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Psychology is a pseudoscience and the whole psychiatric health industry is a complete fraud.

Most of the people, especially all of the children who are diagnosed with all of these mythical disorders like ADHD or ODD - these psychologists and psychiatrists will flat out tell you that there is nothing physically wrong that we can see. There's no test. They can't check your blood they can't even do a brain scan to determine whether or not one has these illnesses, because there is no physical component to it.

Dr Thomas Szazs stated, "The truth about the chemical imbalance is that it is an actual lie. Nobody has yet measured, demonstrated or created a test to show that someone has a chemical imbalance in their brain. Period." Honest psychologists and psychiatrists will tell you and have said, "The truth is we cannot tell who is mentally ill and who is not by looking at pictures of their brains or analyzing their blood."

So, the diagnosis is based on looking at what you do and also what you tell them that you experience. These aren't real medical issues, folks. Dr Grace Jackson stated, "There is no rational science behind what they think is the cause of these symptoms."

Psychiatry admits that it has no cures. A Psychiatrist at the APA convention in 2006 stated, "How many people have I cured? Well, there are no real cures right now in psychiatry." Another psychiatrist at the APA convention in 2006 stated, "I have cured none of my patients" Many will admit the same.

Dr Fred Baughman, Jr stated, "Psychiatry doesn't have one case report of one disease validated. Not one. What they do is meet at the American Psychiatric Association, they meet in the DSM committee and they vote on making new behavioral and emotional disorders and they vote and then they immediately start calling them diseases and they tell the public that these are diseases - total fraud."

Another honest expert in the field stated, "What's the difference between the DSM and a scientific book of disease? Every disorder in the DSM is invented. Every disease listed in a pathology textbook is discovered. Real disease is found in a Cadaver at autopsy. Mental illness is not. Mental illness refers to something that a person does. Real disease refers to something that a person has."

You see people who just mutilate themselves, cut themselves, destroy themselves, hurt themselves and even to the point of killing themselves - a lot of this is demonic. Today this would all be classified as mental illness, but that is because the world that we live in and the practitioners in the medical and psychiatric community do not believe in God and the spiritual realm. They think the spiritual does not exist, but it does exist. A lot of what is classified today as mental illness is actually people who are possessed with devils, as the Word of God confirms.

In regards to Schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. let's look at Mark 5:9 - "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."

There's your multiple personality disorder right there. There's your Schizophrenia. Because the guy has multiple demons living inside of him - that is the multiple personalities coming out.

One more thing to note: One of the main goals of Modern psychology is to get rid of one word - sin. Modern psychologists and psychiatrists think that they are smarter than the God who created them, yet their entire field is a complete failure, yielding no real or meaningful results. Psychology does not take into consideration the reality of the Bible that humans are fallen and sinful. Whenever ideas are brought forth that are utopian that assume man is not fallen is one of the biggest mistakes that modern political, economic, philosophical and psychological theories have. All these fields need to take into consideration what the Bible teaches on them, on mans fallen nature and that humans generally do not want to know the truth and that we are brought into this world with a tendency towards degeneration, destruction, darkness, dishonesty, lies and manipulation. Once this Biblical realization comes into play, we will have a law and economic system that is more effective and strong, a psychological system that actually helps and heals (instead of blames everything on the past and subconscious removing all personal responsibility and accountability) and a philosophical system that is not based on vain deceit, but real understanding and wisdom.

Men like Freud, Marx, Darwin, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are men who rule the world from the grave. Their ideas dominate society and academia and all of these men's ideas run completely contrary to what the Bible says. That is why these systems are an utter failure and why everyone is so confused today. As an example to illustrate my point: not understanding the true source of war as made clear in the Bible has lead to many problems. Many people think the source of war is economic systems (Karl Marx), segregation (Nelson Mandela), isolationism (FDR), Nationalism (Mao Tse Tung), Patriotism (JFK), ignorance or lack of education, when in reality, the source of war is mans fallen Adamic nature. It says in James 4:1-2, "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not."
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Graylight · 51-55, F
One, if you’re going to print an entire article, but sure to include the source. Otherwise, it might read like plagiarism.

Secondly, Szaz was a physician mired in the trial and failure of early psychiatry. As a psychiatrist, he was mainly trained as a medical doctor. The area of psychology was created to address the more realistic aspects of mental health. Today, no one discredits the area of mental health, except Scientologists.

Thirdly, there is rarely a cure for mental imbalance, true. It’s not because it doesn’t exist. Changes can absolutely be measured through scans, through blood tests, and other methods to check neurotransmitter levels, to check behavioral symptoms and signs, examine genes and to classify a known group of symptoms to an understandable condition with a treatment plan. We can’t cure diabetes, yet, either, but we don’t pretend it doesn’t exist.

Fourth, schizophrenia has absolutely nothing to do with multiple personalities. Not the same disorder and one is rumored not to exist. The depth of your knowledge is showing here.

Lastly, most psychiatrists, psychologists, and other practicing clinicians don’t work the concept of sin into their treatment plans because, using your rules, there’s no evidence for it. Do you know what there is ample evidence for? Religious stigmatization, leading to mental conditions and suicidal thinking.

When you reach into the past to find explanations for the modern world, you’re in the wrong lane.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
No modern psychiatrist follows Freud. He's just famous and recognizable. He's easy to use in mass media soundbites.

