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Trump Judge stops espionage investigation of Donald Trump

Judge Cannon, appointed by Trump and a Federalist Society member stops espionage investigation. The DOJ can appeal this decision but even if this goes as high as the Supreme Court the decision will be made by more Trump Judges. Will Republican Supreme Court Judges let Trump get away with selling US secrets to keep the Republicans in power? By appointing so many bias Judges is Trump and his family truely above the law.
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redredred · M
Republicans are in power? Republicans have a majority in both houses of congress and occupy the White House? There’s evidence Trump sold secrets to our enemies?

Could you provide any proof of these wild claims?
room101 · 51-55, M
@redredred Being unable to distinguish between what things look like and what they are is probably another sign of insanity.
redredred · M
@room101 I defer to your expertise in insanity; go to a lot of family functions?
room101 · 51-55, M
@redredred Seeing as you have zero expertise on anything. Least of all reading comprehension. Sucks to be you🤣🤣🤣
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
There is no proof he "sold" anything! That doesn't make sense! Why would a billionaire sell information for pocket change, when he could make an afternoon business deal and make a lot more, and not have to worry about illegalities?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@TheSentinel And even if the deep state existed, it would be on the side of the establishment and money, not the party of the people...😷
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
All the judge did was approve his request for a Special Master. At the very most it is a delay tactic that will likely blow up in his face. But this has not stopped the investigation. It may have made his situation worse because if the Special Master finds anything covered by executive privilege that doesn't mean what Trump seems to think it means. If they find anything that fits that description he basically has convicted himself of violating the Presidential Records Act. So this could go seriously sideways for him. And it is not likely to push things out past the mid terms.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow And that from a left-wing nut-job islamo-nazi marxist. Amusing
@sunsporter1649 And more incoherent word salad from you. I think you need to up your meds again.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The Nurses in the Ol Age Home steal his meds.
Who knows. Trump appointed that FBI director who approved the Mar-a-lago raid, so there are probably some judges he picked that wouldn’t be pleased about him selling US secrets for money.
@SW-User This is a delay tactic to get past the midterm election. Stop the investigation. DOJ will appeal but even if it goes to the Supreme Court the decision will be made by Judges bought and paid for by Charles Koch and the Federalist Society. Treason is not a ctime anymore if it's committed by a Republican.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SW-User Pretty much.. No matter what happens...😷
The judge didn't stop the espionage investigation, they granted Trump's request to have a special master review the evidence and remove any personal papers and attorney-client privileged material. The DOJ shouldn't appeal because there's no need as they've already gone through everything. Trump should get anything back that legitimately belongs to him.

His attorney is advancing the bullshit theory that Trump declassified everything before leaving the White House; if that's true, there will be an official record. However, the President doesn't have the authority to declassify nuclear-related material or information that cannot be shared with other countries without the permission of the agency that created the material.

Charges will still be filed after the midterms. This doesn't really delay anything as the DOJ would not file charges before the midterms anyway. They were going to sit on the material until then so why not let a special master review it.
robb65 · 56-60, M
Who's claiming Trump sold anything?
robb65 · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman No I'm just asking the question. Jwalker posted that above. I've yet to see any official claims. So has he seen some official claims to that effect that maybe I missed or is he just making shit up as he goes?
@robb65 It actually doesn't matter if he sold anything. He is screwed either way. If he sold the info he is just more fucked.
@robb65 Would the Republicans on the Supreme Court rule against DOJ even if he sold top secrets? Or would they rule for the Republican Party to hold on to power?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
That's why Trump appointed the judges, isn't it?
tindrummer · M
the right's goal for a generation has been to use our democracy to destroy it and they're succeeding - unethically and immorally: only power matters
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
You are misreading the Judge's order, the DOJ's actions, and the law. Nothing has been stopped. All that happens is a 3rd party will review the documents the FBI secured to see if there are any personal documents that belong to Cry-Baby-trump. If anything, this only will put another nail in Baby-trump's maga coffin because it will confirm the documents he stole and once claimed he didn't have were not his to take. The DOJ is allowed to continue its investigation as long as they don't use the actual documents until after the review.

