Last spring I tried making this little patch of grass outside our bulding ready for planting, but didn't quite succeed. I now thought of digging up some of the dirt, place cardboard and then put new dirt on top. I think that might prevent most weed from regrowing. What do you think? 🌻
@GLITTER I see! Thank you so much, I keep being pleasently surprised how helpful people on SW are with all kinds of things. I do have one more question, which is whether it's best for all plants to start them inside? Or perhaps some don't even like that?
@Entheesa I’ve tried both and both work out. It’s quite late to do them indoors if you’re in the uk so maybe just plant straight in and see how you get on. Those butterfly and bee boxes of mixed seed are really affective and you get a ton of variety and they germinate and sprout really well 😊
Find access to a tiller and till the soil first. Lay your cardboard and newspapers down and then put a blend of garden soil and compost and such. Several inches.
It sounds like you have a good understanding. The other thing you can do is a couple raised beds. Still put your cardboard down and remove all grasses and weeds
Doing the cardboard thing would be good in the long run but it is not going to help get the new lawn started. I think the birds stole your lawn seed and your soil needs lime. Maybe instead of doing all the work of putting down cardboard lime your soil and re seed it and find a way to keep the birds away from it. Also you can't walk on a newly seeded law. Cheers and happy weekend!
I probably wouldn't put cardboard underneath, as it may inhibit root growth. You can buy weed barrier that you put on top the soil and cut around the plants, then cover it with mulch or wood chips.
That sounds like a very good idea, something I might try myself. Gardens are always worth the work we put into them, I wouldn't be without mine as I love it so much.
I loved the Ruth Stout way but don’t have the energy to do that again. Hauling and throwing that hay around. The last gardening I did was in raised boxes, square foot gardening. I still used hay around my plants in places though. The cardboard sounds good if the weeds don’t get blown on top of the soil on top of the cardboard. Those seeds from those weeds in my yard still got on top of the soil when I tried using plastic bags underneath to stop them. Let me know how that goes.
@Lostpoet Probably a mix of different things. I definitely want flowers, just to make it pretty, but I also thought of growing some vegetables, and starting them in pots inside. I still don't know much about how to do that though.
will take time getting on top of weeds ,old carpets good then cover with bark chipping and use small parts of garden ,,weed seeds can stay in ground then grow later for 5 yrs !
New growth is exciting. My father has his own wee green house in the yard filled with peppers, tomatoes and strawberries. If you’re planning on starting them out of the grown I’d recommend lemons. My husband used to grow them in buckets.
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit Ah lemons is an interesting idea! I don't have anything to resemble a greenhouse though, do you think most vegetables and herbs will be okay without?