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Why does it SEEM like the Russia attack on Ukraine is a crime against humanity and yet the government and media barely pay that no never mind?

JT123 · M
They're more interested in the Jan 6th riot they set up!
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Dshhh · M
@LeopoldBloom i think that the response does not mean what you think it means??? i took
T123 · M
They're more interested in the Jan 6th riot they set up!

the They being the Russian Internet troll farms..

is that more like what you meant @JT123
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@JT123 lol
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The Russian attack on Ukraine is a good thing not an evil thing. The crimes are from the Ukrainian side and the US side whose word can not be trusted.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil yeah i know tell me about it 🤣
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
How can one be expected to cite fiction? @deadgerbil @JohnOinger
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
MOABS! Investigative Journalist Lara Logan Drops Bombs In Epic Rant That'll Have Your Head Spinning! Ukraine BioLabs, Hunter Biden, Soros, 'Moron' Zelensky, ‘Fake NGOs,’ 'Traitor' Vindman, John Kerry's Son, Romney’s Son, Pelosi's Son & More!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Russia just destroyed the US and most Americans are not even aware of it yet.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I’m assuming you’re referring to the now dead Madeline Albright? Never was a fan. She reminded me of the duplicitous Mrs Clinton. How,does,a,no fly zone create more childrens’ deaths? @hippyjoe1955
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson Ask Albright She was all in favor of killing children any way possible. She was a typical neocon. Kill everyone and watch democracy break out kind of idiot.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
That is relevant if true today because ……. ? @hippyjoe1955
Carla · 61-69, F
What media do you pay attention to? Every outlet i read, clearly points to the atrocities happening in Ukraine.
Biden has called out putin to be a war criminal and a thug.
There are stories, film and recordings of the terror happening there.
Get off the right wing crap that seems to oddly, somewhat condone what putin is doing.
Maybe then you can see what everyone with eyes can see.
Dshhh · M
@Carla Thank YOu Carla.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Biden is doing nothing to stop these war crimes that is effective. Biden is putting on a no substance show. @Carla
BlueVeins · 22-25
No clue what you're talking about. The media has been rightly freaking out about the invasion of Ukraine for weeks. The US gov't and many others have sent billions of dollars of arms to Ukraine in addition to sanctioning Russia to death.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I wrote that states can try whatever since the SCOTUS can fix nonsense. @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson Unfortunately, SCOTUS rarely does. The history of their decisions is one of protecting the rights of the powerful over the welfare of the powerless. Even the Warren court didn't do as much as it could have.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You sound like a martyr. @LeopoldBloom
I literally can't turn on the TV these days or read the news without getting Russia/Ukraine fatigue, so I'm not sure what media you're watching.

The US Government's response is tricky though and I expect that's a combination of politics and trying to not make a mess out of things.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Not a bad list at all despite the Hill leaning somewhat left and the Atlantic needing to be held so as not to fall completely left lol. Perhaps we MAY be more informed than we give each other credit for. @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson The Hill is considered moderately right wing. I also listen to the Michael Savage show occasionally as a window into the "Trump is OK but too liberal" mindset.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Budwick · 70-79, M
I think the government is responding poorly.

And, the media seems wall to wall Ukraine to me. To the point that the border and inflation are barely heard of.

Interesting that we are having different experiences on this.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
i have been hearing that quite a bit recently
at the least.. War crimes of deliberately targeting civilians,
and no I dont like it when MY government makes war on people either.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Yes sir. Putin is a pig. @Really
Really · 80-89, M
@jackjjackson I'm not 'asking' anything when I state the fact that the borders and very existence of Russia's neighbors have changed often, not just for centuries but many times since the end of WW1.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Nope. You’re stating the obvious. As was I. Putin is a hog. @Really
I’m not sure what media you’re following, but I’m seeing Putin called a war criminal and Russia’s attacks on citizens termed as war crimes. However, unless Putin is overthrown and the successor government wants to make amends, it’s unlikely that he will face justice.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Maybe you should change your media diet if you think "the government and the media barely pay attention to that"
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Lara Logan Sheds Light on Ukraine and Its History with Globalists (VIDEO)
Carissimi · F
She’s my favorite journalist. How a journalist is supposed to be. @therighttothink50
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Like all neocons you project. You project too much.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Nothing is ignored over here. You and your pal Joe ignore a whole country being reduced to rubble and non combatants brutalized. @Stargazer89
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson And you have no actual evidence to back up that statement! Typical neocon. BTW how did you feel when US went in to Iraq twice and reduced it to rubble and killed lots of people. I see your neocon heroine died today. When asked about killing kids she thought it was fine. Double standard your name is neocon.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Never been an Albright fan. Too similar to the odious Mrs Clinton. The daily Ukraine video is tragic. I’m no fan of our military fighting for nothing which hasn’t ceased since it began with the Korean War. @hippyjoe1955
iamelijah · 26-30, M
I loss interest about this when I heard Ukraine conflicts had been comparing to other's countries conflict. Yet, the media dismiss or being selective of the others war conflict and only focusing Ukraine invasion like this is BIG NEWS.


