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I Am Bipolar

I'm wondering is there are different "degrees of intensity" of being bipolar.
(I'm sorry if it's a weird question...)
Recently I've started fearing that I might be bipolar, because I keep having ups and downs. I get easily super hopefull and enthusiastic about things making all sort of dreams until one say I have like an emotional crash over a little thing and just feel like crying and feeling dumb that I'm just daydreaming and having too high expectations when all I was feeling and all that optimism was just in my head and not real.
I know it's wrong to auto diagnose ourselves, I know bipolar is a serious thing and I hope I don't upset anyone with this message...
I'm just trying to understand myself and I can't afford a therapist...
I've been trying to read about bipolar disorder, ended up reading about BPD too and now I'm just very confused.
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SugarRush · 31-35, F
There is type 1, type 2 and rapid cycle. All which differs to each individual. People aren't bi polar, they have a condition named bi polar and it isn't just mood swings. A therapist isn't able to diagnose you, you'll have to seek help from a psychiatric doctor who will assess and monitor your symptoms because unfortunately with mental health, many of the symptoms are interlinked with other disorders. Regardless of cost, I highly recommend that you seek help whilst you're able to. Best of luck Hun.
RedRider72 · M
I believe there ARE different degrees of intensity..I personally am not an extreme bipolaree compared to some I've encountered on here..and I find that I personally encounter different degrees of "swings" within me as well..I can have minor episodes, or I can have deep crashes that take days and even weeks to recover from.. I just never know when an episode happens how far I'll crash or even if I WILL crash..
yes, there are different severities of bipolar disorder, some also display different symptoms others do not.'s not a one size fits all diagnosis. but self diagnosing is dangerous. See a professional.
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
you are not bipolar at all. you are just confused and that's ok. everyone has hopes and dreams. you are discovering yourself. you are facing your fears in reality.
I want to say it to you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
Were you diagnosed by a dr or you just think you have it.
escapemyreality · 31-35, F
@Daisy47: only wondering if I may have it. Trying to save up but right now can't afford a doctor
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@escapemyreality: ok Well my husband has it.It is a terrible disorder.I don't wish it on anyone.
dark548 · M
Sounds like you're moody if not bipolar, I can be the same too

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