Americans and Soviets destroyed Berlin too. But I think there's a disproportionately problem. Hitler was trying to conquer Europe, killed millions, Japan and the US were in a hot war for years before the atomic bombs were dropped. Hamas committed a terrorist act that killed 1400 people. In response Israel invaded Gaza and killed over 10,000 and counting. I don't have a dog in the fight but it sure looks like a terrorist attack was answered with war crimes. But the truth will be foggy for some time.
@SW-User I agree. Dropping atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima was much worse than Gaza.
@blokeinpub I'm fairly certain hypocrisy can't be an excuse not to learn from history and make better decisions.
Also helpful to remember that Israel is responding to daily attacks that have gone on for decades by a state sponsored terrorist organization, calls for eradication from around the region, and of course also a murderous rampage on their soil.
Netanyahu's regime needs to be held accountable for their crimes if that's what's happening. But it's the civilians, not Hamas that are the victims here. Hamas fucked around and now they're finding out. Hamas baited Israel into this war and now they owe it to the Palestinians to negotiate a surrender and a return of their hostages.
I'm in favour of detonating nukes in the stratosphere and wiping humanity out. I hand over responsibility for the planet to the humble termite. They have less drama and cuter butts.
Let's just say the late stage of WW2 was a very bad time to be a civilian in central and eastern Europe or East Asia. There's been a lot written about the justification or lack thereof of the bombing of the cities of the axis powers but in the moment there wasn't a lot of thought given to the morality of it. They were just trying to win. After years of war these things end up with a momentum that's hard to oppose.
I would say the two situations are wildly different. I'm not trying to justify either though.
It all depends on who the aggressors are. When they're your own people, and the other guys are really, really aggressive, it becomes easier to justify the wholesale slaughter of civilians.
The Israelis have better press coverage for this bullshit, because they've been terrorising the Palestinians for generations. With checkpoints, intentional brown-outs, curfews, cutting off their water supply whenever they feel like it. The Palestinians have had to live for thousands of years under their tyrannical subjugation. Nevermind how the majority of Hasidic Jews openly spit on/shove just about anyone who isn't one of them. And now that the Palestinians are finally getting access to better military resources, we're supposed to feel sorry for the oppressors? I've never met a Palestinian I didn't like. Even the ones who weren't exactly friendly. Whereas, most Jewish denominations will agree that the Hasidic Jews are a problem. They're the Jewish equivalent of the Taliban extremists, and I hate that the US has kept them as a lap-dog.