The Wind Is Fierce Today…..Was windy when I went to Oklahoma City for a medical checkup, got worse, went to a restaurant for lunch….plastic bags flying up across the streets, trash carts flipped over, looked like floors mats and other stuff in the streets blown off of... See More » (2)
4am the power came onIt's 48F outside my blankets. Thankfully I would have survived the night bundled up. But I can now get up and answer mother nature Lol.
plans got cancelled due to weather 🥲so we won’t be going to my dads grave tomorrow after all…it’s supposed to storm?? plus my daughter is now sick, so plans got rescheduled for next weekend. my daughter will be at her dads next weekend so i’ll be able to 100% focus on my grieving... See More »
Having a massive thunderstorm and I'm so thankful.Something about the raging, electric intensity banging and shaking my windows that makes me feel sane.
Some serious winds out there tonight, ladsA piece of wood just came off the roof and smashed a window on my sister's car 💀