As for the causes of war, that's just the result of competition for resources. Bear in mind that the resources in question aren't always physical, sometimes they are just the desire for fame or control; whatever it takes to transmit ones genes into the future.
@ninalanyon That was the joke with the character Frasier Krane that being a Freudian psycho analyst he was hopelessly outdated even by 1980s standards.
Ynotisay · M
Awesome that you included sources. It made it much easier to discount this. And when you went full on "demonic" it was an even easier call.
Yeah dude. It's demons. That's it.
The 6th century just called. It's wondering where you've been.
tmmaier · 51-55, F
Obviously you do not ha e a child or close family member who suffers with mental illness. I am a christian. I have a child who has suffered his entire life. We have explored Every avenue...yes EVERY.. he has had several exorcisms. The only time he has been semi functional is in medication. He has been a threat to others and himself since he was born. Do you think an infant can be posessed? This is not a nurture thing. He was born in a loving household. Has always been taught and introduced to Christ since birth.
Your theory makes no sense. Show me mental illness that has been cured by Christ ...not that i dont believe he can do such. I fully believe he can!
I just want to see the evidence by cases that have had the demons exercised. Why are there not clinics set up to treat the masses that are afflicted with these demons? How can one attend church and pray give their life to Christ live the word and still have to take medication to be functional?
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TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@MalteseFalconPunch Do yoi the biggest business in the world after weapons? They are the free doctors.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
The day we understand this, maybe more than a million would be unemployed.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Graylight I think that's what's got him so angry.
@TheOrionbeltseeker Yup, that's what it boils down to. People don't want to lose their jobs and their paychecks. The truth would also cause big pharma to lose billions. For instance, If the cure to cancer and many other illnesses (which already exist) were disclosed and if what truly heals was revealed, doctors would not have their jobs, as they thrive on people being sick. Most people are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

“Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information."– Michael Ellner
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User So, when you're not here on SW, what do you do for a day job? Because I'm picturing you shoveling literal bullshit.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
I don’t believe I am reading this. 😂😂😂
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@Fertilization But this is truth
You sound like a scientologist.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That's what I was thinking.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
It made sense, til you started talking about God and sins.
RileyLandS · 41-45, M
after all your long years in medical school, you can figure this out? LMAO
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Biblical gobbledygook.

PROVE ANYTHING in the bible.

You can't!

It's all based on faith of the liars of those that rewrote it a multiple number of times.

Which is at least triply meaningless!!!

Each time it gets rewritten it changes the meanings through thousands of years.
I'm still trying to figure out if your profile is serious or a parody
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User I've survived three waves of this guy on three different accounts, and I still couldn't tell you for sure. I'm still leaning toward parody.
You’re a complete fraud. You and your hockey Hebrew god
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@WanderingSavage What about you? You think of yourself as a judge who could decide who is fraud. You are a fraud, not him.

People call out names to other people when they can't match their level in any field. He is knowledgeable guy.
@TheOrionbeltseeker Yes I can judge. I free to see your bullshit and call for what it is, rather than mindlessly accommodate it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I find it ironic that on the internet, it's always the severely mentally ill who say that psychology is a pseudoscience.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire People see you doing so.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@TheOrionbeltseeker Nope, that's you, dude. You spew shit nonstop, and then project your own shit-spewing ways onto others. You're doing it right now.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire Look at how you do it on every post. Which one of the comment is poisonous in here, real venomous? Maybe you are immunized with anti venom Vax too and you think everyone else is but they are not. They all believe in natural immunity.

So stop spitting poison from your poison glands.
MethDozer · M
they can't even do a brain scan to determine whether or not one has these illnesses, because there is no physical component to it.


ADHD patients often show noticable abnormalities in the the bilateral cuneus, the left central sulcus and the left temporal lobe in FMRI scans
Fertilization · 36-40, F
@MethDozer No explanation can sort out this dude’s issues.🫢🫢🫢
MethDozer · M
🙄.... stay away from youth so their minds aren't polluted with this nonsense.
@MethDozer You saying that doesn't make it any less true. They absolutely do take the responsibility off of the individual. They blame everything on some past event, the fact that they didn't get enough loli pops as a child or whatever nonsense, and then whatever behaviors they have is a result of them experiencing trauma or being "triggered". And therefore their consequences are not as severe as they should be or just totally excused. I've worked in the mental health field for a while, working alongside therapists, clinicians, psychologists and the rest of them. I've witnessed it. I know.

Like I said, they don't take into consideration what the Bible teaches on them, on mans fallen nature and that humans generally do not want to know the truth and that we are brought into this world with a tendency towards degeneration, destruction, darkness, dishonesty, lies and manipulation, and as a result of creating a delusional view of man, it leads to more confusion and chaos. Then the psychobabblers continue on in their delusion talking about self-actualization.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User They don't take into consideration tje Bible for the same reason they don't take into consideration Grimm's Fairy-tales. They work in observable data and scientificly sound reasoning.

You're wrong. Psychology doesn't "blame" past events. It doesn't "blame" the illness. It gives past events as reasons, it gives mental illness as a causual aspect. It doesn't absolve responsibility, it takes into consideration underlying issues, as they should be considered. It places responsibilty on the victim of mental illness because now they have a path to rise on.

The Bible and Religion on the other hand? It removes all responsibilty. Bit places it all in the hands of "God's will" and "demons" and uses shame and blame for when people fail at it's absurdity.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@MethDozer You yourself appear to be high. Read it carefully. It makes sense.
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@Emosaur [media=https://youtu.be/gENI9E3tMjU?t=236]
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TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@Emosaur Who asked you to be here in the first place?

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