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Do you ever watch the old Supermarket Sweep?

I don’t know why but I enjoy watching it still but I don’t like the newer show from a few years ago. Things get a little crazy in the later seasons when they start having contestants make sandwiches for extra points LOL like who thinks of that 😂🥪 and sorry I realize this is probably an unrelatable post.
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cuteblondegreyguy · 56-60, M
By virtue of being born on Tuesday, March 16'th, 1965-I was too young to understand the original ABC network daytime version of "Supermarket Sweep"; however-at age 25-whilr living in the San Francisco Bay area-I remember watching the revised 1990 version of the aforementioned classic game show. Perhaps BOTH versions can be found on http://www.youtube.com :)
@tiltawhirl I have a roku myself, I watch the old game shows now and then.
cuteblondegreyguy · 56-60, M
@tiltawhirl How nice. :)
cuteblondegreyguy · 56-60, M
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
No but it sounds fun i might have to watch it now. I watch Pop Culture jeopardy with my 2 daughters we act like we are playing as a family and when they ask a question we pause the tv and give our answers to see if we were right. Its fun. Especially when they mention something old school and the kids are like Mom you got this one! Lol
twiigss · M
They have them make sandwiches? I've never ever seen that before. It's such a great show though. I love it when they get to run around and just put anything they want into their cart.

As a kid I always used to think it was just people running around who got a super lucky shot at being able to get a lot of groceries
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I watched a few episodes back in the day.

Sometimes I watch footage of it on YouTube before I make a trip to my local hometown's supermarket.
AnotherUniverse · 41-45, M
ABSOLUTELY. Classic show! I always wanted my own cart to fill!
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I can honestly say I never watched a complete show, I guess it passed me by.
Ashly · 26-30, F
I vaguely remember seeing some episodes with my abuelo

Why did they fill the carts with Turkeys again?
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
@Ashly LOL because they had big value in them
Ashly · 26-30, F
@tiltawhirl ok that makes sense lol
I only remember that and that they would like hide stuff under certain products
It was a good show 👍
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
When you hear the beep.
The original was a fun show, the prices would be almost ten times as much now.

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