I feel offended when these journalists are being racists and selective.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Joe did mumble something about Putin being a war criminal...

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

He's not my orange god.
Unlike you and other blind partisan Democrats vis-a-vis Biden, I have no trouble criticizing him when he says or does something stupid.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
That’s the difference between us and them. We are honest, have integrity and consciences. @Thinkerbell
@Thinkerbell Biden was my next to last choice.

Please name three things Trump did that you disapprove of. Not things he said, but things he did.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
They are keeping our eyes off the ball, look at what they are attempting to pass through in Marylsnd?

The Left's mad dash to infanticide?
Maryland Abortion Bill Would Allow Infanticide Up to 4 Weeks After Birth

Will the Left ever stop pushing society into a permanent black hole? Is there an evil too evil for the Left? Nine month abortions apparently are no longer "good" enough for these maniacs?

Maryland Bill Effectively Decriminalizes Neglecting Newborns to Death

When will society take a collective breath and put up a stop sign regarding the Leftist ideology? How evil have we become that we as human beings continue to ignore an ideology out of control and filled with evil?

Heartlander · 80-89, M
I think it's may be because at any moment one side or the other can reach into history and say that they can support what's motivating their actions, and the media can instantly pull up a few old videos and say "Yea!". But that explanation has progressively shrunk to "too late" to say that.

Keeping this in the here and now as Russia pounds round after round into apartment buildings makes it easier and easier to say that this is pure aggression than has nothing to do with what happened 50 or 100 years ago. You are killing people because they are in your way.
Really · 80-89, M
I don't personally know any either, but every one ....
Every one of what/whom? Are you talking about the universal 'them'? Why don't you identify your context? The way these 'threads' display it's impossible to tell who's talking to whom or about what.
Really · 80-89, M
@Thinkerbell Thanks for the info about forum behaviour. There are plenty of things I don't understand about it, but if there's a user guide that explains the workings I've never found it. How would I know if anyone has blocked me, and who specifically?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Well, there is no list of people who have blocked you available to you.

I just find out about them if a person I have been having a difference of opinion with suddenly disappears. If I then do a search on that user name, it comes up blank. (rather than "no longer a member" or "taking a break"). Or if I see a user name at the end of a discussion that I can't see both sides of, and then I click on that name, it comes up "you are not allowed to view this profile."

Sometimes this sort of thing happens even if I have never interacted with the person who has blocked me. 🤭

One way around all this of course is to establish another profile whose only use and purpose is to look at posts and comments that would otherwise be invisible to your blocked profile, but I have never been sufficiently concerned to resort to that.
Really · 80-89, M
I have never been sufficiently concerned to resort to that.
Yes, some aspects of navigating & manipulating the forum become just too much to bother with.

