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Does excessive heat turn you aggressive? How do you cope with it?

I get nude and sip an iced tea
Rilyn · F
@FreeSpirit1 there's strawberry iced tea too. 😅 Was pretty good
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@FreeSpirit1 love that! sounds relaxing.
@FreeSpirit1 Come on over...cranks the heat up.
no lol...I love hot weather

wish the UK had more of it
@Rilyn is it cold in there? If so, yeah we'd both like that
Rilyn · F
@SW-User Oh you'll be locked in there anyway 🤣
@Rilyn I'm sure there are worse places I could be 🤭
It makes me cranky. And snarly. Which some find amusing. I don't
Rilyn · F
@Bexsy yeah I'm giving everyone crap here too 🤣
Yulianna · 22-25, F
i find that nothing makes me aggressive more than excessive idiots...
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@Rilyn 🤣🤣🤣 no, it's nothing of the sort!

i long ago gave up trying to have conversations with idiots on here.
Rilyn · F
@Yulianna "I'm surrounded by idiots" Scar
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@Rilyn 😂😂😂 luckily, i am not...
soulshadow · 36-40, M
I get very agitated.. i put like a wet tshirt on. For real.. sometimes at night if its hot i sleep in one.. if you dont want to go that far.. wet a towel and hang it around your neck.. it cools your blood off simce so much goes through the veins and arteries in your neck.. its common to do that to people who have heat stroke.
soulshadow · 36-40, M
@WaryWitchWandering oohhh.. I'll have to try the arm trick.. I'm curious now.. hmmm..

I hate the heat to.. not in my genetic makep to be able to tolerate it well.
Rilyn · F
@soulshadow we think the same you and I. Was having the same thoughts. Despite having AC in one room I'm literally confined in it the rest of my home is baking and I feel a bit like a prisoner ngl.
Rilyn · F
@WaryWitchWandering I somehow keep my feet cool. If my feet are cool I feel good not sure how it works 👀
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I'm a cold-weather person, so the heat turns me drained of energy, action, and super-powers. I drink iced water to cope until the colder weather returns. DISCLAIMER: I like nice, breezy summer days as a respite from "too cold" temperatures.
Rilyn · F
@MarkPaul To hell with summer already. Concept of summer should not be a raging inferno either.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Rilyn Calm down. You are way too aggressive.
Rilyn · F
@MarkPaul 🤬🔱
Deceased · M
It does. It really does. Extreme heat gets me way fired up. As for how do I cope with it? Two things:
1: Big bag of weed
2: Combat sports - MMA, UFC, wrestling etc.
Rilyn · F
@Deceased I'd go comatose without them. 42C + ain't to mess with
Deceased · M
@Rilyn that my dear friend is very very true. Thats prime Heat Stroke temps right there. Girl you do what you gotta do. Stay safe and don't spend anymore time outside than you have too.
Rilyn · F
@Deceased Oh no. I hibernated. Live in a room all day (almost) cause the rest of my home is an oven 🤣
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I think by aggressive you may have meant aggravated? I don't get aggravated by it but have a work out bug. I use the heat for outdoor workouts. I miss doing that when I live in the south but can still do that in New Jersey / tomorrow will be biking between business meetings (probably )
Rilyn · F
@robertsnj No I mean aggressive as in I'm going to break everything, see everything burning down, and argue with people. A 42c heatwave and electricity blackouts for 4 days can do this it seems. Sheesh be careful out there and stay hydrated.
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
Heavens YES! I’m Canadian and went to Cuba for vacation and the heat turned me into a CRAZY PERSON!
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
@Rilyn Same here! I’m tempted to find an ice cave and EVICT a family of polar bears for that kind of CRISP, COOL, BREEZE!!! 😫

Plus the snow is very pretty to look at, I love how it looks in the winter! 😍
Rilyn · F
@Sleepysheep An Ice cave would turn to stone in a 42C weather. Yeah bring cold back. 🤦‍♀️
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
@Rilyn ahh but much like cement the stone will be cold to the touch! My thing is having an ARCTIC temperature in my room whilst nuzzling in warm blankets! It’s my idea of comfortable! 🥶
Classified · M
I act more like a sweaty sloth in that temperature 😶
Classified · M
@Rilyn With your AC 😌
Rilyn · F
@Classified it's broken anyway my guards went to break it last night.....
Classified · M
@Rilyn I may have slipped out when they were breaking the rigged AC. 🏃🏻
I live where it will not get hot.
but I leave it oddly for 2 months..
so I use many tools to stay cool.
let the heat, tell you when to back off and find shelter
Rilyn · F
@SatyrService you're better off without trust me
being · 36-40, F
I'm training with the heat and humidity and it's hectic. I'm sweating half the day it's crazy. All of my wardrobe by the end of the day is laying around the room to dry.
martyjay · 46-50, M
I just get sweaty.
Rilyn · F
@martyjay I'll make you consume it too....
martyjay · 46-50, M
@Rilyn yes ma’am!
Rilyn · F
@martyjay 🦵💥
Rilyn · F
@HoraceGreenley hey gimme some.
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
I can’t stand it. People who know me know this but I look like I’m outside a lot because I go tanning 😂😂
Rilyn · F
@GBPackersFan Who the hell tans in a 42C heatwave? 🤦‍♀️
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
It makes me cranky and nauseous

