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People here shouldn’t gang up on a person.

That’s just cruel. If you have an issue with a member then it’s between you and him/her. Don’t get others to join you attacking a person. It can cause hurt and emotional problems. Not everyone has a pack of wolves to protect them. It’s best to not get involved in your own friends drama here. You can advise your friend what to do like contact admin but attacking a person your friend has issues with just isn’t right. I don’t even like my friends attacking people I dislike here. That’s my opinion because I’ve had issues with people just because their friends had delusional issues with me. Mind you, I don’t like harassing others and I’m against that type of behavior. What I really am against is insulting others in public posts . It’s downright despicable and heartless. Have mercy on others and God will have mercy on you.

“”””Of course I didn’t get enough likes. If I was a pervy lady than I would be admired here. Ep members come back please.”””””
ExtremeNext · 31-35
Tell me who upset you hun, I have a baseball bat to take out a few knee caps
Thanks dear but I don’t want you to beat them up. 😂😂😂@ExtremeNext
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@SW-User but I want to beat them up 💪
Thanks 😊 @ExtremeNext
There is sadly lots of divide, while people could get along if they would stop getting worked up, triggered and emotional over things that are so small.. plus accept that others have different opinions to them.

But some sadly do not want to see that and they are so scared and have blinkers on that they cannot see the truth and that someone might just be trying to help & warn others..

Some people are alone and do not need to be in a clique/group and defo not to harass, bully and attack others. Coz that is sad and lame.

Sadly I have had this happen on here and other sites..this site and another was bad and have to stick up for myself, which gets old and also someone might seem strong but so much that She or He can take.

It is a certain group who is doing it and maybe they have multiple accounts: Men and Women..old and young ages. They go on my answers and jump on that answer to harass me and label me as things I am not.. sometimes I think it might be better to not stick up for myself as causes more problems more so when no one really helps.

And yes it can hurt.

Only seen this as @Matt85 put my name in his answer as he knows that this has been happening to me on other site and also here.
CestManan · 46-50, F
If somebody is attacking you, unfortunately your tribe cannot really stop them, you have to stand up to them. For the reason that people might not like you, it's because they are typically jealous. That jealousy eats them alive! It's like in the movie The Mummy when Benny got stuck in that pyramid and all those bugs got to him.
Oh yes, I am familiar with that person and his obsession with a certain user. Lol, I guess he needs a girlfriend asap to stop his insanity over that lady. 😂😂😂😂@CestManan
CestManan · 46-50, F
@SW-User Even she must be thinking "ugh" at times but is too polite to say anything.

anyways I shall catch up some more later, must sleep some. :)
@CestManan I know her and she seems to not get enough attention. It’s off that she has friends from all ages. She really LOVES attention. Have a good night.
Teslin · M
Yes, thank you !! Some people on SW can't mind their own business.
True they have the need to attack online strangers. @Teslin
@Matt85 Thanks for mentioning me. So I can see this q
Dshhh · M
Yea My nephew stays at my house a lot. Family issues. He was curious about what I was doing, and I let him look, and even wander around a little reading posts etc. So he made his own account, foolishly, he mentioned that he discovered this through his uncles account. He was immediately Beset Phone number of members here who assumed he was up to no good. He was just trying to be friendly, and they gave him a bucket of crap. So he doesn’t come out here anymore. Maybe he’ll come back. Being accused of malfeasance, was more than he was comfortable with.
@Dshhh I’m not surprised he left after being mistreated by some people here. It happens all the time but not just here. Many social sites have rotten apples that make others leave. Maybe it’s better that he not come back for his mental health.
Dshhh · M
@SW-User no he’ll be fine,
It just seems a shame did you get the dog piled on because he doesn’t understand the rules right away. Reall is pretty awful. And those who dog piled on him? They should feel ashamed himself. Just like the people who stole that lady’s pictures, and put them on the Internet with the smartest girls ever seen here now she’s gone because somebody stole her beautiful images and blew them over the Internet.
Even the ones with the tribes and cliques learned im not one whos bad side you want to get on
CestManan · 46-50, F
@SW-User For me, this is just some place to hang out when it is slow at work or if I am at home just lazing around. I am close enough to age 50 (Dear God how did I get this old?) anyways, I am not trying to be fake or popular at this point.

I did have an account on EP but I was almost never there. It moved way faster than what I was used to so I think I went a couple times but then gave up. Only part I remember was it was layed out like this one.

I am sometimes guilty of sh^t-talking on here but it is not my entire purpose.

OH and about people being depressed and shouldn't be on this site, some are way worse as far as abuse but yeah this place isn't exactly "therapeutic" unless some popular person is depressed.
but yeah this place isn't exactly "therapeutic" unless some popular person is depressed.
Yes, this is true. I’m no spring chicken either. Ep was a blast. I never got bored there, but, I regret interacting with one or two jerks on there. We all make mistakes and I was younger and new to social sites. It was odd because I felt like a whole different person on there. I did meet a lot of fun people. On here it seems only a selective few get the most attention and the rest are leftover crumbs. I don’t bother anymore being liked. I don’t think I need to be liked here. As long as I don’t harass people and they don’t harass me then I’m fine.
Shadyglow · F
@SW-User yup. lol!
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Hyenas roll in packs. They're not very admirable.

But yeah, I agree with one-on-one cagefights.

When irked by someone online, I think the question people need to ask themselves is, would they be willing to carve this person's heart out of their chest with a blunt knife and eat it raw like savages? If not, then settle down the matter like good ladies and gentlemen.
I think they rather cut the heart out and eat it raw unfortunately. I’ve had a few enemies that acted like they wanted to shoot me execution style. The weird fact is I don’t even know that lady . @rrraksamam
smiler2012 · 56-60
[destinycalling] spot on they should butt out not there fight . a bit like the trumpsters you kick one they all come on the attack
Yes they need to just leave people the FICK alone @smiler2012
smiler2012 · 56-60
@SW-User agreed with you they are like wasps and come after you in a group
Too bad many are popular and use their popularity to harm others. @smiler2012
Shadyglow · F
I have always been here, began in 2006, only rarely check in now
Shadyglow · F
@SW-User EP started around 2006
@Shadyglow true that’s long ago. I’m talking about SW.
Shadyglow · F
@SW-User I know.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Dogs comes in group and lion walks alone...u know who wins...ROARRr
Lions 🦁 @AngelKrish
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
@SW-User I am Lion and u are Lioness!
Yay 😀 we are grrrrrrr@AngelKrish
Funlov · M
Bring it on they tried did not go to good for them lol👍
@Funlov no it didn’t ! I’m a strong gal
Hassanovic007 · 36-40, M
Well done 👍🤗🤗
There will always be people online with cruel intentions because they know being the opposite way involves harder work … to be honest isn’t something that sits comfortably within them

Leave them to wallow in their swamp 😘
That’s true but I have no idea what’s their real issue with me and others. I think they just need validation from their annoying admirers. @SW-User
496sbc · 36-40, M
I have had this multiple times happen to me
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Put them up 🥊🥊 who are they lol
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I agree with this. I had someone attack me in PM On behalf of a woman here.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I am sorry 💞
@iamonfire696 it’s ok, what goes around, comes around. What they did to me will happen to them.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I hope so
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CestManan · 46-50, F
@SW-User There ya go :) that is how to do it
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CestManan · 46-50, F
@SW-User I know it takes some time to get settled into a place. But you are doing fine.

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