Oh, well ..... I KNEW the internet wouldn't live up to its potential. Too many people got involved!
Really · 80-89, M
@Lila15 I know you're having fun but the topic is the Russia - Ukraine conflict.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
MOABS! Investigative Journalist Lara Logan Drops Bombs In Epic Rant That'll Have Your Head Spinning! Ukraine BioLabs, Hunter Biden, Soros, 'Moron' Zelensky, ‘Fake NGOs,’ 'Traitor' Vindman, John Kerry's Son, Romney’s Son, Pelosi's Son & More!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
It’s All Falling Apart for The Biden Family as Hunter Biden Is Linked to Funding of Ukraine Biolabs
It's all over the media. Ukraine replaced the news about the fake pandemic
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Hell no. The world should be aghast at letting itself watch Putin reduce Ukraine to rubble with no regard to killing civilians, women and children. @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson The world is aghast. It's obvious that Putin didn't expect most of the world to unify against him. I think Xi was watching the reaction to get an idea of what to expect if he invaded Taiwan, and may have decided it's not worth it based on the reaction to Ukraine.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I certainly hope so. @LeopoldBloom
Really · 80-89, M
I laugh to see "The same people" or "These are the same people who ..." when the writer can obviously offer no identification of both the people and their alleged duplicity.

I think of it as a sort of wishful, uncritical rhetoric.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
the West choses & picks it’s own crime against humanity wars Yemen Iraq
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@Tres13 come here baby 😩😩
Tres13 · 51-55, M
I want to have ur baby Babe @TurtlePink
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
No doubt your country is a friend. Your hints don’t help. I’m in the dark as to what country. @Tres13
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Because the strategy is to hsve Ukrainians walk into bullets until the Russians run out of bullets.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@HoraceGreenley @jackjjackson I do not know whether to laugh or weep at this.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Weep. The world is sitting back and watching Ukraine be reduced to rubble. It’s a disgrace. @CorvusBlackthorne
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@CorvusBlackthorne Weep. NATO is not going to directly intervene. Sanctions will reduce Putin's cash supply, but as long as Russia can sell oil, it will have at least some ability to make war.

The West wants to bleed Putin dry. I don't know if it will work, but the Ukrainians will pay with their lives while we find out.
No one would justify a war. Russia should not be blamed as it warned Ukraine of consequences if they don't agree to promise that they will not join the NATO. Very few media is unbiased.
a lot of people around the world are paying attention to the human suffering. thousands of people travelled to Ukraine to help.
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
To my mind,probably because they are as guilty,at least,in at least equal acts(but I would bet bigger) of inhumanity.
Really · 80-89, M
Why are you turning on other conservatives?
There's more than one thing he could learn from Lech Walensa - solidarity for a start?
Driver2 · M
Because left wing dictators get a pass.

The media and Biden team may as well order their black Nikes now.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
I thought They Do CNN Does So Does MSNBC
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Don’t talk about the actual HELP that Biden is NOT providing. JohnOlinger]
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
My dear @jackjjackson, the thing you are forgetting is that any aid provided by the United States must be provided quietly, away from the public eye, lest Putin declare war on the United States. Do you imagine that Ukrainian farmers planted rifle seeds last month, or that they have been raising juvenile tanks to adulthood alongside their cattle?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I get that. Whatever it is is simply not enough. @CorvusBlackthorne
But the media is right all the time about everything 🤡
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Interesting way to put it
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Is he pointing to a brown spot on a sofa? @therighttothink50
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
So in addition to the brown spot on the sofa it also smells bad. Great. @therighttothink50
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Perhaps you are watching the wrong news stations? Shadowfire's mother lives on a television diet of CNN these days, and they are talking about nothing but Russia's war crimes.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Fox is very heavy on Russia's war crimes too.

Except for Tucker Carlson, who seems to think the US should just stay out of it, war crimes or not.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
There something that’s just not right about Carlson. Too many prep schools perhaps. @Thinkerbell
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
I made you a gift...

jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Thanks. Mind if I use it? @CorvusBlackthorne
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@jackjjackson Go ahead.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Thanks. New profile pic! @LordShadowfire
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Dshhh · M
I have "people on the ground" in ukraine
and i am in pretty good touch..

yes Mr Putin is using the same arguments use in the 30's to claim that since some german speakers live in "Sudetenland" they should be "Liberated"
this is the strategy He has pushed in any nation that is close to Russia. ask the Latvians and the Estonians and the Lithuanians ask the Moldovans..
if he gets to take Ukraine he will not stop till he engulfs the entire old soviet empire
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
He MUST stopped at the Ukraine border. @Dshhh
Dshhh · M
@jackjjackson yes. stopped cold, not one more inch.
of Moldova, Lithuania and others will be next

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