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what was your opinion on jerry springer?

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robertsnj · 56-60, M
he is really smart and opportunistic.. i am assuming you mean the show given your picture --wan't for me but I found how take on presenting morality interesting / as it reinforced the subjectivness / grey-ness of morality.

it would be interesting if and how his legal and political career impacted his shaping of the show.
@robertsnj you mean he was. he is dead
Thrust · 56-60, M

I like how he was booted from the Cincinnati mayor's job. He actually wrote a hooker a check from a city account. Bagged!

robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Thrust eh, he should have pulled the money from the petty cash fund and called it a miscellaneous business expense. I mean why have a petty cash fund at all if you can't use it for sexual gratification.......😎
He was just in it for the fame and money nothing else. It’s sad that some people that came on the show actually wanted his help and all he did was laugh at most of them. 🤷🏼‍♀

I guess they didn’t know it was a come embarrass yourself kind of talk show. AKA Circus for humans.
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Thrust · 56-60, M

I know someone who worked on it. A free trip to Chicago and getting on TV would drag out anyone.

She said they'd keep them cooped up in green rooms with tons of sugar and caffeine available. They'd eventually come out in a frenzy 😁

Perfectly put.
Thrust · 56-60, M
He was an RFK volunteer and was with him when he got killed.

Decades later I see him at a roast of David Hasselhoff. The connection was clear - he liked hanging out with guys whose career ended on a kitchen floor!
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I watched an episode or two in my teens, but it made me uncomfortable. It felt exploitative.
Morvoren · F
When I was too young to know better Jerry Springer shows taught me who Americans were and how they behaved.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Morvoren like monty python taught the world how the brits behaved.
Morvoren · F
@MasterLee And to be fair they aren’t wrong.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Nothing personally against him, but his show seemed to encourage people to "show their behinds" (figuratively, and occasionally literally). 🙁
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JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
It was fun watching the uncensored videos
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Sw talk show
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SkeetSkeet Same amount of KKK members
Elisbch · M
Jerry Springer for President!
@Elisbch um....but he's dead 🫤
Elisbch · M

Yeah, I know!... He'll still do a better job than what's coming in..LOL 🤣😄👍🏻
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Never really watched it to have formed an opinion
Iwillwait · M
@beermeplease You're thinking of Morton Downey. 😂
@Iwillwait that's what @NativePortlander1970 said/posted
Thrust · 56-60, M

That was a fun trashy show too. He called his audience "The Monkey Cage"
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deadgerbil · 26-30
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Highlighted various shit shows for TV entertainment
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