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American Patriotism Is On Life Support. Let’s Revive It Again

Today, displaying the flag makes you a right-wing extremist, white supremacist, or any number of false stereotypes. Why is that?

I love America, our flag our patriotic music, parades, fireworks, bar-b-ques, the whole shebang.
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We need to stop worrying what these ass wipes say! Ignoring them takes their momentum away…no traction
I will display the American flag and be not ashamed of doing so! I am a Veteran too!
rfatoday · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs Thanks for your service!
@rfatoday you’re welcome.
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The moment anything is slightly to the right of communism, it's racist, xenophobic, sexist, extreme right wing radical, nationalist, white male supremacist, neo-Nazi, fascist. I'm sure I left out a few "ists" and "phobes"
Freeranger · M
Let me just cue the duckboats on this one my friend. THIS U.S. Marine and my fellow brothers who stretch across this grand landscape, in every clime and place, and with EVERY other service member in our armed forces carry eternal flames that will NEVER be snuffed out. We ALL took a blood oath.
We all pledged ourselves to our nation and regardless of our nation's positions, we have never allowed our candles to be blown out. Take that fuckin' candle to the bank bud.
We veterans and active duty remain on watch. We just don't flex when secular shit-birds capture prime time cameras.
Trust me....we are all still here, our edges aren't rusty, and we remain vigilant.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Freeranger God bless you and all your brothers.
Freeranger · M
@Budwick No fear man. Semper Fidelis.
Ironhand · 51-55, M

Korengal Valley, Afghanistan...2006.
graphite · 61-69, M
That's because America's #1 enemy, the Democrat Party, is in charge.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
The flag flies here at work as well as at home, everyday
graphite · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Bingo. That''s who Guevara was
@graphite One of those rare occasions where we can rarely agree for once (apart from the Christian forum), he was a mass murder.
TexChik · F
The left would hate rodeos. Nothing but hard-working right-wing patriotic extremists there!
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Flying a flag isn’t patriotic, serving your country/community is. Helping your fellow American is very patriotic. Displaying a flag to prove a point is just a symbolic gesture…
This is one of those rare posts where I'll agree with you and Branco at the same time.

[image/video deleted]
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@BritishFailedAesthetic That sums up a Democrat.
@Musicman It's such a shame- I can never vote conservative because I believe in Keynesian economics but my side are unfortunately full of these sorts of people nowadays 😔
JSul3 · 70-79
The struggle to 'create a more perfect Union' continues.

We are not free until everyone is free. We are not equal until all are equal.

Flying or carrying Old Glory doesn't make you a patriot. Those at the January 6 assault are proof of that.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@JSul3 No the libs pulled a fast one
JSul3 · 70-79
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@JSul3 certainly was
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Why is that?

It's because of Fabianism, practiced by the left for the last 50 years or more.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I wonder if Brandon or his puppets regret going full Jim Crow during Clarence’s confirmation hearings way back when..

@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Yup, they couldn't realise how corrupt he would turn out.
Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
I don’t think that at all, but i do take exception to anyone who feels that being into what you describe is the ONLY way to show patriotism, if that makes sense? Some people aren't demonstrative but still love our great country.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Corporalcolleague I did nothing to question your patriotism
Maybe it's some guilt feelings over what you said.
Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
@Budwick negative
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Budwick that is how it registered
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Richard65 · M
@MarmeeMarch so you lack the intelligence to even explain your own thoughts, and instead just repeat yourself like a confused child does when teacher asks them a question they can't answer.
No surprise whatsoever.
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AbbeyRhode · F
One has to consider the source. And knowing that the source of any insults are brainwashed drones who hate everything decent, I'm proud to be included in their list of people and things to hate. 😄✝️🇺🇸❤️
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I already have a few flags outside my place!!! 🇺🇸
ArcticDave · M
Our family aren’t keen on Americans. When a guy in my family was a navigator in WW2, when he was shot down he walked for 3 weeks until he made it to the American embassy in Brussels, who handed him over to the Nazis. He spent the next 6 years near to starvation.
ArcticDave · M
@MasterLee Why would I knowingly eat British food?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ArcticDave you were the one with the tp
ArcticDave · M
BabyLonia · F
I guess people can no longer tell the difference between patriotism and jingoism
Eternity · 26-30, M
Kind of hard to get excited about a nation determined to create as inhospitable of an economy for its working class as possible.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Eternity Actually,the nation,among other attributes,creates the best economy for it's working class in comparison with the rest of the world.(Although there's much they could do to make it better still.)The evidence of this fact is the vast number of people who are desperate to get into the country by any means necessary.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Alive and well
Good, I hope it stays on life support. Show me someone who claims to be a patriot and I will show you a White Supremacist.
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Kirvaja, don't make look bad you deleted the reply I was reffering too, I followed you up until that point.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
As well you should,for they are unique examples of American culture .
No. It’s had it’s day.
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Richard65 · M
@MarmeeMarch you didn't come up so glorious in Vietnam and Afghanistan, as I recall...🤔
@Richard65 Correct.

They lost two wars with third world countries. Rice farmers and goat herders eat US marines for breakfast.
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@MarmeeMarch My point exactly. You are now claiming everyone flying the flag is a MAGA supporter. And MAGA supporters are racist. Every last one of them.
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
It started with Obama. He tried making it illegal to fly an American flag saying it offended people. My dad went out the next day and had a flag pole installed and flew the flag daily until his death. The Democrats are just a evil vile stench on the land. If seeing the American flag offends them then they are more than welcome to leave the country for a flag they like better.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Musicman Your comment is BS.

Fact Check: Obama doesn't avoid the flag
FACT: Other presidents have spoken in venues without the flag.
Carole Fader
Many Times-Union readers want to know:

An e-mail shows a photo of President Barack Obama at a news conference with no American flags behind him. The e-mail says it's intentional and that he's the first president to display a lack of patriotism at such events. Is this true?

The photo accompanying the chain e-mail was taken at a May 27 news conference in which Obama addressed the Gulf oil spill. Normally, in a White House location (this was in the East Room), flags are behind the president - any president - as numerous photos show. In this case, no flags are visible in the photo. A look at the video shows no flags even when the camera fully zooms out.
But to say that Obama shuns American flags and that he is the first president to eschew the red, white and blue is just plain inaccurate.

And there are many examples to back this up.
In addition, there are photos of other presidents at news conferences without flags, including Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. As Snopes.com points out, "due to other factors (e.g., an event's nature or its being impromptu, or its being held at an unusual location), an opportunity to set up U.S. flag backdrops may be missed or skipped."

Oh, about that chain e-mail photo from May 27? Close-ups reveal that Obama is wearing a flag pin.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@JSul3 Your "fact checking" is a croc of crap! Online liberal trolls don't impress me.
DDonde · 31-35, M
It doesn't. You, and the rest of you are just making shit up and then getting angry about it.

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