless u are all was going to do this. Just put wet foot around it mouth and wait.
Rozail · 46-50, F
@smileylovesgaming I, tried to for e feed him a bit but he spit it out.LOL.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@Rozail the cat will eat once he or she is hungry enough

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