Sorry I lost your life savings betting that Romeo and Juliette would survive the entire playThey seemed like young healthy folks, how was I supposed to know?
and goodness knows, the wicked's lives are lonely!goodness knows, the wicked die alone 😥 it just shows when you're wicked you're left only on your own. ~glinda, is it true you were her friend? 🫧 (1)
HAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONhelp.... I've listened to the song Non-Stop for the past hour 😭 in civics we just got done learning about the constitution, and today we did an assignment on the federalist papers and I can't stop listening to the song. I think it's one of my... See More »
HAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONHAMILTONI CAN'T STOP!!! I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO HAMILTON!! i am quite literally obsessed, it's my favourite musical, and i can't get it out of my head lol. it's kinda annoying bc it's basically the only thing i can think about aside from my friends & my... See More »
What's something from the Hair musical that you strongly disagree with?For me it's when they say you should never ever sit in bed, after listing off all the things you can do in a bed, they say you can't sit, that is where the hippies crossed the line with me. How about you? You like that one with all the STD's in them,... See More »
When i was in my Theatre phase these were the best videos i came acrossThis Crash Course channel is so refreshing, i even used that word refreshing in my comment to this video, why can't people be like this in general, engaging, pleasurable and witty, a personality that is like a cold glass of water and this had me... See More » (2)