NinaCherry · 26-30, F
wow 20 percent is still surpising 2 me, id have guessed 5 per
bijouxbroussard · F
@NinaCherry Black women were only 7%. But like I said, 77% of black men (and 93% of black women) voted for Harris.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
I remember a time when the president was a respectful man. He didn't call vets losers and suckers, he had no sheep a.k.a. base, a.k.a. cult members. For the life of me i cannot understand why those people cannot see that they are in a cult. But thats the history of white Amerikkka now isn't it. We all know who joined the Branch Davidians, Even Charles Manson's klan. Smh. I just thank God that Trump is elderly because his days are numbered. The world will be rid of him once he's in the ground.
bijouxbroussard · F
@AngelUnforgiven There is that, but unfortunately what this election made clear is that Trump is just a symptom. The disease is alive and well, and it prompted people who don’t even realize they’re infected by it to vote for him.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard i agree with you 💯 %
Maybe we will get lucky up here in the north and he builds a wall between us 🇨🇦😅
bijouxbroussard · F
@Yourwildestdreams Indeed.
@bijouxbroussard 🕺🏼🤞🏻 😅
Pinaymom · 26-30, F
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner with Trump. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do now, because he doesn’t have to worry about getting any more votes or political donations ever again.
This is true whether he follows the Constitution, which says this is his last term, or whether he simply refuses to allow another election.
The only reasons he ran for office were #1: to stay out of jail, #2: to grab as much personal power and money as he can, and #3: do whatever Vladimir Putin wants him to do. He’s not going to do anything that doesn’t further one of those ends, and that includes any promises he might have made, to his voters or anyone else.
If it turns out that something he was supposed to do doesn’t align with those three goals, or just seems like too much trouble, then he simply won’t do it. Instead, he’ll just blame someone on his long enemies list (which will include any Republican who makes trouble for him), so his cult continues to forgive him for all his broken promises and remains mad at everyone except him.
And for that reason, the 25th Amendment will be ineffective for removing him. Here’s how 25A works.
Step 1: the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet send a letter to the leaders of Congress, saying that the President is mentally or physically unfit for office.
Step 2: The President can send a letter to Congress saying that he is indeed fit for office.
Step 3: If the President disputes the charges, then Congress has 21 days to decide which side is right.
Step 3 is where it all falls apart. Trump’s cult will never, ever believe that Trump is incompetent. No matter what he says or does, they will either ignore it or pretend that it’s just part of some genius master plan that ordinary people could never understand. Trump will claim that his Veep and Cabinet are staging a “coup,” and Congressional Republicans will not dare say that he’s wrong, because if they do then Trump’s cult will come charging to his defense.
Trump’s cult, their votes and their violence, are the absolute power in the Republican Party. As long as he has them, no one in the Party can oppose him on anything important.
Republicans are stuck with him until he dies.
My problem is, if he doesn't keep the promises he made, the Heritage Foundation and the rich аsshоӏеs who support it will push for a 25th Amendment removal so that JD Vance can have a crack at it. And you know he'll do what he's told
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner with Trump. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do now, because he doesn’t have to worry about getting any more votes or political donations ever again.
This is true whether he follows the Constitution, which says this is his last term, or whether he simply refuses to allow another election.
The only reasons he ran for office were #1: to stay out of jail, #2: to grab as much personal power and money as he can, and #3: do whatever Vladimir Putin wants him to do. He’s not going to do anything that doesn’t further one of those ends, and that includes any promises he might have made, to his voters or anyone else.
If it turns out that something he was supposed to do doesn’t align with those three goals, or just seems like too much trouble, then he simply won’t do it. Instead, he’ll just blame someone on his long enemies list (which will include any Republican who makes trouble for him), so his cult continues to forgive him for all his broken promises and remains mad at everyone except him.
And for that reason, the 25th Amendment will be ineffective for removing him. Here’s how 25A works.
Step 1: the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet send a letter to the leaders of Congress, saying that the President is mentally or physically unfit for office.
Step 2: The President can send a letter to Congress saying that he is indeed fit for office.
Step 3: If the President disputes the charges, then Congress has 21 days to decide which side is right.
Step 3 is where it all falls apart. Trump’s cult will never, ever believe that Trump is incompetent. No matter what he says or does, they will either ignore it or pretend that it’s just part of some genius master plan that ordinary people could never understand. Trump will claim that his Veep and Cabinet are staging a “coup,” and Congressional Republicans will not dare say that he’s wrong, because if they do then Trump’s cult will come charging to his defense.
Trump’s cult, their votes and their violence, are the absolute power in the Republican Party. As long as he has them, no one in the Party can oppose him on anything important.
Republicans are stuck with him until he dies.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Pinaymom you are spewing nothing but straight facts. I just said i thank God that he is elderly. Imagine if he were 30 how the world would have to deal with his bull 💩
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Wait and see what happens in6 months after orange man in sworn in!
Let’s see if he keeps his promises!
I doubt it very much
Let’s see if he keeps his promises!
I doubt it very much
bijouxbroussard · F
@Strictmichael75 Some of the promises he’s made (like imprisoning his political opponents) I pray he can’t keep. 🥺
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Strictmichael75 My problem is, if he doesn't keep the promises he made, the Heritage Foundation and the rich аsshоӏеs who support it will push for a 25th Amendment removal so that JD Vance can have a crack at it. And you know he'll do what he's told.
✊✊🏾 Power to the People.

Well, this time, they are left once his term is up (if he is even still alive), where they go next? No one can quite spin his kind of hate the way he does. So in four years there is a very open position to be taken. None of his successors will be able to work with his anger the way he did, for their elation with how his anger won. America met its product Trump. It will grow old.
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Elisbch · M
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Elisbch i tell people all the time. If you love him so much drink the kool-aid and on the other side he can be your king
Elisbch · M
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
He did eat into enough of the vote to make a difference in Ga, Wi, Mi and Nc. The messaging of the Democratic Party missed some of the base. But you’re right about fighting on, it’s all we can do.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Quetzalcoatlus The problem as it's been pointed out to me is that the Democratic Party overestimates the intelligence of the average voter. Probably because they don't want to be seen as condescending.
Elisbch · M
He wants to be a Dictator. He's said it himself more than once. I don't doubt that he'll do everything within his power to become just that at any cost. It's his psycological makeup.
softspokenman · M
🤔How many times will he be impeached 'this time'? 😳
bijouxbroussard · F
@softspokenman I want to know what will happen to all those criminal charges he was convicted of.
Will they just disappear now ?
Will they just disappear now ?
softspokenman · M
@bijouxbroussard I agree, and I don't know. I know that some of the news media have discussed that question.
"Keep Fighting" ❤
"Keep Fighting" ❤
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black4white · 56-60, M
I feel ya and yes this country has to overcome and stay strong…it’s hard to believe what people voted in and it’s NOT about rep or dem it’s about the country and how it was founded and the goals … but here we are
I am with you 10000%
I am with you 10000%
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Elisbch · M
I sure hope so. 🙏🏻
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Though it is worrying the gender disparity is so high, what is bugging that minority of black men?
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bijouxbroussard · F
@LordShadowfire The Conservative movement, made up of people who are basically trying to turn the clock back to some romanticized period circa the 1950s.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@bijouxbroussard They think "Leave It To Beaver," "Father Knows Best", and "Ozzy And Harriet" are historical documentaries.