Hmm. I've always been a loner. So. I don't share very well. Even as a child. Someone wanted something of mine i just gave it to them and walked away. Preferred to be alone than in the group. Now. I guess depends on the possession
itsok · 31-35, F
Like with everybody, or just people I live with? If it was everybody I think I’d greatly reduce the amount of stuff I have.
I can get really weird if people I’m not very close with touch and move things in my house. But like at work I wouldn’t leave anything around that I would be upset if it was moved or used.
I can get really weird if people I’m not very close with touch and move things in my house. But like at work I wouldn’t leave anything around that I would be upset if it was moved or used.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
As long as I’m not taken advantage of…I will share. And theres a question of value there. If the item can be relatively easy to replace or not
Punxi · 26-30, F
@LunarOrbit Let's say everything you have was provided for you. And it was expected?
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Punxi Tough one. If it was expected, then I would probably do it unwillingly. 🤷🏻♂️
Punxi · 26-30, F
@LunarOrbit I as well.
bijouxbroussard · F
It’s funny, isn’t it ?
There was an article about a woman with her son on a playground, he was playing with a toy. Some kids, strangers to him, wanted to play with the toy and he wouldn’t let them.
The mothers of the children complained to the woman, who replied, "It’s his toy—he gets to say who plays with it ! And, sorry, but we don’t know you !" When one of the mothers accused her of teaching her son "to be selfish", the woman replied, "if I like your car, does that mean you’ll let me borrow it ? Because you’re ‘not selfish’ ? Even though you don’t know me from Adam ?" 😳
There was an article about a woman with her son on a playground, he was playing with a toy. Some kids, strangers to him, wanted to play with the toy and he wouldn’t let them.
The mothers of the children complained to the woman, who replied, "It’s his toy—he gets to say who plays with it ! And, sorry, but we don’t know you !" When one of the mothers accused her of teaching her son "to be selfish", the woman replied, "if I like your car, does that mean you’ll let me borrow it ? Because you’re ‘not selfish’ ? Even though you don’t know me from Adam ?" 😳
Punxi · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard Boom! Haha! Bravo to her. I find those stages of human development fascinating not only by right of the social "rules" most learn; but more so by the acts of hypocrisy with which they are taught. 🤷

I’m always trying to give stuff away and feed people I don’t even like.
Punxi · 26-30, F
@SW-User Sharing is awesome. It's the expectation to, that we often place upon children that stumps me.

@Punxi why not? A lot of kids have plenty. I’ve seen kids do selfless things. It’s beautiful.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Depends on what it is exactly. If it's something like my TV or PS4, no big deal. If it's something like my car on the other hand, we would have to discuss it first.
Punxi · 26-30, F
@SubstantialKick Perhaps as children we have yet to declare such boundaries. 🤔
latinbutterfly · F
So are we talking those who we are close with like family members? Because if it's someone that I really trust then it's easier.
Punxi · 26-30, F
@latinbutterfly I've witnessed children instructed to share with complete strangers they're age.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Blood and destruction would be so in use that mothers would but smile when they behold their children quartered in the hands of war
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
I already feel that way.
The part about doing other people's housework is easy -. The part where they're unaware and wasteful causes sadness.
In Honolulu perfect strangers let their kids call me "auntie", and ask me for whatever they wanted. So of course.
The part about doing other people's housework is easy -. The part where they're unaware and wasteful causes sadness.
In Honolulu perfect strangers let their kids call me "auntie", and ask me for whatever they wanted. So of course.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I coupled in my very early 20s and later married the guy. I've pretty much never had my 'own' things that didn't have to be shared.
PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
From you I recieve
To you I give
Together we share
For this we live
--------- Ancient Native Proverb -----------
From you I recieve
To you I give
Together we share
For this we live
--------- Ancient Native Proverb -----------
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
As a kid, I've always had anxiety when it came to sharing things.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I share with people i know
Punxi · 26-30, F
@vetguy1991 Children are taught to share. Period.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@Punxi i know, and i actually do share some things with family and friends
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
I'd feel like a Communist...
although I have no idea what that feels like.

CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Like my toothbrush? 😦
Oh, how we teach children...nevermind. 😆
Oh, how we teach children...nevermind. 😆
TexChik · F
Nope , I am a capitalist.
Good morning Punxi! How are you today??
The prettiest eyes ever are truly yours indeed! 👁️👁️ 👍 🌟
The prettiest eyes ever are truly yours indeed! 👁️👁️ 👍 🌟
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Whar's my gun???!!!
Get off my lawn
Get off my lawn
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I taught my kids to share with each other. I taught them that when the items were not their own they couldn’t have full ownership
Of them like toys at school, books, etc.
Of them like toys at school, books, etc.
Lilnonames · F
I do all the time
Punxi · 26-30, F
@Lilnonames Are you expected to?
Lilnonames · F
@Punxi no i just do it