sarabee1995 this is a societal problem. And it's far more than just religion.
I can not condone one and while saying all the rest are wrong. They are all apart of the problem because they all allow it to happen!
It a societal thing.
We won WWII because we didn't allow the Germans nor the Japanese to win.
We were determined to win. We didn't say oh we can't overcome two different countries on either side of us. Let's only deal with one. Or even just give up!
The mentality is to not do anything about the greed. And no church is different than the rest of them. No charity is no different than the rest of them.
They are all based on the greed that caused the problems. Do away with the system. End of problem!
We don't give up on space fight just because we have a few crashes! Why that and not the social system?
To say that we are greedy is not the answer. That's giving up! That's allowing the controllers to control!
While I am against violence I will never give up trying to change the system. And they all have given up. Because the greed is in the very system they use.
I will not further the system via such greed. That's all it takes if enough try to do it.
Yes! Do help others.
But not through the condoned system of religion and charities that allow the problems to begin with. They are so much bigger because they all go along with the system. They use the system itself. In truth they are the system.
Now before you say, I am apart of the system. I am not an ORGANIZATION! I'm an individual that is trying to help others. Therefore I am not apart of that same system!
That is what is needed the most. INDIVIDUALS helping others. Not huge organizations. As individuals we are bigger than the rest!
And that's how you overcome ANY system! INDIVIDUAL'S helping others! Regardless of beliefs!
And yes I have done so! I often don't even know what others believe. You just do it! The homeless is EVERYWHERE! Drug addicts, prostitutes, and even gang members alike! You help them by yourself.
You don't discriminate! And that's is another thing that religion does! And it does it to further the system!
They don't help them because of what ever reasons they so chose! And so the system is furthered. The controllers on top win!
The organizations by the way are using the aristocratic methods in each of their organizations! Whose on top? One person controlling!
Individually you are in control of yourself! No one else controls you, but yourself.