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Ugghhh I wish mom didn't go outside to figghhtttt with someone in the street

My dad and I are so worried 😫 it's the wildest neighbourhood with the worst criminals on loose. They've hurt her before. Broke her finger. Pushed her and tried to make her head hit the ground. Gave us death threats. It's horrible and I wish she'd just stay inside lest it happens again. It's one of my biggest triggers...people shouting in the street....just makes me feel I'm in the same situation again. That and banging doors. She should just stay quiet till we have enough money to move out.

It's their go to method. Head injuries and broken fingers. That's how their victim was found in the open sewer. All tied up in a sack.
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
Pray and pray 🙏
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Matt85 I doooooo. Thanks!!!
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
Why is she even involving herself. Y’all need to stay quiet and save money and leave asap!
Yes, it's frightening. When I was a kid, our neighborhood was bad, but not quite as scary as yours. Even so, my Mum used to go outside and get into screaming matches with the neighbors and their kids. She received death threats, and we lived in fear, until we moved away.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@SW-User yeah. Glad you guys moved!. We're gonna move too one day 🌞
@assemblingaknob I hope it's soon, and stay safe until then!
What country do you live ?
Lilnonames · F
Need me there to help wish I could ill break there fingers. But hope your mom's ok🤗
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Lilnonames ahaahaha🤗 thanks.

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