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Hey SW'ers...what song/s remind you of being a teen?

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Gusman Β· 61-69, M Best Comment
Little River Band - Reminiscing
Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moi
Bay City Rollers - Give a little love
Electric Light Orchestra - Telephone Line
Blondie - In The Flesh
Suzi Quatro - 48 Crash

chrisCA Β· M
This song was playing when I first walked into a school dance.
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@chrisCA Nice memory πŸ€—
nedkelly Β· 61-69, M
chrisCA Β· M
@Ghostinthemachine I remember this. πŸ˜…
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@Ghostinthemachine Okaaaay 🐸
craig7 Β· 70-79, M
@Ghostinthemachine I was a young teen when I first saw that great cartoon!
stratosranger Β· M
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@stratosranger Love it πŸ€—
Belladonna Β· 41-45, F
Marilyn Manson - Deformography


The whole album reminds me of being a teen, but I was always especially fond of this song.
nedkelly Β· 61-69, M
@Ghostinthemachine what song as not displayed
@nedkelly can you see it now?
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
TheSirfurryanimalWales Β· 61-69, M
Stillwaiting Β· M
First GF .. first real concert .. first time

Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@Stillwaiting Awwww nice memory! ❀️Not heard this in forever
Stillwaiting Β· M
@Carmen74 Prom theme and all
Mamapolo2016 Β· F
Heh heh...

this album

supersnipe Β· 61-69, M

Hundreds of songs remind me of being a teen but this is the most poignant and personal of all of them. The words fit a situation I was in in 1974, when this came out, perfectly. Lots of pop is and was about other people, but this was about me.

Thanks, Cole!
supersnipe Β· 61-69, M
@Carmen74 I remember it being called 'deadpan', but I think this version captures the meaning behind Cole Porter's words perfectly. I associate it with the summer of that year; a vivid reflection of time and place.
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@supersnipe Yes 74 was a good year 😌lol
supersnipe Β· 61-69, M
@Carmen74 I was never that fond of this period, but these days I just remember the good records and forget about the ones I didn't like. I never hear them on the radio any more, so I can just forget about them. This is one I have in my collection πŸ₯°
EagleV Β· 51-55, M
Night moves by Bob Segar 😊
EagleV Β· 51-55, M
@Roadsterrider In truth mine was actually a 72 Pontiac lol. But the sentiment of the song was very true and very strong lol
Roadsterrider Β· 56-60, M
@EagleV You got that right, working on mysteries without any clues, what a wonderous exciting time in any young man's life.
EagleV Β· 51-55, M
@Roadsterrider yeah.. . Sweet Summertime! πŸ˜‡
ReneeT Β· 61-69, F
I'm Eighteen by Alice Cooper
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Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@dirge This is one of mine too πŸ€—
calicuz Β· 56-60, M
Everything from the 80s
Lostpoet Β· M
eli1601 Β· 70-79, M
ChipmunkErnie Β· 70-79, M
Many songs but this one was played in the bus on a great school trip when I was 16 so I will always remember it.
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@SW-User Really nice ☺️
caPnAhab Β· 26-30, M
Deny the Absolute - Pelican


I was proud to find a band of my own and they released this single
Jimmy2016 Β· 61-69, M
πŸ€”.................So many songs because I was a teenager in the early 70's..........
Nanoose Β· 61-69, M
Patio Lanterns by Kim Mitchell. Cheers!
this reminds me of my first dance

Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@AliceinWonderland Really like that one 😌
PhoenixPhail Β· M
Any early Beetles songs.
Gusman Β· 61-69, M
Thank you for Best Comment.
Of the songs I posted, Reminiscing is the best for me.
LRB was one of the great Australian bands of the 70's
Now they are based in the US with none of the original members playing
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@Gusman You're welcome ☺️🌺
smiler2012 Β· 61-69
{@carmen74] when grease was out in 1978
OldBrit Β· 61-69, M
One of many

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Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@SW-User I insist πŸ˜‹
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@SW-User Welcome back hehe
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Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@SethGreene531 🎺Great one
Jessmari Β· 46-50

Roadsterrider Β· 56-60, M
Boys of Summer, Crazy Train, anything by Journey.
Roadsterrider Β· 56-60, M
@Carmen74 When I hear this song, I am immediately transported back to 19 years old, sitting on the board walk with my 19 year old wife, me fresh out of bootcamp and starting a life. I got divorced at 21 but those first few steps into who I am today are truly happy moments for me, and today, almost 40 years later, I can call her up and talk about those times and enjoy it.
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@Roadsterrider Awww that's so nice ❀️
Roadsterrider Β· 56-60, M
@Carmen74 What I Like About You was another favorite of the place, time and people in my teens.
YoMomma Β·
I was really into jewish music back then just in general but nothing in particular
Straylight Β· 31-35, F
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@Straylight πŸ’„Good one ☺️
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@V00doo Where did you stand with Blur V Oasis? πŸ€”
@Carmen74 I liked both tbh
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@V00doo Oasissssss πŸ˜‹
ButterRobot Β· 51-55, M
SethGreene531 Β· M
justlooking2023 Β· 56-60, M
ChipmunkErnie Β· 70-79, M
spjennifer Β· 61-69, T


This was the ultimate jam in 10th grade…
Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard πŸŽ€πŸ•Ί
Unquestioned Β· 70-79, M
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Carmen74 Β· 46-50, F
@RogueLoner Awwww fond memories πŸ€—
craig7 Β· 70-79, M
@RogueLoner I was no longer a teen when this came out,but remember it well.
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