Today I was thinking about wars throughout the history … wars to conquer other countries … wars that have happened because of differences and because of greed … wars that were not in any measures worth the outcome, except if the outcome was freedom ….
Borders of any kind (cultural, religious, lands,…) are created by human and belong to Earth …. There are no borders for flying free birds ….. That’s why they get meaningless in the sky …
Beautiful words Soossie. There is not a bird who looks upon the land and says this is my land. They don't covet their resources, they might squawk and fight, as cats when upon a walk hold about two city blocks as their territory and do everything to avoid the 'other cat', to not have a fight or war like humans look to wage. So they do know their boundaries of a kind, but they don't create boundaries and governments, laws and rules of international warfare, where we create these arbitrary and artificial lines that resemble and recreate our divisions. They wouldn't create nuclear weapons, they wouldn't need an international court to decide what is right and wrong, or even dare suggest since Palestine is not a state, we have no real statute over. This would not happen with birds or cats. This is on humans pure and simple.
They'd have their squawk, or their hiss, without thousands dead.
Very well said … that is all probably because of humans greed ….
@Soossie Ahh, thank you. It's subjects I try to avoid in my heart now. It's hard to explain, but I feel it has done me good in learning and being objective..... I honestly look now, no matter the class, if I'm talking with a human I'm dealing with a scoundrel and 'that's okay'. We have really fettered away our ingenuity and love for what gain?
Don't take that to mean people don't feel love, or they don't have more purpose, I know they do and how they do. I'm witness of that too.
I think about this often and then take it back to the beginning; let's take a look at The Gulf War because it is quite straight forward. Kuwait tapped an oil well which extended under Iraq, whether from the beginning (dependent on the oil deposit shape or at some point) they were removing oil which belonged to Iraq. I don't know the actual sequence of events that lead to the invasion of Kuwait but let's imagine that Iraq had taken all reasonable steps to prevent Kuwait's theft, what would you suggest should happen before invasion of Kuwait. Sometimes as horrible a thought as it is war is the option.
@Soossie I've missed the point it appears. I don't think any country would stand having something taken from them, the UK went to war in 1982 because of this. I think you're saying that if there were no borders there would be no war, what then would happen if a neighbour decided to start taking your yard to enhance what they had? What you are hoping for cannot happen unless we return to being nomadic and even then there would be disputes over territory.
No .. I’m saying that we have one Earth and we are all human … war is unnecessary and that I wish no one was greedy to start a war for wider borders and more land …
Mass organized conflict is a product of the leviathan. The condensation and supplantation of many wills into one will gives over the full force of millions to the infantile desires of what is essentially a single man when you simplify the ratio.
Imagine a toddler with the strength of a thousand men. That is essentially what we have running the world right now; a handful of these such things but on a global scale.
After all the carnage and destruction the Allies dumped all the financial reparations on Germany ensuring its eventual collapse and they did it again 20 years has aggressive tendencies he can't seem to put to rest
What is a country? A piece of land surrounded by borders. Usually artificial. Australians are dying for Australia. Belgians are dying for Belgium. Canadians are dying for Canada. Danes are dying for Denmark. Ethiopians are dying for Ethiopia. Frenchmen are dying for France. Greeks are dying for Greece. Haitians are dying for Haiti. Italians are dying for Italy.
Many people of the twentieth century worked that out, but I say "universal rights and world citizenship must be the law" and "Western" people pretend not to understand - then, they say - "do it legally* but they rejected universal rights as law and lie about what is really known. So, as our pan African brothers and sister have put it, "so everywhere is war."
However those who have worked to build up a nation shouldn’t have to sit back and let others come in and take over like parasites either. Which is what is happening here in the USA. I believe wars should be a last resort as a defense.