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Should Disney be punished for its view on 'Don't Say Gay' law?

Poll - Total Votes: 44
Yes, Disney should be Punished.
No, Disney should Not be Punished.
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The end of Disney’s corporate kingdom

● Disney’s special tax district ends after half a century
● Changes seen by many as retaliation for Disney’s view on “Don’t say gay” measure.
● “The corporate kingdom finally comes to and end” says Governor DeSantis

A Walt Disney World photographer holds a Pride rainbow-coloured Mickey Mouse cutout (REUTERS)

On Monday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that allows the state to take control of a special tax district that surrounds Walt Disney World. It brings to an end the arrangement that had been in place for over 50 years and allowed the company to run itself with a high degree of autonomy.

“The corporate kingdon finally comes to an end,” DeSantis said at a press event at Lake Buena
Vista near Orlando.

Disney was targeted by state Republicans last year after it clashed with DeSantis. The public debate raged over a new law that restricts classroom instruction of gender and sexual orientation. That law is known by its opponents as the “Don’t Say Gay” measure. DeSantis is widely expected to run for president in 2024.
At the time, Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek voiced disappointment with the new law and stated that
he had called DeSantis to express concerns about the new measures.

Now this recent move by DeSantis is seen by many as retaliation for Disney’s view on the “Don’t Say Gay” measure. The new bill that DeSantis signed into law authorizes the Governor to appoint five supervisors to oversee municipal services such as fire protection, public utilities, waste collection and road maintenance in the region where Disney World operates. The supervisors also have the authority to raise revenue to pay outstanding debt to cover the cost of services.

“We have a situation here that was basically indefensible from a policy perspective,” DeSantis said. “How do you give one theme park its own government and then treat all the other theme parks differently? We believe that that was not a good policy.”

A spokesperson for Disney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Opinion Poll: Should Disney be punished for its view on 'Don't Say Gay' law?

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Imsleepy · 31-35
DeSantis is a sad, homophobic piece of shit.
YoMomma ·
I don't think kids should be taught sexual stuff gay or otherwise...

Let them be kids and stop perverting them..

The fact that the system is forcing a graphically gay agenda on small children is vile and not appropriate..
Annie13 · F
@SW-User We have more than enough allies 😌
Your worldview doesn't set the agenda either.
chrisCA · M
@SW-User That 2 to 3 percent of the population sure scares some of you. 😏
@chrisCA Where do you lemmings come up anyone being frightened. You all read from the same presumptuous and stupid script.

Let kids be kids. What a concept
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
I think Uncle Walt would be horrified with some of the stuff being propagated by Disney these days. Their status was a privilege not a right. Abolish it
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
You have to be an ass to say that about a man who built an empire@ChipmunkErnie
@AbbeyP I meant that tongue in cheek. Although the usual caterwauling ninnies said that when he left the FDR cult and joined the Repubs
Annie13 · F
@AbbeyP Well yeah society has changed quite a bit since Walt was around and what is being propagated to children?
akindheart · 61-69, F
DeSantis is going after them big time. just signed away their independence.
@BeachGirl47 How could they possibly charge more...lol
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@BeachGirl47 more likely less, since Disney was my have to check ver the costs of fire, police, roads, etc any more. The taxpayers of the county and s ate probably finD their taxes to see to cover those costs.
@samueltyler2 I wonder how much more tax money Florida will have to do those things now that Disney won't have a free ride anymore.
Disney was stripped of all it's special tax breaks and the sovereignty it was granted. That was a ridiculous idea to start with. To give any company the ability to rule an area within a state with its own laws is unheard of. It even had the right to annex land.
I'm glad the governor and the state reps have taken that from Disney.
Florida already has no state income tax and low sales tax. Getting tax money from Disney should make it an even better state to live in.
Disney should stick to entertainment and stop the grooming propaganda.
@GoingDownSouth Accusations are actually confessions groomer.
@canusernamebemyusername What a moron!! You will be blocked
Docdon23 · M
Two separate issues here--corporate tax favors, and being homophobic. I totally agree the tax breaks should be reduced, but for me we should not hate on any group--live and let live, tolerate and understand and love don't hate.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Disney Corp. should be punished because they are shady, corrupt corporate oligarchs. I see punish Disney, I like. Disney cultists and apologists are weird. Also, there is too much money in politics. All corporations should stay out of politics, IMO. And the culture war agenda is trite. We are on the brink of nuclear Armageddon and shits on fire and the economy is on the edge.
Olderguy · 61-69, M
And government should stay out of a business. Not governments job to punish a business @GeistInTheMachine
@Olderguy it actually is their job. Protecting the population is the job of government.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@Olderguy Says who? Maybe I'll agree with you when corps stop messing with politics and screwing average people over. Corporate cucking is ruining America. They need to stay out of my life.

