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What do you think happens

When we no longer walk this Earth
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autumngirl27 Best Comment
There will be a superior form of humans. We will have evolved into a better species, a kinder, gentler, more intelligent species than the one that is doing its best to destroy each other and the planet as a whole , now.

Matt85 · 36-40, M
we walk on mars instead
Well, eventually all signs of our existence will vanish, and on Earth at least there will be no visible indicators we were ever here to begin with. In space, on the other hand, our relics on the Moon and in deep space will linger on for millions of years.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I'll be in Neptune hanging out with Sponge Bob
Banksy83 · 41-45, M
@FreestyleArt and Patrick 🤣
mssweetdreams · 18-21
According to Thomas Aquinas, a man consist of 2 parts, the matter and form. Now I see death as the moment when my soul, the essence of who I am, separates from my body. My body, which has been the material part of me, will return to the earth, but my soul, the true form of my being, will continue to exist beyond this life. Death, then, is not an end, but a transition where my physical and spiritual parts take different paths.
Sapio · 51-55, M
The Great Pyramids of Giza will survive but most of our modern-day man-made monuments will collapse. Domesticated dogs and cats will become scavengers. Animals and insects will rule the earth.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
The plants and animals return. The human built structures are consumed over thousands of years, reclaimed by the earth. The atmosphere cleans itself up. Another species becomes dominant, and begins consuming the planet's resources all over again until they too are destroyed.
LikeAGlassBalloon · 46-50, F
The earth will be grateful
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
@Morvoren that's right, nothing happens
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
After the Nuclear holocaust? Well, them cockroaches and lawyers will breed a new species.
@Thevy29 In the solicitors office I worked in as a temp, some of the solicitors dreamed of being cockroaches. Some may have achieved this. But most of the coackroaches would have nothing to do with them.
Banksy83 · 41-45, M
@autumngirl27 one day in court with a solicitor cost me £1700
£200 an hour
And he was clueless
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