eli1601 · 70-79, M
but dems are all steamed up about it.
The democrat motto is, If you are not cheating, you are not trying
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Lets publish the names of those against then take all their campaign funds away from them
BizSuitStacy · M
A law to enforce an already existing law? And we wonder why Congress doesn't get much done.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy we also have laws about crossing the border
@MarineBob True, but a very important question is Who is profiting from this? That has to be a driving force that has and continues to be a major crisis for this country. We talk of laws but the reality is money talks, personal gain takes precedent while we’re served up dishes of lies and feeble reasons why these laws are not being enforced.
UnderLockDown · M
It's a back door to something, a change made to leave access to other things. Only citizens should be voting at any level.
4meAndyou · F
@UnderLockDown However, Sanctuary cities and states all over the United States allow illegal aliens too vote in local school board elections.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@UnderLockDown 1. Allow dying people to smoke medical weed legally.
2. Allow non dying but physically suffering people to smoke medical weed legally.
3. Allow people w anxiety or insomnia to legally smoke medical weed.
4. Decriminalize possession.
5. Allow recreational weed.
It’s the same play book as gay marriage (allow same sex unions , decriminalize gay sex, legalize gay marriage ).
2. Allow non dying but physically suffering people to smoke medical weed legally.
3. Allow people w anxiety or insomnia to legally smoke medical weed.
4. Decriminalize possession.
5. Allow recreational weed.
It’s the same play book as gay marriage (allow same sex unions , decriminalize gay sex, legalize gay marriage ).

dems are all steamed up about it.
That's all I need to know to get me smiling! ☺️
That's all I need to know to get me smiling! ☺️
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Steamed up? They'll have a heart attack XD
PatKirby · M
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Well if they're steamed up over it, it must be needed
Carissimi · F
It’s absurd we even need a bill. They should get rid of those voting machines. They are easily hacked.
PatKirby · M
Correct and the fact that they're proprietary means no one is allowed to de-compile, look at the code, or even question it. Anecdotally no matter what the results, the code will flip the vote to any desired outcome. Yes, absurd indeed.
If there's nothing to hide, then there's nothing to worry about, is there?
Correct and the fact that they're proprietary means no one is allowed to de-compile, look at the code, or even question it. Anecdotally no matter what the results, the code will flip the vote to any desired outcome. Yes, absurd indeed.
If there's nothing to hide, then there's nothing to worry about, is there?
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Common sense, only American citizens should be allowed to vote, not illegals that are recruited by the Democrats
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Step one : allow non citizens to vote locally (which many places already do)
Step 2: allow non citizens to vote nationally .
That’s why Dems are upset .
Step 2: allow non citizens to vote nationally .
That’s why Dems are upset .
4meAndyou · F
Good. Let them steam. They will suffer and suffer and suffer from the economic impact of letting these people in...and that is what it will take to TEACH them their lessons!
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Non voting managers are Visa holding, legal residents.
Look around at the expensive city and town neighborhoods. Those aren't for Murkans. Yer boss lives there. You suffer through as employees. You shouldn't vote and neither will they. Just remember - you have no choice and this was America's idea.
Look around at the expensive city and town neighborhoods. Those aren't for Murkans. Yer boss lives there. You suffer through as employees. You shouldn't vote and neither will they. Just remember - you have no choice and this was America's idea.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
You shouldn't worry - the managerial class is largely foreign and the thuggish working class is homeless. Voting is a thing of the past.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
They wanna lower the age for voting to 16..
Must suck when you realise adults arnt gunna vote for you anymore..
Must suck when you realise adults arnt gunna vote for you anymore..