The run roughshod anyway. They are still complaining?

Fuck 'em.
akindheart · 61-69, F
Disney has become its own country down here in Florida. Making money hand over fist. they need to be part of our state and governed accordingly. Now maybe we can clean up the pedophilia...

as for the Don't say Gay, that is twisting his intention.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@graphite i give up, i am not in the mood to argue with you, obviously you are not concerned when a governor indicates he will not even speak to 2 major media groups, and, like a former tyrant in Europe, wants all media to be registered in his state, and thus controlled. I can not even fathom how people like you, who want the government to leave their hands of, now espouse such tight control.
graphite · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 So you have no citations for articles he prevented from being published, or newscasts he prevented from being broadcast. That is what an authoritarian would do. Glad we're clear on that.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@graphite You are being a typical right wing idiot. Come on, how would I know of any specific article he prevents from being published? Go follow your leader, God help us if his sort of government should succeed. If you like that style, go live under Putin. He first forced the registration of all media, then banned some, removed books, if that doesn't sound familiar, then you are even more blind and dumb then you make out to be.
Confined · 56-60, M
Disney used to stand for family values. Now they want to bring gender identity into everything. I will nerver give another penny to their corrupt company. They deserve to go out of business.
Confined · 56-60, M
@Annie13 I do not want my kids or any one elses kids exposed or indoctrinated until they are are old enough. Disney is motly very young kids. They do not need to be exposed. Disney is becoming demonic. Think what you want, I am all for closing down disney parks for good, and closing down the company.
Annie13 · F
@Confined So it is no problem for kids to see a straight couple in a movie but as soon as there is a gay one it's indoctrination?
Also they offer a service many parents don't have an issue with. No one forces you or your kids to consume it.
This message was deleted by its author.
Disney should close for the summer…
Or move
Why would Disney as a whole be “punished”?

It’s the top brass within the business that needs to be screened and rearranged lol

I don’t know who this person that said what he did is. With an outsiders perspective I can say he doesn’t understand how large companies work.

The people at the top end always make a mess of things. Go after them not the Name Disney 🤣
specman · 51-55, MVIP
For people with different views relax! The government passes laws all the time that I don’t agree with!

Not saying it’s wrong or right, however I don’t think in a way it’s not really about Disney the corporation as much as the movement .
BeachGirl47 · 26-30, F
I say leave disney alone
Of course it’s retaliation if Disney’s taking the position that they don’t want to support a law that excludes people. That’s the way the GOP works now. Ironically, Walt would’ve agreed with DeSantis. The Disney of today had actually joined the 21st century.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Should Florida be punished for institution such ridiculous laws?

samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@DeWayfarer I suspect, it has already punished itself. it remains to be seen
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 I'm being hyperbolic with the poll question! 🙃😊
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, Disney should be applauded.
Catzgano · 31-35, F
Does anyone ever even listen to Disney ?
Bewilderbeeste · 70-79, M
Walt Disney has been dead for 56 years. Or had you forgotten? How can he be punished now?
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
This message was deleted by its author.
Annie13 · F
@graphite would you be so kind to point out specific content that is being taught you consider to be inappropriate?
graphite · 61-69, M
@Annie13 This would be too much of a distraction for me so I deleted the comment. Can't get bogged down in this all day.

Annie13 · F
@graphite When the simple reality of your own identity becomes politicized and a point of debate, it can be dehumanizing, increase stigma and stress, and be especially damaging for young people.
This is especially true for youth early in their elementary school years, who might not fully be able to grasp why they and their families are coming under attack.
It aims to prevent inappropriate talk on sexual orientation and gender identity that actually never happened.
The bill not once says ‘don’t say gay’
Proof the sw news bot is heavily biased with stupid.
and trying to set our brains to their thinking
I’m sure Disney could buy literally everything DeSantis and any person he’s ever come in contact with owns, and turn it into whatever they felt like.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
It could be as simple as they smelled money. This situation has been around for a while; it's not like they responded in a knee-jerk way. I don't even agree that it's a punishment. If this is an arrangement that only Disney had, losing that was a matter of time.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M

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