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This is absolutely not ethical??? What happened Canada

End-of-life care
Medical assistance in dying Canada,
People who have mental illness can be assisted with dying,

Those who can help provide medical assistance in dying include:

family members or other people that you ask to help
health care providers who help physicians or nurse practitioners
These people can assist in the process without being charged under criminal law.

If they wont be charged , Can't someone just kill a mentally ill person and get away with it if they won't be charged?????
OogieBoogie · F Best Comment
I dunno.

My mum was a nurse her whole career, and spent many years in the ward where they put the elderly that needed extra care, (many of which had mental health problems like demetia, mobilty issues and just general degradation due ti old age.

And it broke her heart every shift.

So many just wanted to die. Some with demetia would remember their families is lucid moments and cry that they had forgotten them, or that they werent at home any more. The infirm continually felt embarassed, ashamed, frail, (and often very angry), now they had lost their physical independence .
Many had severe depression due to lonliness and losing their former lives .
Most knew they were there till they died.
The friends they did make on the ward - died.

Even my mum who was an avid Christian felt deep within her heart this was wrong .
These people sufffered emotionally and mentally even though they were cared for 24/7.

And having a son with a mental dissabilty, and being around those who are disabled in a way...i got to say - for some , the opportunity to choose to die would be a blessing some would gladly opt for.

For many ...life is SO hard, so lonely, full of all these things they know they will never do, know, feel, or experience .....and they know they dont have a life by normal standards .
And that is a torture within itself .

One would have to be very careful how this was implemented . And extensive monitoring and assessment would also come into play.
But I DO think there would be people who would welcome this choice .

I think its unfair to assess someone else's life from our own neurotypical and physiotypical view points, and condemn them to what we think is right, when we don't truly know how it feels to be them .

Some people have existences where all they do is struggle and suffer through it waiting to die.

And THAT , seems ethically wrong to me .😔

There must be some legal process. I doubt you can kill someone and get off saying it’s what they wanted…

And I think people should have a choice. I’ve often felt suicidal and I still self harm sometimes. Rarely, because I allow myself to feel those things instead of sucking it up to exist in the dead cold society. If you give people a choice, if they don’t have to repress their feelings and wants you might be surprised how healing that is in the long term.

Both my parents made it very clear they didn’t ever want to be invalid. My mom used to tell me to kill her before she ended up in a nursing home. She spent a year in a nursing home at 65 because of dementia when it got to the point I was just keeping her alive in her own misery. The docs agreed and she passed away after a week in hospice without all her meds.

My dad had liver failure and was kept alive on ventilators for a few days until my half sis and I said no more.

I watched them both die and I was relieved for them.

People should have a choice. And tbh they do. They just have to hide their feelings until they’re hopeless, then do it behind their loved ones backs always leaving them wondering.

If you stop depriving people of choice, they think more clearly for themselves.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User Considering how much I want to die right now and just how alone, unimportant and betrayed I feel by the people in my life including "family," that really means a lot.

So thank you.

I don't know why the hell it is that relative strangers are often nicer than people I've known for years that claim to give a flying fuck, but are more concerned about themselves while you're on the crossroads again between life and death.
@GeistInTheMachine Like how were you born to these people? 😆 Tbh I think you’re an angel or something. You didn’t cave and follow the herd over the cliff. It hurts. Courage hurts. Pain is eminent. It’s only that deep shame that keeps you in their hold. Cuz sorry they don’t deserve ya.

It’s like that with my family too. Fuck em. I’m alone. Fuck it. Science put me here on earth, let’s see what’s up 😆

I do wish you felt better. Im sorry you’re in pain and no matter what you choose, I think you’re brave for allowing your feelings. I’m not really a stranger. I’m a kindred spirit.
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Ontheroad · M
Read how it works before saying it is unethical. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html#a3

And while the U.S. isn't there yet, we have any number of ways in deciding how end of life happens.
@Ontheroad Thank you! clarity would be nice 😆 I’m trying to understand how someone is telling me assisted suicide is genocide.
Ontheroad · M
@SW-User some people think anything different than the way they think must be some crazy ass plot by someone/some group or government to somehow destroy mankind! It's called fear of anything not me and maybe the most dangerous and insidious thing going on today.
@Ontheroad California is one of perhaps five states that has implemented an "End of Life Option" law for terminally ill patients, but I believe these laws only apply to physical illness.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I'd think the Canadian law would provide some safeguards re indiscriminate killing of the mentally ill. I seriously doubt any law would say you can kill someone for whatever reason and no repercussions.
You do know that consent is involved, right?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom It offends the pro life crowd, but the irony is that bad policy and bad societies make people WANT to die, and many people do not realize this.
Lostpoet · M
I'm sure there would be signed consent.
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
Guys, it's just my opinion. I did not say it's a plot,
I'm aware there is consent involved, but somone who has mental illness can not make a sound decision!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@RadiantRose I beg to differ.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@RadiantRose in the us for the longest time there was little to no ethics in committing someone to an insane asylum, so people regularly committed family who kept them from inheriting money and the doctors would get a payment to do so... could there be bad actors, but i would think that a person would have to meet certain criteria before assisted death is allowed... and like a Doctors script for the drugs... otherwise a 9mm to the temple is current method....
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@WolfGirlwh0r3 Amen.

Also, I hate psychiatrists. Fucking Overpaid quacks don't know what they are doing half the time.

Glorified drug dealers.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
If people don't want this, then they should advocate and make efforts to make a better world.

Otherwise, of course people will want to leave it!

What do people think would happen?

That people who are in their own personal Hells will stick around because it offends you?

Lol. No, sorry.
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@GeistInTheMachine I've been suicidal in the past and I'm glad that I've never done it!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@RadiantRose Me too. I am glad you didn't. Sometimes I wish my attempts had worked.
I doubt that that is how it works. I imagine there would have to be a lot of legal checks and balances in place. The same way people have living wills now, possibly they can have their wishes documented before certain diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s take hold.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard Exactly.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They want to depopulate the world is why. And it saves the socialized medical system a lot of $. Didn’t they pass a law that children can even be euthanized there?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Dude, I am so going to Canada to croak when I can't take this shit anymore.
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@GeistInTheMachine Life is precious
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
There is a process that has to be followed. Learn about it before commenting on it.
Yup. I'm certain it's going to include the poor.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
MAID is a process and it has to be approved
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
It is my sincere and deeply held hope that someday, you will find yourself slowly dying of an excruciatingly painful disease, unable to end your own suffering, with no hope in sight. Then perhaps you will think back upon this post with regret.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Excuse you? Are you legitimately telling us you think people who are dying and in pain should be forced to suffer? Are you some kind of sadist!?

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