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What created the first cell on Earth? God or Big Bang?

All roads lead to one.

Every culture has a different name for it.

God, Allah, Vishnu, Muhammed,

The plain fact is that something created the first living organism.

How can you disagree? Definitely way before Adam and Eve.

The tree that grew before them, means that life/growth existed before them.

Back to biology. Back to basics. The first cell, the first bacteria,the first organism, the first thing that could evolve, how did it exist? What created it??

If you believe in "Big Bang"....what created the things that create the "bang". What made the planets.

In my opinion..... It is so unimaginable.

So beyond God or any other deity.

Something, created space. Planets. Oxygen for human life.

Even if you believe in God and Adam and Eve and Jesus.... What created this planet. God, ok. Now what created all the others? And why?

In essence.....

What created the first cell on Earth?
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BlueVeins · 22-25
The Big Bang didn't create the first cell. The Big Bang created spacetime and matter/energy, and somewhere in the general ballpark of 10 billion years later, the first organism was formed from random chemical reactions, either on our planet or some other warm, wet environment nearby.

God doesn't really solve the problem of recursive causes. It's true that nobody knows what could've caused the Big Bang, but it's inconsistent to say that we need an explanation for that, but we don't need an explanation for God coming into existence in the first place.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@BlueVeins The things that created the big bang....what created them?

The Big Bang event is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Various cosmological models of the Big Bang explain the evolution of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale form

What created temperature? What created the single point that the big bang expanded on?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins There's no such thing as the 'Big Bang." That theory was concocted by a Catholic priest. The universe is still being created from celestial hydrogen atoms. The only bang is from exploding stars.
@BlueVeins Space-time predates any of zillions of big bangs occurring at any moment in the cosmos.
Believing in a Creator is the easy way out. Just because science cannot (yet) explain the origins of life does not mean you give up and accept the word of a religious text (with no evidence whatsoever).
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Diotrephes metaphysics 🤣
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Diotrephes what created the quantum foam and strings?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
what created the quantum foam and strings?

The problem is that we don't know what the properties of Nothing are since in our reality there is always Something. But, we do know that cosmic creation is an on-going process.

What created the God character? People's superstitious imaginations. The problem is that no God is more credible than any of the other more than 33,000,000 deities humans have worshiped over the ages. The biblical Gods were simply men. Some were crazier than other others but they were all insane from incestous inbreeding. In ancient times anyone could become a God, which is just a title, indicating that the person held your life in his hands. Our national leaders would have been considered Gods in ancient times.

From the river to the sea.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Making religion funny, that's a skill
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
God created the big bang to spawn life through the universe. So to me it's the same thing
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Pfuzylogic that's fine. Science is not a bible. It changes with knowledge
Pfuzylogic · M
@Axeroberts It would be good if schools taught what you just stated!
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Pfuzylogic schools don't even teach spelling anymore 🙄 at least where I live
What created the first cell on Earth?

Fundamental randomness created larger and more complex molecules over a period of a billion years in warm sunlit seas, around hydrothermal vents and wherever energy was flowing. Fundamental randomness created building blocks such as hydrocarbon rings and chains and amino acids that glommed together in random ways. These would become the ancestors of bacteria and other prokaryotes (cells without distinct nuclei).

I don't know what caused the big bang. You can name that first cause "God" if you like. But naming the first cause does not automatically get you a purpose in life, an afterlife, a being that will answer prayers, a moral order, or any of the other meaningful parts of religion.
@HellsBelle As I said, you can name the first cause anything you like. But naming the first cause does not automatically get you a purpose in life, an afterlife, a being that will answer prayers, a moral order, or any of the other meaningful parts of religion.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@ElwoodBlues ffs, ignore any religion aspect. WHAT CREATED THE CELL
@HellsBelle At the risk of repeating myself,

Fundamental randomness created larger and more complex molecules over a period of a billion years in warm sunlit seas, around hydrothermal vents and wherever energy was flowing. Fundamental randomness created building blocks such as hydrocarbon rings and chains and amino acids that glommed together in random ways. These would become the ancestors of bacteria and other prokaryotes (cells without distinct nuclei).
Viper · M
Hmm maybe God's big bang?

In truth, I feel like their is some mega cycles that we haven't been able to figure out yet. Such as an article I read earlier today suggested that a study says earth has a mass extinction event every 27.5 million years.

And how the universes keeps expanding... but they don't know how or why it is.

