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Do you still watch a movie in a theater?

Poll - Total Votes: 85
Yes, all the time
On occasion
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
I haven`t been in a theater in years.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Degbeme Silent movies 😁
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@nedkelly I was the piano player. :p
jackson55 · M
Some movies need to be seen on the big screen.
Yes. Going to the movie theater Saturday night
Wayne91 · 31-35, M
It depends on the movie as well
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I haven't been to a movie theater since November of 2018, and that was to see Bohemian Rhapsody. My theatre going experience began when I was 8 years old, when my family and I went to see the film, Baby's Day Out. Three years later, my family and I saw Titanic. Eight years later, I went with a friend of mine to see Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. And a few months later, that same year, I went with a friend of mine to see The Dukes of Hazzard, Three years after that, my friend and I saw The Dark Knight, and later, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and finally, two years after that, Avatar. And as I mentioned before, the last film I ever saw in a movie theater was Bohemian Rhapsody.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
@Sidewinder Have you seen "Bohemian Catsody" ? It's funny, but done VERY well! It's on u-tube. Well worth your time, especially if you like cats!
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@ShaneMckay No, I haven't.
HowtoDestroyAngels · 46-50, M
Yes. I go with my kids.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Last time I went to the movies, was before Mrs Kelly and watched Rocky
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@nedkelly Actual rocks?
Dino11 · M
Not for a long time. Always have over 30,000 movies on my cable provider.
I would rather watch a pantomime or a play myself.
Nimbus · M
No, I prefer the cinema.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
My wife has back problems and cannot sit uninterrupted for that long. So we never go to a theater these days.

Some movies really benefit from a large screen and spectacular sound system. But most of them are just fine on a small screen, at least to me.
exexec · 70-79, C
I go with my wife occasionally, but only if forced to do so.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Only if I really wanna see the movie on a large screen.

Normally though, I prefer watch movies at home where I'm comfortable and can pause when I need to.
I do enjoy the occasion from time to time

I also enjoying watching a movie from the comfort of my home. But then everyone feel free to talk during it
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Last movie i saw was Top Gun in June.
They managed to slot it in between Spider Man 47 and Guardians of the Universe 39 i think.
Confined · 56-60, M
I have not been since the start of the Pandamic. Back in the 90's I worked for an independent movie theatre owner.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I'll probably go to see the new Ant Man movie. The last time I went to the movies was last year to see Elvis.
i don't like movie theaters. they smell like butter flavored palm kernel oil and corn
sometimes if the movie has 3D effects and would look good on a larger screen .
some movies just need the big screen and sound system of a theater
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
I can't remember the last time I went to the theater to watch a movie
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Haven’t been to a theater in over 25 years.
minxy · 46-50, F
Yes, only if I think it'll be best seen that way.
Some movies just need to be seen on the big screen.
Holidaze · 18-21, F
I've never been to one, or a drive in.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Yes, just went a few weeks ago
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Couldn't care less about the movie theater
AlyssaG · 36-40, T
I go see at least one every week
We do sometimes but the costs are getting out of control....

2 tickets, Bucket of Popcorn & 2 soft drinks are about $50

And AMC (the theater down the street) has now said they will switch to a system where you pay more to sit in the middle of the theater. Thats CRAZY...
Very rarely nowadays.
Far too expensive.
Are you asking me out on a date?
Viper · M
I'm not a big movie person
JimFarris16 · 18-21, M
I havent since before the pandemic. And even though the theaters are back open, so far there’s been nothing I’ve wanted to see that I couldn’t stream.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
When I'm able to, sure.
Some things are better on the big screen.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I work at night, plus I really think that digital projection sucks. Not that film didn't suck, too, at times, but it just seemed more REAL. A great audience can elevate a movie experience.

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