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What happens if there's a tie?

Winning the election requires 270 electoral votes. It's possible that Harris and Trump could end up in a 268-268 tie. This is called a "contingent election," and according to the Constitution, the House of Representatives chooses the President, with each state delegation getting one vote. This means the 52 representatives from California get one vote, as does the one representative from Wyoming.

The current House has more Republican-majority states than Democratic, but it's the next Congress that will be elected in November that would hold this vote. So if the state delegations are deadlocked 25-25, the Senate would then vote on the Vice-President, who would serve as President until the House elects the new one.

However, if the new Senate is 50-50, they'd be deadlocked too, so the presidency would then go to the Speaker of the House. Get ready for President Mike Johnson. But not so fast, Johnson's current term as Speaker would have ended with the current House, so the new Congress would have to elect a new speaker. It took 15 ballots to elect a Speaker in 2023. If the House is unable to agree on a Speaker, the presidency passes to the Senate President Pro Tem. This is the longest-serving Senator in the majority party. But with a 50-50 Senate, there is no majority party. So the presidency would pass to the next person in line, the Secretary of State, per the Presidential Succession Act.

Cabinet officers' terms don't end with the election; they continue until the next president picks a replacement. So if this happens, we would get Acting President Antony Blinken, the current Secretary of State. If he were unavailable or not interested, the line of succession continues through the various cabinet secretaries in the order their departments were created.

To date, the US has never had a contingent election. No one has succeeded to the presidency other than the vice-president on the president's death or resignation.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Trump for President 2024 !!
@Kwek00 Just some garden-variety Nazi claiming he has nothing against Jews, just "Zionists."
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom Hasbara.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom If anything, you're being anti-semetic, not me. Palestinians are a semetic people. And not all of the Jewish people are Talmudic Zionists.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Like I said, eventual Civil War.

The SupremeCourt and EC will give it to Trump.

Jan. 6th is going to look like childs play.

I'm actively voting third party because I want to see the duoploy break and because I am sick of these money-manipulators & genocidal warmongers.

Jill Stein all the way.

A vote for neoliberal duopoly is a vote for inflation, war & genocide.

I'll add that you're asking the right questions now, @LeopoldBloom.

I pray you wake up and stop being an establishment liberal.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SumKindaMunster The lib has the same evidence as Russiagate! Nothing.
@SumKindaMunster Here you go. Oh, look who else is there. Ultra-patriotic Trump fluffer Mike Flynn.
@GeistInTheMachine Stein is only an outsider because she can't weasel her way inside. 5% is fantasyland. She'll be lucky to break 1%.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House. So theoretically, if the new House is Republican, they could elect Speaker Trump, who would then become President. And if the House is Democratic, they could elect Speaker Harris.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
You lefties are now grasping at straws!!
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GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom There will be no landslide. This is a very close election, even IF Harris wins. IF.

October Surprize! 🎃
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I still don’t understand how someone convicted of so many crimes (with presumably all that’s left being the sentencing) is even still being allowed to run for office ! What is the reasoning behind that, and is there any precedent ? If Trump were to win, could he then pardon himself ? Would anything be more corrupt if it played out in that way ?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@Spotpot Dictator from Day 1! They won't let Kamala win. The writing is on the wall. The Anti-Christ is inevitable. This is Biblical End-Times, folks. But it's good. A Godly system will rise from the ashes of this godless capitalist hellscape.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard For what donOLD has been convicted of so far he couldn't pardon himself if he becomes president again: those convictions were in New York State court, not Federal court...
@GeistInTheMachine LOL BRICS.

Your friends in China are colonizing Africa. It won't work out the way they think it will, but it's not going to be great for Africa either.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
Actually if it were a tie it would be 269-269, not 268-268; also, the contingent election would occur as long as no candidate reached at least 270. For example, say Harris 269, Trump 264, Stein 5, it’s still a contingent election, Harris doesn’t just win in that scenario. Finally, there has been a contingent election before, it was the 1824 election.
@JPWhoo Actually, the winner is whoever gets a majority of the certified electoral votes. So if one or more states don't have certified slates of electors for whatever reason, you could have a winner with less than 270. This was Trump's strategy, not to flip the close states, but to put the winner in doubt so those states wouldn't be counted at all.
Lostpoet · M
I think we should do away with elections and just randomly choosing someone to represent us. 🤷‍♂How bad could that turn out.
lol republicans are in disarray, If that happens it's going to be one hell of a circular firing squad in congress to watch. They are not at all members of a Disciplined Political party. Say what you will of us Democrats, but we're starting to get good at enforcing Decorum and Discipline.
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The election goes to the Congress.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
How about we just use "Thunderdome" to determine our next President?

GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SumKindaMunster We will when MAGA storms the capitol again!
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Settle it in thunder dome. 2 candidates enter. 1 candidate leaves .
tenente · 100+, M
rap battle 👊

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