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Midnightstroker · 41-45, M

caPnAhab · 26-30, M
The Rise of Skywalker....

Usually I don't pay attention to movies I don't like... but this one hurts me as a Star Wars fan.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@caPnAhab how is Rise of Skywalker a bad movie. I loved it
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
[@semileylovesgaming] well at least you could enjoy something I couldn't. People should like what they like

But to answer your question

I think the pacing was too fast and you're not given time to think about what's happening. There were also so many moments that were just too far-fetched or didn't make sense. I also feel like many of the characters with great potential were just left to do nothing... like Fin. There's a bunch of other stuff that just messes with the established Star Wars lore. I'm sorry, I could go on and on. But I don't want to trash talk this thing you like, well at least not to your face.
GovanDUNNY · M
@caPnAhab Jarjar binks and Liam Neeson spoiled Star Wars for me
Nanori · F
Forrest Gump, Idc what anybody says it was total shit
Slade · 56-60, M
@Nanori I saw Forrest Hump
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
@Nanori i don’t think it was shit but it’s definitely overrated
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Nanori Baby boomer nostalgia, that's why that movie was a hit. You are correct, its highly overrated.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Battlefield Earth
Cool World
Pearl Harbor(I hate Michael Bay)
Jurassic World
The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker(the sequel trilogy was garbage)
The Matrix Resurrections
Us(Jordan Peele is totally overrated)
Wonder Woman 84
Hobo with a shotgun
Slade · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout it was somewhat tolerable.

I ❤️ dystopian movies
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Slade · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I daw thst with a group. The razzing made it wirth it
Slade · 56-60, M
Danish art films are a confused cluster fuck. But at least you get lots of nudity!
dale74 · M
Anything with Jim Carrey
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@dale74 I love Jim Carrey
dale74 · M
@JohnOinger well John you are great at many things but your taste in Jim Carrey I would have to agree to disagree.
Blair witch project 🥱😴
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I hated those too
itsok · 31-35, F
I really disliked Mother!
Slade · 56-60, M
Deep Throat
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
I hate violent stories. these came out on tv here years later after the movie came out and I hated them, wished I never saw them:

Kill Bill

Slade · 56-60, M
@LilMissAnonyMOUSE I ❤️ Seven. Have my own copy.

I'm a sucker for dystopias
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Rambo: Last Blood
Black Christmas
The new Grudge

Those are all the worst movies I’ve seen since I started going out with my movie buddies
theoldschoola · 46-50, M
Army of Darkness
Any Wes Anderson movie
Any SYFY original movie
The Room
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@theoldschoola I’d rather get fillings than watch a Wes Anderson movie.
theoldschoola · 46-50, M
@Fukfacewillie God damn right. I watched one on a 2nd date with a woman. My new resolve is never again.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@theoldschoola I’ve been tricked a couple of times…NEVER AGAIN!
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Dear Evan Hansen is not even so-bad-its-good it's just a horror don't even watch it as a joke
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
I seriously don’t know where to start. I can barely watch movies any more.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Paranormal: 90 minutes of the sort of shit that happens in any house, then somebody flips their lid and somebody else gets killed by them. Utter shit.
Corpse Bride: I was at the cinema, after 10 minutes I started looking around the audience to see who would leave first.
Blair Witch Project: Do not try and make a film without a storyline, it makes whatever you produce exceedingly boring.
Namor69 · 41-45, M
The last Scream movie - and they're going to make another one!!😒
@Namor69 I agree and Neve Campbell will not be returning to the franchise. Very good choice
Anal milfs 2. The sequels always suck
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User That's a positive in a MILF flick!
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Toxic avenger 3
Slade · 56-60, M
@DeluxedEdition Death Wish 3 and 4 were horrendous
Sharky86 · 36-40, M

And many others
AdaXI · 41-45, T
@Sharky86 Yeah like 4 1/2 very painful hours of our lives we'll never get back.🙄
乂ᴼ ₒ ᴼ乂

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Troll (1986 film)
Torsten · 36-40, M
any marvel Disney film
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
snakes on a train
MrGomco · 36-40, M
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Brazilian Snake (porn movie): I have never seen so many weathered vaginas in my life. I mean seriously what sort of hammer does one of those have to take to start looking worn out?
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
The Fountain

Wicker Park

Harold and Kumar go anywhere

2 Fast 2 Furious, or Tokyo Drift

Push - Chris Evans

Clooney as Batman
There are more bad movies out there than there are bad poets, and that's saying something.. 🙂
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smiler2012 · 56-60
🤔 now by not recommend do you mean horro content or the film is shit 😆 [ pancake]
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
pretty much any of the remakes of blockbuster 80's and 90's films...
Slade · 56-60, M
@wildbill83 Jaws III in 3D
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Battlefield Earth Worst Scifi Action Movie it was so boring and badly written
Torsten · 36-40, M
and Marvel films besides Spider-man
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Torsten aah come on, I thought Capt America was the most pretentious effort at making a superhero but the films really make it work. The elevator fight scene is one of the best (and funny in a way) fight scenes in cinema.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@GeniUs I really like ant man and black panther. I love shuri and T'challa relationship. She was willing to fight him to get out of a corset I laughed so hard
not horrible . just plain bad.. grin
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Dream. A Japanese Movie that will make you go "WTF is this???"

Montanaman · M
🙋‍♀️Very Bad Things.🙅‍♀️
Slade · 56-60, M
@Montanaman I loved that flick. Ruthless and merciless dark humour
Montanaman · M
@Slade 😆 When i saw it at the theater, I was so depressed at the end, I asked for my money back. 😞🤪🙅‍♀️
Slade · 56-60, M
@Montanaman made copies for many of the sick bastards I know
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Just because one thinks a movie is bad doesn't mean u will
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I had the misfortune of seeing it in theaters. 😑

The most recent Dune.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom I tried so hard to like Dune.
@Fukfacewillie I loved the books when I was a teenager. I didn't care for the first film that I saw in my 20s. I decided to give it another try a few years ago, and liked it even less. The idea of a multi-generational female secret society was cool, but their goal - to breed the perfect man - was disappointing. And the idea of an outsider joining an oppressed group and leading them to freedom has been done to death, with The Last Samurai, Avatar, and many others.
Monstrous, The remake of psycho, for starters
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@sunsporter1649 Dark Star was also a song by The Grateful Dead.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Sidewinder Did not know that
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
redredred · M
Remains of the day
Forrest Gump
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Holmes & Watson
GovanDUNNY · M
Beetle juice
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
Legally Blonde 2....ugh
hyg346 · 41-45, M
Curse of the Jackalope

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