Technically, it's a win for Cry-Baby-trump because he got what he wished for. But, the adage be careful what you wish for will come into play as it sinks whatever integrity "the base" claims he still has.

Of course, Boy-Lindsay won't desert the big Baby no matter what... unless someone else comes along with coattails he can suck and ride.
@MarkPaul Who's the Special Master? Another Federalist Society Member? Not using the Documents affectively stops the investigation. It's a delay tactic by a Judge appointed by Trump bought and paid for by Charles Koch.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Pitchblue Both sides get a voice/vote in who the Special Master will be and he/she has to have security clearance... so it is reasonable to assume it will be a trustworthy person at least by government standards.

And, you're the only one who thinks the investigation stops. The DOJ, the Judge, and the legal system allows the investigation to continue. If you think only Judges who are appointed by someone else are qualified, then you might as well just self-declare as a maga-Republican.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
It really doesnt matter at this point. The pictures have been all over the media, and whether it is or not, this LOOKS like a political intervention from a pro Trump judge to stop it.
Those on the side of Trump dont care if he did anything..Those on the other side know that he did SOMETHING, it just hasnt been proved exactly what..
So there is nothing to be gained by pushing it yet.. In fact, he looks more guilty this way. As if there is a big secret to be buried. But let me riddle you this.... Given Trumps record of Fubars, would you trust Trust with any big Secret?????
So overall, I think the Judge probably did the worst possible thing for the Republicans... You just know he is going to be out there claiming this makes him innocent and focusing things on him again...😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Any of the Republicans who had their fill of bullshit will suck right back up to Dotard. He was attacking Fox again but it won't matter they will be his defenders again. All the lies, the treasonous behavior won't matter.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Pitchblue I agree.. Its just another reason for his name to be in ght headlines.. Which seems to be the last thing the Republicans need right now.. My early prediction that he will split the party vote and get unelectables nominated seems to be coming to pass.😷
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
This Judge is putting herself in a possibility dangerous position, obviously using her own bias for the Defendent’s benefit and interfering with the DOJ. I’m not sure of the outcome of this, other than creating a never ending series of delays. However, the present actions may backfire on her and Trump, as the special examiner will have nothing to work with. The result will obviously be some other goofy delay, but at some point it’s going to become obvious the judges goal is to destroy the strong case and it will be addressed and resolved.
@BackyardShaman Who can be appointed to Special Master. Who has top secret clearance and can oversee these documents? Can she appoint another Federalist Society Member?
room101 · 51-55, M
@Pitchblue As far as I'm aware, only the sitting president and certain members of his cabinet have the overall clearance to view all documents. Others have adequate clearance to view some but, not all (depending on the classification of said document).

Bottom line, there are not many individuals that have he required clearance. Having said that, I don't doubt that the trumpettes will find a way to ignore all of that🤷‍♂️
@Pitchblue "This is an unprecedented case."
Trump has infected some people's minds with 'doubt' that democracy and the rule of law will survive and the symbols of the lady with the blindfold and the scales of justice are fake news. The investigation continues.
@softspokenman The Republicans have been working for decades to splite the country and take over. Divide and Conquer. I don't think anyone in the country could have doubled and tripled down on decades of Republican lies.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Fuck this shit. It's time to bust some goddamn heads!
@LordShadowfire It wss so obvious this would happen. These Judges appointed by Charles Koch don't give a fuck about the defence of the country, they don't give a fuck what Trump did with classified, top secret documents. Meanwhile Jared gets paid 3 billion.
@LordShadowfire It's time to expand the Supreme Court.
@Pitchblue Pack baby pack!

And if Jill Stein voters had grown the f-ck up in 2016, SCOTUS would have a [i]liberal majority now[/i], and we would not even be talking about ANY OF THIS:

The courts matter. The right wing has recognized this for YEARS and have had tunnel vision in getting to where they are now; the left should've been just as singularly focused.

Empty symbolism, virtue signalling protest votes will make the US forever a fascist banana republic.

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