No longer will the oppressed be oppressedAffluent white old men ...go forth ! Claim your rightful place in society! For you will reap the many rewards you so truly deserve (1)
Have you ever been really close with someone ....And they just let you go? And you never knew why really?
Now the days have another hour.What does that mean for you ? For me it's an additional hour of darkness and suffering . I sit here looking for some reason to live today. Life as beautiful as some aspects of it are is very cruel and dark . I am not meant for this world as I am... See More »
Ugghhh I wish mom didn't go outside to figghhtttt with someone in the streetMy dad and I are so worried 😫 it's the wildest neighbourhood with the worst criminals on loose. They've hurt her before. Broke her finger. Pushed her and tried to make her head hit the ground. Gave us death threats. It's horrible and I wish she'd... See More »
A couple days ago there was a huge fight in the street. Banging on doors, death threats, screams, ...a whole lot that triggered my ptsdAnd all the bad memories came flooding back in my mind. I really hate conflict. I think I used to post on here with my old account then all about the situation. Every few years I have to make a new account and delete the old one because it just gets... See More »