Matt85 · 36-40, M
Looks good! I loved the first film. Awesome that Steve Coogan is in it.
Another joker movie? Cool but nobody beats heath ledger joker.
@req89hikowquou Cesar Romero was the best one, he designed his Joker after the original 1940's comics character.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@req89hikowquou He's good, but my Joker will always be Mark Hamill.
funfan · 51-55, M
Casting Stephanie was indeed muy fantastico, you're correct. Let's just hope it's better than most of the DCU movies huh?

Lady GaGa, the Academy Award winner, love that concept

It has amazing moments, might give it a watch
Ferric67 · M
It is interesting to see her, you're right
Mudkip · 31-35, M
I’m in!
ExperienceDLT · M
Phoenix is so good he will make it good he plays deranged so well
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'm still skeptical enough about the first one I haven't yet watched it. I'm just so afraid of being disappointed by it, with all the baggage that comes with a character like the Joker.
The thing about a guy like him is, he thrives on the idea that nobody knows his origin story. Nobody knows where he came from, whether his real name is Arthur Fleck, Jack Napier, or even Joe Kerr. Giving a character like that a concrete origin story is risky. And to be perfectly honest, even though it screams "kid's comic book", I've always preferred the versions of him that aren't wearing makeup, that are somehow scarred and bleached in some unspecified accident or attack. So this version of him, this sad, depressed man who only comes alive when he puts on the clown makeup...
I don't know.
I'll probably give it a shot someday.
The thing about a guy like him is, he thrives on the idea that nobody knows his origin story. Nobody knows where he came from, whether his real name is Arthur Fleck, Jack Napier, or even Joe Kerr. Giving a character like that a concrete origin story is risky. And to be perfectly honest, even though it screams "kid's comic book", I've always preferred the versions of him that aren't wearing makeup, that are somehow scarred and bleached in some unspecified accident or attack. So this version of him, this sad, depressed man who only comes alive when he puts on the clown makeup...
I don't know.
I'll probably give it a shot someday.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
There’s another joker movie??
I don't think Phoenix is acting, he is truly psycho