People here shouldn’t gang up on a person.
That’s just cruel. If you have an issue with a member then it’s between you and him/her. Don’t get others to join you attacking a person. It can cause hurt and emotional problems. Not everyone has a pack of wolves to protect them. It’s best to not get involved in your own friends drama here. You can advise your friend what to do like contact admin but attacking a person your friend has issues with just isn’t right. I don’t even like my friends attacking people I dislike here. That’s my opinion because I’ve had issues with people just because their friends had delusional issues with me. Mind you, I don’t like harassing others and I’m against that type of behavior. What I really am against is insulting others in public posts . It’s downright despicable and heartless. Have mercy on others and God will have mercy on you.
“”””Of course I didn’t get enough likes. If I was a pervy lady than I would be admired here. Ep members come back please.”””””
“”””Of course I didn’t get enough likes. If I was a pervy lady than I would be admired here. Ep members come back please.”””””