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Is it worth it?

If a friend says or does something that upsets you, but if you tell them they upset you they get annoyed or stop speaking to you…is it worth telling them? I always think they’d want to know if they’ve done something that upset me, if they care about me surely they care I’m upset. But it never works out that way, they’re always just offended that I dare to complain. So what’s the point. Either I’m upset and they’re oblivious, or I’m upset and they’re not happy with me. Is it worth even telling them or am I meant to just accept when they say or do something that upsets me and just be grateful that they bother with me at all?

I genuinely don’t know anymore.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I think you deserve a friend who is more accomodating.
SeaGlass · F
I only have one person on this planet that I can tell I'm upset because of something they've done without reprecussions, and they say I'm the only one they can tell. It still stings when she tells me I've upset her and I can tell it's the same for her, but we actually followed through on our plans to be able to talk to each other about these things. People always say they want open-communication but then they hold stuff back or get upset when someone opens up. It's not easy and the majority of people aren't prepared for listening and comforting someone they've upset, even when they didn't mean to and for the benefit of their relationships.

Despite the fact that people like the theory more than the practice, I speak up when I'm upset... if the person who upset me matters to me.
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@SeaGlass I always just think, I know it wasn’t meant, but if they know it upset me then they may be more aware going forward so it won’t happen again. But it never goes like that. It’s either not acknowledged and they just stop speaking to me, or they get defensive over it. Either way I lose.
SeaGlass · F
@SophSmiles It's rough, I know. Some relationships will be diminished or even perish because of it, but it's the only way you can find the people who will listen to you and care about how you feel enough to forget their pride and take care with you in the future. Like I said, I only have one it works smoothly with and we practiced together. We talked about it at a separate time than when an issue came up. We talked about how hard it would be to start and that it would be a humbling experience. People get hurt when you tell them they hurt you. It takes a lot for two hurt people to reach out at the same time.
In my opinion ... never accept. That will empower them to manipulate you and situations. Always stick up for yourself. If they don't accept and validate your feelings, are they truly friends anyway?
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@OldGrandDad I always do but it always goes wrong and makes everything worse. All I ever want is them to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I can see how you might feel that way I’ll try not to do it again. But I never get that.
@SophSmiles I think it's time to re evaluate who you hang around with.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
Listen to your gut, you're right. They're not friends of yours or very immature. You could try to explain, but history shows someone like that either
a) doesn't wanna understand
b) too immature to understand.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
It’s not a nice feeling when you feel like you can’t speak your mind because you’re worried about what the other person will think. Sometimes it’s probably better to keep it to yourself and try and move past it if you can, but if it happens a lot then you need to voice it and they need to listen, that’s what friends are supposed to do.
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@DHggmu whatever I do always seems to be wrong
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@SophSmiles I know it feels that way, but you’re not wrong because of how you feel, you can’t help that. Maybe your friend is defensive because they feel a similar way, but it definitely sound like you need to have a talk and get your feelings out in the open about what’s bothering you.
@SophSmiles It's not You, it's them.
Never happed to me. My friends never hurt me, and to the best of my knowledge the never felt being hurt by me. Maybe that's why, there are very few I can call as my friends. It's all about understanding & respecting each other. If these two things are not there, I don't know how can you call them friends. Maybe my definition of friendship is bit different.

I don't make friends, when we start to understand each other very well, we become friends.

In your case, I think you should tell them.
HannahSky · F
Sometimes, in reality, it depends on the friend. Some aren't going to be able to get certain things but can understand other things that maybe another friend won't. Nobody is perfect. It's up to you to decide if you are ok with it.
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@HannahSky in truth I can’t sit quietly, I have to say what’s upsetting me. I just hate that it might be the thing that pushes people away
HannahSky · F
@SophSmiles it happens for sure. It's ok, do what you need to do.
Going through that with a situationship right now. She hates when I tell her how her actions hurt me. I get a passive aggressive answer and a silent treatment so I have to apologize if I want to hear from her ever again. She could go days without contacting me unless I apologize even when I am not at fault
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Of course it’s worth it. And if they always get upset then they aren’t real friends 🤷🏾‍♂
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@greensnacks This ⬆
@SophSmiles Are there any clubs that You can start going to? Your township should have some sort of community center that offers something that should interest You.
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
Always tell them, let them know, how they react should determine whether to continue the acquaintanceship or not.
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SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@AntisocialTroll I hate it
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