I watched the entire thing. I want to be informed!
I watched it on Pluto NBC. Very interesting! Pluto is free to download on phone or smart TV. The testimonies of the victims are so moving. The videos don't lie.
The "proud boys" admitted that Trump asked them to "be there and be wild" So our past President encouraged the violence and the murders that occured, a criminal offense. That is so sad, and a crime. It's evident he egged them on, and it is sad that grown people can't be peaceful. And it is evident that they threatened to "hang" the vice president. And now it is proven that our former president Trump tried to pressure people to come up with false votes.
Why did this happen to the USA? To teach us a lesson, to be careful that our leaders are caring about the poor, the needy, and everyone, and not a psychopathic criminal.
It was evident from the beginning for me that he was hateful, and capable of murder. I said that to my Mom before he was elected when he had a debate with Mrs. Clinton. He was disrespectful to women, he was slandering her, and I thought he was capable of murder.
I asked God for wisdom. I saw signs back then that he was not caring about anyone but himself. He was proud, hateful, and a liar.
The saddest thing is that people couldn't see that he was a liar from the beginning. I think the hearings are continuing every afternoon until done.
There is even enough proof for a criminal hearing. I think former president Trump will go to prison for murder, since he encouraged the violence, tried to overurn the election, and the government by any means possible includinf threatening murder to the former vice president. The truth always comes out!
Here are some hearing facts 6/13/2022 and testifying by Trumps own appointed officials
They said he knew he had lost the election because All his own closest political advisors told him so. And today Hannah Allfred Trumps finance advisor testified that 1/4 Billion dollars were collected from public donations for campaign money After Biden won, even though Trump knew from his own advisors that there had been NO fraud. (See what his own advisors said in the hearing today)
Former Republican attorney General, William Barr " I told him there was no fraud, I told him, its bullshit, and I thought he had lost touch with reality"
Former Attorney General Richard Donoghue "fraud was not supported by any evidence"
His own lawyer and campaign advisor, Republican Alex Cannon said " there was no evidence of voter fraud"
Fox own political News Director, Chris Stirewal was under fire from Trump when he said "Biden won in Arizona".
Republican appointed by Trump, Mr. Pak "All claims by Juliano were false" (Rudy Juliano has a suspended license in Washington DC highest court, due to his false and misleading statements and pending the formal hearing.
Mark Esper "Trump was underminding the election results"
Republican Ben kingsberg "No evidence of fraud"
Defense Secretary, Al Schmidt testified that his refusal to back Trump led to aggression towards Schmit and his family And "Trump referred to me as Rhino"
@Baremine I'm sorry you're so uninformed. Maybe it's all the years of watching Fox News. Here, have well over an hour of raw footage of Donald Trump inciting insurrection. [media=https://youtu.be/lBH7ql34Ex0]
@CorvusBlackthorne Pense has not testified yet. He will probably have to, in a criminal hearing later since 150 were inhjured and about 10 died. I don't hold mobsters responsible for yelling "hang Pense", or, "pull Pelosi out by her hair", Trump organized the riot, he asked them personally to be there, he led that mob, He is responsible!
Nothing going to happen. Just thank the Democrats for all our money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that was spent on this witch hunt.
@lovebeingasissy answer the question, how did you watch it if you did? That’s all she’s asking.
@lovebeingasissy Funny how it was Reich-Wing white nationalist domestic terrorists who were orchestrating and perpetuating the violence at those marches, so that they became riots. Have a look at some headlines:
Same…I should have directly gone to PBS Newshour 😋@Jenna76
Not interested in watching it. I'll get the gist of it from my favorite podcasts' commentary on it. I did laugh when I heard the news that even Ivanka is speaking against The Donald.
I personally can't believe anyone would waste their time watching that scam of a s9 called investigation. It is strictly one sided and will never put out the truth.
Seems like you have an open mind and are looking at the evidence and making an informed decision. I am guessing that is the same way you vote. @Baremine
@Baremine Democrats know Biden cannot beat Trumpp at the polls without cheating again, so they are despeately trying anything, legal, constitutional or neither, to keep Trump off the ballot in as many states as possible.
@Jungleman Interesting, I'm far from a Dem or lib but you are saying if he incited and is culpable in the attempted thwarting of the transfer of power to the duly elected next president, you dont care and want him back?
@MasterLee It was 100% Trumps own appointed officials today testifying that they told trump over and over that it was not true that there had been fraud. His own laywer Barr said to him "This is bullshit, there is no fraud" His own campain financial counsel told him that it was not true what he told people, but he still asked people for 1/4 Billion Dollars campaign money after he lost. He kept up the lie to people who believed him,and asked them to be "wild" and encouraged retaliation on his own staff, Pence, and Fox news Director when they reported that Biden won Arizona.
I watched it on MSNBC and before the morons ges frothing at the mouth, let me say it doesn't matter which network you watched it on because it was aired uninterupted by the network on all channels except...wait for it..Fox News.
I think I watched both of them on my PBS station too but I recorded them so I could take little breaks. But I did find them very informative. Cheers and happy weekend!
I did't watch the hearings. They were never intended to be legitimate. The end was predetermined. Trump has been villified for ecouraging Americans protesting at the Capitol to "peaccefully and patriotically" make their voices heard. That must mean that Democrats oppose peace or, maybe, they don't like the first amendment's guarantee of the right to peacefully protest. Either way, I see nothing wrong with Trump's January 6 speech.