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How can i be self-disciplined when depressed? Any tips?

I give up and give in easily... when depressed.
Sylphrena · 31-35
Stop being so hard on yourself. Be proud of the little things.

An example would be like, maybe you have a messy room. Instead of beating yourself up about it, do something small. Like put all the laundry in one spot. Even if you didn't finish the laundry, you still made some progress. Or throw away some trash. Any amount of improvment is still progress. Just try to be a little better each time, and be gentle with yourself when you don't succeed. Healing is not linear, and you will have setbacks. That's okay. Just start again when you're ready.
tactical360 · 56-60, M
Start with something relatively simple. A small change you want to make. According to behaviorists. It only takes 21 days (3 weeks) to establish a new habit, be it good or bad.
Start small....REALLY small. Something do-able.
It could be:
- put ONE thing away
- do one sit-up
- do five minites of dishes
- get up 10 minutes earlier
- one teaspoon less of sugar
- write one sentence...

....where ever it is that you need discipline - pick some small change you CAN make, AND KEEP MAKING for the rest of your life.

Big changes are hard to keep, small ones are easier.....but all add up.

Once you master that small change and its become easy.....pick another small change 🤗

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