My pure random guess is that in another dimension, goes through a black hole and comes to our dimension in pieces via a white hole that we can't see, as in theory black and white holes work faster than light.

So the big bang was not the overall start, but simply the start or recontinued of this dimension by material coming for another dimension.

PS: Dimension is probably the wrong word, but basically just it coming from elsewhere.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@Viper that's an interesting point of view.
Viper · M
@Axeroberts glad someone liked it... just to be clear, just an amateur theory, not sure I have enough knowledge to have a point of view, just trying to put random pieces together
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Viper always? nothing created it? something had to create it
This is a powerful text.

"In the Beginning was the Word.
The Word was..
Simply by Virtue of Being"

That is a miracle of being. In conversations with God, a book by Neale Donald Walshe, he speaks says that "Deity has no needs. All That Is is exactly that: all that is. It therefore wants, or lacks,
nothing—by definition." So ponder that. I am who I am
Pfuzylogic · M
I would agree with this.
God’s creation is supernatural.
As described in Genesis God spoke everything into existence.
How can one use science to explain it since science is limited to the observations of man.
When God created Adam; Adam was created from the clay of the earth and then God breathed into him and Adam became a living soul. This wasn’t even something that Michelangelo could capture visually!
God created.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@SW-User People who don't know God, random remote civilizations who don't have media or any form of outside influence. When they die, where do they go?
No, not hell. If it was not their fault they never had a chance to learn about @HellsBelle Jesus, He will save them in other ways. They can live and perform the Gospel daily without even knowing it. Only sinners who refused salvation , chose hell themselves willfully 🤷‍♀️They knew but didn’t want it
God (Jesus Christ) wrote his Law into our souls...thats why we have a conscience @HellsBelle If we have a clear conscience and don’t suppress it , even people who have never seen a Bible can still live by it. Then it only takes one near death experience where the soul can be raptured/lifted to Heaven where they can discover Jesus and accept Him and be saved. There are first Christian Egyptian Saints that lived in deserts or remote places in Egypt, that never learned to read anything and full Bible wasn’t even put together but they would recite Bible verses.... God has million and one ways to save people He gives many chances. Like, regardless of place of growth any person will feel that murder is wrong, the Conscience (Gods voice) will help them feel that its wrong. So, on the judgement day , those in random civilizations will be judged against their conscience. When Jesus was crucified and died on Cross He went down to hell and got everyone out who never knew Him or heard of Him during their life time.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Nobody knows...
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Unlearn Truly. I don't even know if we will know after we die. I assume not.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@DocSavage There is an estimated 10 to the 25 power planets that orbit stars in the universe. Life has existed on this planet for billions of years. If life exists on billions of other planets in the universe then the conclusion must be that the process of creating life is common. And, if we ever encounter life forms similiar to ours that would mean that the life-creating force is the same throughout the universe. How will people cope with that reality?

You see that scenario all the time in sci-fi movies but it is never addressed.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes And the odds of getting all the right atoms in all the right places is 1 E 42,0000. Do you really want to play odds? BTW there is no way to know how many of those planets are capable of supporting life.
DocSavage · M
You’re looking for an answer to something we will most likely never know. That however does not automatically however point to a self aware, designer. Which, logically would also require something or someone to explain its origin.
The universe has been here for eons. Human existence far less. We’ve managed to put some to the pieces together, it’s going to take time. And we probably still will never know.
So, why don’t you just make your case for god, rather than argue the unknowable.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
All roads lead to one. Every culture has a different name for it. God, Allah, Vishnu, Muhammed,

Can you cite a referece from the Koran which states that Muhammed is responsible for creating all life on the planet?
DocSavage · M
Do you really expect an Answer ? We have no way of knowing it.if there is or was evidence , it’s long gone and beyond own knowledge. Religions simply provide a quick, simple reason which has no reason to exist.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@DocSavage No, not an answer, but an opinion that might lead to understanding
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
These were random references and may be ignorant. I just know some cultures have a God of sorts, and in essence could be the same as "God" in the christian mentality.

