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I need help coping with PTSD

I need help coping with PTSD. If anybody is reading this, please give me advice. I have nausea related to the PTSD I got from being robbed. There are no real resources which can help me.

I am afraid to seek counseling. Some counselors and therapists will just assume I am making up my suffering. I don't really get very emotional when I talk about my problems with people. I have even been accused of being a liar by past counselors due to the fact that I'm not crying my eyes out when I seek help. I also had bad experiences where the counselors didn't give me advice and would ask nonstop questions without being interested in my answers. I felt that the counselors were only trying to keep me talking without admitting that they had no clue how to help me.

Any advice on coping with PTSD would be very helpful. Please leave notes with your advice. No hateful words needed. No bullies. I am on the verge of vomiting due to my PTSD symptoms. I am also having dizzy spells.
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I know a person who could help you and that is Noah Elkrief. He is the best psychologist in the world. He has tons of free videos. He has helped hundreds get their life back. Be patient with yourself. Listen to his free videos and he can help you get well. Look up all of his free videos and choose the ones that will help you. You can even buy self-help books or rent them from the library. I wish you the very best and I pray that you feel better soon and get your life back.



There is even sound therapy for PTSD.

…then if counselors don’t work, maybe look for a group , where they sit in a circle and each tells their story. In that group you might find someone with similar feelings , who understands and then two people testimonies are more believable to a counselor then that of one. I would look for something in a group of similar events thing rather than one on one counseling 🤔🤔🤔

I think, one more forum where they talk about PTSD is

Maybe there someone can say something too🤔
@SW-User i can't find any right now. Most of the groups I were in were hostile. Like I mentioned before, I was wrongly accused of lying for attention. I prefer group settings even though there are few places which accept groups where I am.
Fishy · 36-40, F
I'm so sorry for what you're going through

That was wrong of your counselors to accuse you of lying,

They really shouldn't be in a job

Also, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that a symptom of PTSD is trouble expressing emotions around the truama because you mental shutdown.

And there's lots of people who don't cry in therapy.
Myself included
@Fishy thank you so much for your note.
Kutchio · 22-25
I'm sorry for what you've gone through, I'm not really someone good with coping. But if you want somewhere to start, I suggest opening it up to someone close, who you could really trust to understand you. It might not help, it might help, I don't know, but just having someone who could truly understand you and listen just feels right. Maybe you have someone like that? I hope it helps, but if not, then I hope someone can give a good advice that could ease your mind :)
@Kutchio I have nobody else close to me. I only use this forum to seek advice. I am still grateful for your sympathy anyways.
@SalamanderWolfWoman they said that to me, but only if you're disrespectful
They don't know who calls for confidentiality reasons.
Sometimes you get the good ones who are normally older. Other times they ask you suicidal, talk half the call on the name of safety plan.
@Husher in my town, they do block for calling too many times. They do trace. I even got called back by them when i had a panic attack because i had heart palpitations at the same time. They decided that I'm too much trouble and blocked me afterwards. Probably scared i was a liability or a prank caller. I am neither!
@SalamanderWolfWoman wtf? that promotes suicide
Add me on discord: cactusususuusu (I also have ptsd i can kinda help you)$all
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@Lostpoet i got stranded in another city with a cellphone that had very low battery. I called my family to book a hotel room. I begged my family to tell the hotel that I had been on a long ride and was dishevelled. My family was too lazy to tell the hotel clerk and even lied to me about calling the clerk. I was dishevelled from my bus ride so the hotel was very hostile and both tried to cheat me and threatened me at the same time. I had nowhere to go and had a barely functioning cellphone. I met people who pretended to help me and later robbed me. When I called the police, the police officer seemed to side with the robber and even insulted me racially. Thanks for your note.
Lostpoet · M
@SalamanderWolfWoman That is kind of my experience too except i've never even tried to reach out to family.
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