DrWatson · 70-79, M
Yes. Whenever I go to a particular grocery store with a huge lot, I always park next to one of the cart collection carrels, so I can find the car. This might mean parking far from the store, in order to find a free space next to a carrel, but I don't mind that.
4meAndyou · F
Sometimes I head for cars that look identical to mine, and once, I even got INTO one of them...and said to myself...wait a minute...MY car isn't this dirty and this isn't MY trash!!! 🤣🤣🤣
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Harmony I was so embarrassed.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou I've put my key into the door of a car identical to my old car.
The funny part was when the owner was headed my way, giving me a look🤨
My car was parked on the opposite row right across from it .
Another time, my mom and I were having breakfast at a restaurant. She sent me to the car to grab something. I couldn't get in her car and came back to tell her there was a cat in her car.
Then we realized her car was on the other side of the huge white van 😅 I was a teen at that time
The funny part was when the owner was headed my way, giving me a look🤨
My car was parked on the opposite row right across from it .
Another time, my mom and I were having breakfast at a restaurant. She sent me to the car to grab something. I couldn't get in her car and came back to tell her there was a cat in her car.
Then we realized her car was on the other side of the huge white van 😅 I was a teen at that time
Mikla · 61-69, F
I can't stop laughing...I've lost mine so, so many times. Especially in parking ramps.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Mikla I use to lose my shopping cart and be pushing someone else’s…that’s how distracted I would get back then while shopping. I haven’t done in a long, long time. Probably because I prop myself on the cart when I am pushing it or standing still, hard to lose it when doing that.
Briggett · T
@cherokeepatti yeah done that too
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Yes, I went to a concert 4 days after purchasing my vehicle.
I realized then that I truly didn't know what my car looked like 😅
I realized then that I truly didn't know what my car looked like 😅
Briggett · T
Heck yeah and it scared me! It was a very bad seen. I don’t scare easily. Like trying to you Toyota in a parking lot when they seem to look just yours.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Briggett When I was working at Walmart a customer, a young man, left the store with his purchases. He came back within a few minutes and told me he thought that someone had stolen his car. He went to the service desk and told them he wanted to report his car as stolen. One of the front end managers told him they’d go outside and he would help him to try to locate his vehicle. They walked around and he eventually found it. We were having a record-breaking heat wave and I’m pretty sure that played a role in him getting panicky& thinking someone took his car. Sometimes I’ve parked in an area that I don’t usually park in & forgot where I parked & it took some walking around to find my car. I try to go to the stores when they are not too crowded & park fairly close to the front. It helps if you have an electric key fob & can beep your car to hear where it’s parked.
Smokey · 46-50, M
23 years ago
It'll turn up someday
It'll turn up someday
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh yes! :-)
I lived for a time in a village with very limited parking, and you could park in the street for half an hour in the day, or overnight from something like 7pm to 8am, say. Sometimes I ended up parking at least quarter of a mile away, even occasionally about half a mile.... and all on a steep hillside.
One morning I walked the fifty yards down the road to where I was sure I'd parked.... Not there. There was a large white van in its place! Oh heck! I must have forgotten where.....
After a fruitless walking tour of about a mile up and down hill, beginning to think it had been stolen, I spotted it. It was just behind the white van.
I lived for a time in a village with very limited parking, and you could park in the street for half an hour in the day, or overnight from something like 7pm to 8am, say. Sometimes I ended up parking at least quarter of a mile away, even occasionally about half a mile.... and all on a steep hillside.
One morning I walked the fifty yards down the road to where I was sure I'd parked.... Not there. There was a large white van in its place! Oh heck! I must have forgotten where.....
After a fruitless walking tour of about a mile up and down hill, beginning to think it had been stolen, I spotted it. It was just behind the white van.
BrewCityBarfly · M
For places I frequent, I try and park in the same general area. We had a parking garage where I used to work and a co-worker gave me a hard time, because regardless of how full, I parked in the same general area on the 2nd level in back. One day, I was leaving work and there he was, wandering around in the garage because he forgot where he parked. Needless to say, he never gave me a hard time about my parking habits again.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
The car is not mine, it's my husband's and he never forgets where he parked it.
Momentarily, yes, a couple of times.
The experience (in a vast parking station at a shopping mall) was so frustrating
that I now make a point of noting the "address":
floor number, colour of nearest concrete columns and the number on the nearest column.
I write it on my parking station ticket and carry it in my wallet.
The experience (in a vast parking station at a shopping mall) was so frustrating
that I now make a point of noting the "address":
floor number, colour of nearest concrete columns and the number on the nearest column.
I write it on my parking station ticket and carry it in my wallet.
likesnatural · 70-79, M
So many SUV's and white sedans today, it is easy to get confused.
meggie · F
Yes and walked a long way to find it
likesnatural · 70-79, M
One time at Disneyland, we took the tram to where we thought we had parked. We looked around and no car. The next time a tram came by we asked the driver where lot whatever was. Hop in and I'll take you there. We were a long ways off from the right lot.
Harmony · 31-35
@likesnatural A nice tramDriver
justlooking2023 · 56-60, M
i'm still looking
Harmony · 31-35
@justlooking2023 lol
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Quite a few times but I blame the beer
Iwillwait · M
Like yesterday..
Scribbles · 36-40, F
If it's a large parking lot, yes.
Parking ramps.are a bit easier since they get labeled with letters or numbers or a letter/number combination. I just snap a photo of which floor I parked on, just in case I forget.
Parking ramps.are a bit easier since they get labeled with letters or numbers or a letter/number combination. I just snap a photo of which floor I parked on, just in case I forget.
FLMan232 · 61-69, M
Thank God for key fobs that beep the horn

Easy. I have a white Camry and have to park it in a different spot each night. I often get days, etc mixed up. But it's never too far away
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
This is one reason I’d love to have a car color that wasn’t very common, turquoise for example.
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
All the time at road high school football games & college games
BigImo · 26-30, F
I did once cos I was really drunk. Ended up just buying a new car
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I click my key fob and it beeps the car so I can find it easier that way
YoMomma ·
Not usually
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Harmony 😆oh for central locking lol
Lostpoet · M