Muhammed is not a God.
the laws of the universe, physics, chemistry, etc. are such that life will ALWAYS arise given enough time.
it needs no "being" to make it happen

we need to stop looking for Prime Movers,,
we need to look to ourselves for meaning, not some entirely mysterious being
god/not god
is irrelevant
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
An Eternal God we know as "I AM" (Yahweh) or a cosmic accident bound by time. I believe it was Yahweh. Everything is simply too complex to be the result of an accident. Too much had to have happened at exactly the right time and right time in order for life to have cells capable of supporting life. LIfe is not a bunch of amino acids bumping into each other.
cerealguy · 26-30, M
This was a really rational question, as we know that with the minimum gene concept that the cell couldn't have assembled itself

But there is more to discuss than just that cell because there is a lot going on in this universe that needs explanation
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@cerealguy I just want to know what created the first "point" of existence.
JovialMoose · 51-55, M
Earth? Why does it have to be "something?"

Why couldn't it have been chance?
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@JovialMoose ??? I want to know our beginning. I care. Don't bother commenting if you don't care. That's bizarre.
JovialMoose · 51-55, M
@HellsBelle It's not bizarre to care so much about something you could never know?

It's either faith or a guess. I'm guessing it all existed before existence mattered and life on earth started after billions of years of being a lifeless rock. We are lucky it exists and yet we fight to destroy it.

I also believe there are other rocks out there brewing "life."
DocSavage · M
You’re being petty. What created god ? And why would god create us
On another post, I’ve been arguing with someone who keeps going back to the Ultimate cause. God is not a default.
As I said, if you want god, make your case.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Many cells come together to form an organism. The same way trees, water, animals, and humans come together to create the Earth.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@DeluxedEdition yes but what created the cells?
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I never had the luxury of thinking about stuff like that, I left those thoughts for people who don't have to worry about food or shelter.

During all my sufferings I understood one thing if there is a god it would be awesome.
DocSavage · M
Abiogenesis. Evolution took it from there.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@DocSavage What created the chemicals that started the Abiogenesis?
DocSavage · M
Natural residue from exploding stars and planets.
It’s pointless to keep going backwards. If you believe in a creator, make your case.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@DocSavage that is the thing, I believe it is more. Something made the first expandable thing. More than religion.
If it’s not science, it’s superstition.

😂Ranting and philosophy in a section dedicated to a TV sitcom,😂

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HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Max312 which make me realize more that people have different names for the same thing.
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I have the same questions
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Surprise me.
Cells are matter, matter is energy, energy is neither created nor destroyed just converted.

It's one great big eternal cycle .🤷
@HellsBelle yeah ...good luck with that 🤣
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@OogieBoogie ....I asked the question to basic humans. I didn't expect to find the actual answer. I was asking for thoughts or ideas or theories, basically. Accept admitting you don't know an absolute and can share ideas.
@HellsBelle ok.
Well that's what I did ....I shared my ideas .
You questioned them, I dis my best to explain within my knowledge and belief.

I just have to accept that it doesn't seem enough for you .🤷

Which is also ok .👍

I hope you find what it is you are specifically looking for.☺️
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@HellsBelle Muhammed is not a deity so he didn't create anything.
DDonde · 31-35, M
I would say not to confuse lack of an answer as an explanation by another.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@DDonde What is the cause of information? Don't forget the information is extremely complex. So complex it needs a special coding for the information to be held. Then there is the small problem of is the information useful. Kind of like having Google at your finger tips but can't read or hear what is being said. Simply too complex to ever have happened by blind chance.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 You don't actually know that your last sentence is true. It's just a conviction on your part about the nature of complexity.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@DDonde No it is a true statement. The odds of getting all the right bits in all the right places is 1 E42,000. There are 1E90 atoms in the known universe. And that does not explain the information and the ability to use said information. Simply impossible since statisticians say that 1 e57 is impossible 1 E42000 is way way way beyond impossible. If I find a delicate watch lying on the ground do I assume that it is the result of an accident or of design. The odds of the watch forming itself is much much higher than a self forming cell.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
MethDozer · M
Chemistry. Life exist and was created because of chemistry. An applied physics. The universe works the way it does and things happen the way they do because they couldn't work or happen any other way. It's just that.

It's all just a series of physical laws and chemical structures.
DocSavage · M
They’re entitled to their beliefs. I want to see how they make it work. There are some obvious flaws that you can’t ignore unless you do it deliberately.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@DocSavage with only physical evidence you will miss how
DocSavage · M
What other kind of evidence is there ? Spiritual ?
Stray lightning hitting a puddle of primordial ooze.
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HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@BlueGreenGrey what made the universe. what made "matter"?
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@HellsBelle and its properties

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