I don’t do well in extreme heat especially if coupled with humidity ☹️
Rilyn · F
@WaryWitchWandering With my blood issues (aside the rage tantrums from time to time) Yes I feel like a literal mop lol.
JacksonBlue · 31-35, M
Makes me feral tbh
Rilyn · F
@JacksonBlue I got other plans for those who dare knock on my door lol. I'll blowtorch anyone in sight right now rofl
JacksonBlue · 31-35, M
@Rilyn Nature is already blowtorching everyone lmao
Rilyn · F
@JacksonBlue Time for some Karma eh?
Freetime · 56-60, M
I think air conditioning may be man's greatest invention.
Rilyn · F
@Freetime No doubt about that but when heatwaves are aggravating not even the AC will work cause...boom 💥
antonioioio · 70-79, M
We are very lucky here, we get no excessive heat here 😊
Rilyn · F
@antonioioio good riddance....
No, it makes me faint.

@Rilyn no.. immediately. In extreme heat I have 6 minutes at best.🤢
Rilyn · F
@SethGreene531 42C ? 😅👀

Magenta · F
I abhor it. It's making me grumpy.
Rilyn · F
@Magenta it's turning me into a banshee
Magenta · F
@Rilyn😄 I hear you!
Rilyn · F
@Magenta BoooO
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Hide inside and role play
Rilyn · F
@Subsumedpat I'm the best writer! Can you beat me? 😌
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@Rilyn I bet you are.
Rilyn · F
@Subsumedpat Don't bet, come beat me! 🔥
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I try to keep an even temper, if i get mad i try to walk away
Rilyn · F
@vetguy1991 yeah walk away ..
Yes, and I can't cope so I avoid others as much as possible.
Rilyn · F
@SW-User gud, gud
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Humbled TBH.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Now picture it while having no electricity 🤦‍♂️
Rilyn · F
@YMITheWayIM Rest in Pieces
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
@Rilyn Yeh, understood.
My balls become sweaty.
Rilyn · F
@SW-User I'll throw you in my dungeons and threaten to get the blowtorch each time you say something like that XD
@Rilyn DO IT.
Rilyn · F
@SW-User blah just stay in your cell 🤦‍♀️🔥
TinFoilHat · F
It makes me sleep. 😴 💤
Rilyn · F
@TinFoilHat Bless you I only slept 3 hours XD My head feels like a jackhammer is beating it.
TinFoilHat · F
@Rilyn 🫂
Rilyn · F
Tiredish · F
AC is kinda my thing. Strip down and blast it!
chasingThursday · 36-40, M
It makes me tired
Rilyn · F
@chasingThursday nah. I haven't been sleeping well for days now
It makes me sleepy.
Rilyn · F
@Colonelmustardseed lousy a lousy dustbin 🤣
WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
heat gives.me headache
Rilyn · F
@WhatLifeIsFor more than headaches...I mean like real heat rage. Sheesh.
I slow down,, and stay in the shade.. read, anything to not move
and avoide those that vex me
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
yes it does, and i jump in pool or take a cold shower
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
The opposite, it exhausts me.
Yes. I don't cope very well.
DDonde · 31-35, M
No it makes me sluggish
Rilyn · F
@DDonde slug slug slug
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
It turns me lazy
Rilyn · F
@MartinTheFirst it makes me in pieces lol
Rilyn · F
@pancakeslam I got none and am still undead 👀👀👀
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Rilyn it's very refreshing 🍷
Rilyn · F
@pancakeslam nah ...I'll stay dead thanks 💀
Not really. I'm used to it in Texas. It's too hot to waste energy on being aggressive since you spend it all running from air conditioned building to air conditioned building.
Not aggressive but I admit that I don't care for it. I prefer the cold. It got too warm here for a couple of weeks a while back, and I had my a/c on almost 24/7
Rilyn · F
@SW-User Mines going to break with all the pressure it's under its already making a weird sound.
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Rilyn · F
@Darksideinthenight2 even the tank water is boiling. Disgusting. 😱
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Rilyn · F
@Darksideinthenight2 even out door works. When I get some more free time I'll go
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Rilyn · F
@originnone lol thanks. Dungeons! 💥🤬

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