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Is Andrew Tate right?

Andrew Tate has recently been commenting on riots in UK. He believes the British government accepts too many migrants and does not think rioters are to blame for the latest crisis.

It is his view that elites are the people we should all hold responsible for problems in our world.
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
This man is a self professed misogynist who promotes that view to his audience.

Tate is a so called influencer in the manosphere and in the alpha male community (whatever they are).

He is accused of a number of very serious criminal offences involving the sexual abuse of women in both Romania and the UK.

He is using legal threats and intimidation to try and silence his accusers. He may gain some credence if he turned up in court and answered to these charges rather than running and then using his wealth to attempt to subvert justice.

I believe he sees himself and his henchmen as some form 'elite'. Clearly they are not themselves in any sense of the word an elite.

He is associated with far right organisations. These are the very organisations who are inciting riots in my country so, of course, he would try to excuse people who share his idealogies. As a result he is personally responsible for a few of the world's problems.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Alter4Ego What do these allegations have to do with immigration and his views on this matter?

I think he is being unfairly pursued by authorities; they want to silence him, and punish him for being different. Can they prove he committed any of the offenses?

If he has committed them, it still does not make him wrong about immigration and the horrible state of the UK.
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
@emiliya Are you saying his adherence to far right ideaology has nothing to do with his take on immigration?

Who are the "elite" he is talking about?

What is your evidence for claiming he is being unfairly pursued by the authorities?

As complaints have been made to the police in two countries and as he is attempting to silence his accusers perhaps the evidence is against you.

As with all people accused of a crime he should attend court and put forward his defence before his peers. The evidence will come out and, if he is innocent, he will be acquitted.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Alter4Ego “Are you saying his adherence to far right ideaology has nothing to do with his take on immigration?”

Can you tell me what far right ideology you are talking about? How does Tate adhere to it?

“Who are the “elite” he is talking about?”

They are people who run our countries. Elites are in our governments and they run banks. They run the very large corporations, and run our institutions, including our universities. Who do you think is in charge of it all?

“What is your evidence for claiming he is being unfairly pursued by the authorities?”

It is a view that I hold. He has not been convicted of a crime, and other cases were previously dropped. Andrew Tate is seen as a controversial figure, and those who run everything go after people they do not like.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
Well given he's an immigrant resident in Romania (ok, he's under house arrest so he can't leave anyway, but still), and indeed ostensibly a convert to Islam,

My opinion is he was and remains and (though I hope charitably to the contrary) will remain, a prizewinning divot.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
@emiliya Being a millionaire is, of course, by itself, an indicator of being morally upstanding and worthy of notice. (It's particularly worthy when one becomes a millionaire channelling one's tiny-dick energy into conning lonely teenage boys and forcing your 'girlfriends' into online sex-work). Assuming he genuinely is one anyway, of course. And whether he is or not, real millionaires with the confidence of being secure financially do not, in my experience, tend to drape themselves over cars and private jets just in case anyone thinks they might not be a millionaire. His online presence is at least as pathetic as the female "influencers" he claims to despise. (At least some of them give the impression of caring for something other than themselves some of the time).

UK government overreach - which is perhaps an area where he and I might even find agreement if I could stand to be in the same country as him - long predates the recent election, and arguably really dates from the 80s (despite the myth around Mrs Thatcher).

His particular problem with "government overreach" though stems not from civil liberties concerns about riots but from the fact that he'd be in prison for tax evasion were he resident here...
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Persephonee You said Andrew Tate has “tiny dick energy.” This is very original; you should be proud.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@emiliya Andrew Tate moved to Romania in 2017 (7 years before the creation of the current Labour government) to avoid investigation on a rape charge. At the tine he was quoted as saying he liked "living in countries where corruption is accessible for everyone". Nice man 🙂
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Don't know much about him. Seems to be getting on any Tyrant's nerves way too much.

Falsely Arrested him and trying to smear him off the radar.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I'm unaware of what's going on but I'll assume the rioters are anti immigrant and rioting due to immigration.

Well what sense does that make when the legal citizens are committing the actual crimes? Lol.

Like let's say in the news a few immigrants get arrested for crimes, how is that different than a citizen committing a crime? It's no difference, immigrants aren't creating more havoc, anti immigrant hysteria is 😂

It's really quite funny. Immigrants aren't the ones doing it, your own racism is. It's like hitting your head on the pavement and then blaming an immigrant for your own behavior.

Sorry you're destroying your own streets and mad at immigrants for your own actions but kind of seems like a Darwin award there.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@SatanBurger They are responding to events in their country. It is human nature to respond to violence with violence. In this instance, we have natives who were born in their land, whose ancestors were here for many years, expressing their anger. If an immigrant commits a crime in their host country, they are showing hostility to the host country. This hostility will be met with more hostility.

Those who ignore and overlook these crimes, committed by outsiders, are not normal.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@emiliya They are not showing hostility, every person is different and in different circumstances. People are people everywhere regardless of country. There's many immigrants just working and supporting their families too.

Those who ignore and overlook these crimes, committed by outsiders, are not normal.

Those who blame everything on immigrants are not normal at all. There are people who just want chaos because they're unhappy, they want to go back to a time where whites had sole power OR a religious majority rule. That's all. Not normal by any means, nothing about that belief system is normal.
@SatanBurger The guy who murdered the white girl wasn't an immigrant; that's what tate was wrong about. He was a non british person, who was born there, but is not european. It would be like if a white dude killed a native american girl and natives were like "white people should not be here". America belongs to native americans, and europe belongs to europeans. Tibet belongs to the tibetians and the Dhali Lama. Non-european people (by blood) commit more crimes in europe than europeans do per capita.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Right or wrong, Andrew Tate is himself the most unpopular migrant in Romania and a tax cheat who has effectively forfeited any right to be taken seriously 🙂
@SunshineGirl Not to mention a wicked person.
gol979 · 41-45, M
You dont need to add a scrote like tate to this conversation.....the reason he gets pushed front and centre is to discredit any negative comments on immigration (as seen from the comments) and to add to the divide and conquer tactics that are always being played out.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@emiliya and you are doing exactly the same (maybe on purpose).....talking about this character rather than immigration
emiliya · 22-25, F
@gol979 I think he is a man who understands the world. What is your issue with him?
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Does anyone still take Andrew Tate seriously?
@BohemianBabe Sadly... yes, and I mean a BIG yes. I wish it wasn't true, but it is.
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emiliya · 22-25, F
@BohemianBabe “Do I look like I take Andrew Tate seriously?”

Why not?
The huger, much much huger pro immigrant riots- you deny? You blackout?
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
@Roundandroundwego What pro immigrant riots? There were peaceful demonstrations against far right violence. No riots :)
@Alter4Ego okay peaceful demonstration.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
Hmm - is that why he now lives in Romania as an immigrant 😂
@Anniedlr In his defense, he went there because he thought it's easier to get away with rape in Romania. 🙄
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Never heard of him
The Tories were successively elected in a platform of cutting immigration

And did the opposite

That's not a credible or sustainable democracy
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Activitykittens It will be worse under a Labor government. They love immigrants and want to give them homes over the native British population. Conservatives did fail to control immigration, but part of this is due to UK civil service and their lack of willingness to do what most of the UK population wants them to do by controlling immigration and stopping illegal immigration.

UK will be destroyed in five years, with this party in power.
@emiliya yes, I agree
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emiliya · 22-25, F
@Longpatrol He is 6'3. Maybe his dick is big too

I think he's a good guy.
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emiliya · 22-25, F
@Vengabus Do you never have reasoned discussions with others?
Vengabus · 36-40
See first half of my above comment 👍 @emiliya

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