celine211 · 22-25, F
12 years a slave - is a masterpiece i mean it made ME cry , its about a slave, TRUE STORY
La vita e` bella(life is beautiful) - just speechless About the holocaust - it makes you cry and laugh at the same time
The pianist- also about the holocaust its a great movie, i think its a true story
I'm almost sure you've heard of Gladiator - its really good and then there's young Russell Crow in it soo
A beautiful mind- true story
Fiddler on the roof - musical, catchy songs, its an awesome musical
Schindler's List- also holocaust , and true story
They are all a masterpiece- the first one made the most impression on me though maybe due to personal reasons. Trust me they're great give them a try
La vita e` bella(life is beautiful) - just speechless About the holocaust - it makes you cry and laugh at the same time
The pianist- also about the holocaust its a great movie, i think its a true story
I'm almost sure you've heard of Gladiator - its really good and then there's young Russell Crow in it soo
A beautiful mind- true story
Fiddler on the roof - musical, catchy songs, its an awesome musical
Schindler's List- also holocaust , and true story
They are all a masterpiece- the first one made the most impression on me though maybe due to personal reasons. Trust me they're great give them a try
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celine211 · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst eh maybe for you:) opinions are subjective to everyone
@celine211 YESS OMF gladiator and fiddler!!
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
All very lovely movies 👍@celine211
Training day
Tokyo Godfathers
trackboy · 26-30, M
Dunkirk, darkest hour, three billboards outside of ebbing Missouri, lady bird, call me by your name, thor ragnarok, the disaster artist, i, tonya, the shape of water, jumanj welcome to the jungle, justice league, daddys home, a bad moms Christmas, l b j, geo storm, blade runner 2045.
Coyotedave611 · M
If you haven't seen it, "the cooler" is great with a real surprise ending, I loved it
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
shawshank redemption
celine211 · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst Yess i saw that. I recommend it to!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@celine211 I've seen it 10 times I think
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@MartinTheFirst brubaker is good.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Carver · 31-35, F
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
all the presidents men.
dog day afternoon.
.... i'll stop there, for the time being.
all the presidents men.
dog day afternoon.
.... i'll stop there, for the time being.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Sex,Lies and videotape
TexChik · F
Death Wish
SpaceJesus · 41-45
Hell yeah. The original Robocop, The Lost Boys, the original Fright Night or Predator. All classics. Take your pick