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Have you ever seen live opera?

This can be magical, but very expensive.

I once saw La Traviata in Rome.

It can be dreadful too. Othello in Covert Garden, I walked out. The chorus were better than the principals
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I saw an Opera in Vienna for $2
It brought me to tears
@Ghostinthemachine No, she had been in the sixth form with me. He was ‘teaching’ her, and had been my form tutor at thirteen.
Sounds like a Pinter play!
@SW-User you should write it!
@Ghostinthemachine They married, but being much older he died when she was still relatively young. So she became ‘The Merry Widow’ herself!
Me and my other half love classical music (much to the amusement of our friends) but she is an opera fan; I'm still at the early stages.
@autumngirl27 Betrayal seems to be a theme, so take care.

I’ve only seen a few operas with friends, mostly on my own. So never discussed them.

Also their significance changes as life progresses.
@SW-User How do you mean?
@autumngirl27 We have established Opera raises all passions.
meggie · F
No I don't like opera. But I do go to the Royal Opera House to see the ballet
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Only once, so far at least. Puccini's Madame Butterfly, performed by the Ukrainian National Opera on a UK tour earlier this year.

It was very good and very enjoyable, too! Nor was it particularly expensive - about £35 if I recall correctly, not much more than The Searchers' concert in the same venue, Weymouth Pavilion, a few weeks previously.

As the libretto is in Italian, to help us follow the story, a screen on the proscenium arch showed the songs in English, line by line.
I've been to a very few; my wife is a big fan; me not so much. The best was Aida, performed in the Roman amphitheater in Verona Italy.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, but I do very occasionally watch it on TV. Particularly when it's a big production with lots of visuals to enjoy.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I've been many times over the years.
I like the drama and the storytelling.

If it's not something you've ever experienced, next time you have time to spare, go to YouTube and find Mozart's "The marriage of Figaro".

There are several renditions there.
Pick a good company production.
Something like the Deuts oper Berlin. Or the English national opera or the Teatro alla Scalla.

Worth watching.

You might also try what are known as One Act Operas.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i was given the choice of a live opera or a live ballet in Prague or budapest. i chose the live ballet.
Yes, I have. I first went to the opera when I was about 8 years old. Most of the operas I've seen were in San Francisco, but I've also seen opera in London, Milan, and Paris. The last opera I saw was Lucia di Lammermoor.
@SW-User Gosh, I envy you. What did you see in Milan?

I’ve always wanted to see Wagner live, but alas only on screen.
@SW-User I saw I Vespri Siciliani at the Teatro alla Scala.

I haven't seen much Wagner yet (not The Ring Cycle, at least. I've seen Meistersinger).
@SW-User I once visited Linderhof, in Bavaria, which mad king Ludwig built to play Wagner in the grotto. It was acoustically dead!
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Yes - Chinese Opera in Shanghai🙂🐼🥢
Long ago. Pretty amazing too
Dusty101 · F
My nephew is an opera singer and he gets me tickets to his shows.
I haven't the nerve to tell him I don't like opera, however he is good, but it's not my cuppa!
@Dusty101 I once worked with Sarah Brightmans cousin. But Lloyd Webber was so mean, not even she got free tickets.
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User what a tightwad! He looks like a stingy fecker!
@Dusty101 More a less the same words that my friend said!
no, and i never contemplated going either. when i see opera on screen, i have an urge to laugh
@SW-User Shame, you miss out. It’s like Shakespeare. It is designed at school to put you off for life, dry and boring. But when you see it live by a good company you are hooked.
@SW-User i don't doubt this. i went to a hockey game once and i was screaming from the bleachers when seeing it from a screen normally puts me to sleep.
RedBaron · M
Many times growing up in NYC with my parents having tickets at the Met.

My first was La Boheme when I was 8.
@RedBaron I saw that at the London Colosseum by English National
Opera at 22.
DemureDeb · 56-60, F
I never have been a fan of opera but I would love to attend a symphony. I'm sure it would be quite an experience going to see an opera live.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
I saw one once for a college assignment. A list of places given so I can watch for free as a student.
Yes and I have ticket for La Traviata on 6. December. Looking forward to it
@LittleSpike Enjoy. I once had a LP of Robert Merrill, but I left it in the sun and it got warped.
I did go and remember being very intrigued but also was a bit young to truly appreciate it.
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
Yes and aqua opera where the song and do water acrobatics it was very nice. :)
Dino11 · M
Was in an operetta when I was a kid.
@Dino11 Gosh, that must have been great.
I played clarinet in the orchestra pit of The Land of Smiles at 17. Heard it every night, but never saw it!
4meAndyou · F
To me there is no point if you don't understand Italian. I'm sure the music is lovely, but I am one of those barbarians who ALSO likes to follow the story.
HumanEarth · F
Sure, I been to 5 in my lifetime
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
No, but I would like to.
Aysel · F
I saw Tosca on YouTube and cried.
@Aysel Puccini provokes passion
But I'd love to one day
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I live with a woman... I go through operatic drama everyday
@Thevy29 Probably Puccini then, La Boheme?
@SW-User ....or Pagliacci?
I used to attend the SF Opera often, saw Carmen, Tosca, Amahl and The Night Vistors.

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