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As a white person ....if you are one ...

When dating a black person say " mmmm my first African " after kissing them after a date?
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pripyatamusementpark Pinned Comment
I'm watching an interesting show

This woman African said she will never date a white person ever again because someone said that to her ....way to go whitey !
@pripyatamusementpark Wouldn't it actually be racist to say it anyway???

I mean, at the very least, it's disrespectful to be saying anything like that no matter how you look at it.
@HootyTheNightOwl yes it would
@pripyatamusementpark That's what I thought, too.

I'm still learning about what is and isn't racism since I was raised in a racist family, so I missed out on a lot of that education as I was growing up.

I've never been with a black person. But when I'm with an Asian, I like hearing "me love you long time."
Errr... no never said that when dating my now wife.

But I'm sure there are tons of paranoid people who would assume I'd have said that 🤭
@Thrust I was being light hearted and having a laugh....

How do I say this..... are you someone eho takes things literally all the time? 😅
Thrust · 56-60, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic nope. Just holding up a mirror to you
@Thrust Great. I always appreciate a middle aged troll who acts like a teenager having a strop if someone criticises Trump holding a mirror to me.
Ducky · 31-35, F
I’d sometimes say stuff like like with my Hispanic spouse. Like, “mmm, Mexican.” Among others 😅
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Not something I'd do, personally.
Frostcloud · F
i'd rather sit on a hot stove than say that
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Sounds like he's collecting ethnicities to mount on his wall or something
@UBotMate why would a person say this...gross
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@AngelUnforgiven And I thought that you might have known better than to blame the person who was abused for their abuse.

My siblings and I were literal CHILDREN when it started. It wasn't until towards the end of my mother's life that we came to see that what she was doing to us was wrong - so, where were the adults who were supposed to protect us???
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@HootyTheNightOwl i do know better, what i also know better is not to be a victim all my life, and i am referring to myself, personally. I do know that once beiming an adult i refuse to live life having someone else dictate how i should live, including telling me who i can and connot date. I have no idea where the deadbeat adults in your life were, but judging by what you are saying i know where they weren't.
@AngelUnforgiven Well, I managed to cut one abuser out of my life and I had to wait for another to die to get this much of my life back.

It's still not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination and I still have further changes to make - but it is a work in progress.
that seems like something a cannibal would say.

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