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Antisemitism vs. Mental Health

So I guess when mental health and antisemitism square off there's a clear cut winner. Guy lost his job of ten years, that required supervision, for doing something he apparently thought was conveying something else. Maybe some can't let an opportunity to feel persecuted get in the way of common sense and forgiveness.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Madison Children's Museum has fired a Wisconsin man with cognitive disabilities after he wore an Adolf Hitler costume over the Halloween weekend.

The museum said the man believed he was making a mockery of the Nazi Party's leader when he wore the costume on a busy street near the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on Saturday. He was fired Tuesday night, after his costume was condemned on social media and by some news outlets, including the Jerusalem Post.

The museum said in a statement that it fired the man after it “determined that his continued employment would create an environment at odds with our values and unwelcoming to visitors and staff.” The statement said the man's costume was “completely unacceptable" and that the museum stands against antisemitism, bigotry and discrimination.

The museum also said the man has cognitive disabilities due to a traumatic brain injury and that his work over the last decade has been supervised.

“It is our understanding that he believed his costume to be mocking Hitler,” the statement said.
Whodunnit · M
The problem with the perpetually offended of this world is the ever moving goalposts.

Dress up as Hitler, you must be supporting him and his ideas, dress up as Sitting Bull and you're obviously ridiculing Native Americans.

They'll shift their stance to whatever position they need to so they can have the biggest meltdown.

Watching The Producers would melt their tiny minds 😒
Ynotisay · M
@bijouxbroussard Yeah. Maybe. But as I've gotten older I've become more interested in legislative actions than screaming for magic wands that don't exist. My take on issues hasn't really changed but I have no connection to how they're approached. I find it counter-productive.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Ynotisay So, crazy thought. Organize some effective protest measures. Show the youngsters how it's done.
Ynotisay · M
@LordShadowfire But it's pointless. Those youngsters KNOW how it's done. At least according to them. That's what comes with youth. It's the time in our lives when emotion meets arrogance.
What I'd be more interested in is finding a way to get the 50% of people 18-29 to actually VOTE. But there's nothing to be done there either. You either do or you don't.
Dumb, but if no previous behavior indicated he was actually bigoted, why couldn’t they have accepted his explanation ? But I imagine they were also receiving pressure from the community.
Ynotisay · M
@SW-User No. They didn't know if I was an atheist. They did know I was someone who didn't dress or look like them. It was an Orthodox neighborhood with a sprinkling of Hasidic. I was invisible on the street. That said, there was a very old Israeli woman I used to help if she was in need. She didn't speak a word of English but she would hold my face in her hands after I'd help her and was so appreciative. It really does come down to individuals but as far as the collective? They didn't want anything to do with me. It was a trip. Safe neighborhood though. They had their own patrols.
@Ynotisay The people in my neighborhood were Reform. A friend once explained the difference to me: "Reform is ‘lazy’, Conservative is ‘hazy’, Orthodox is ‘crazy’ !"
Ynotisay · M
@bijouxbroussard HA. That's PERFECT. :)
It probably would never have come to this if trump and his followers weren’t spewing anti semitism on a regular basis.
@Ryderbike Almost like he’s forgotten about Jared. But he probably considers Jared "different".
@bijouxbroussard I’m pretty sure that Ivanka married Jared not fat boy
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
Pretty sad how this goes supported or unchecked in this day and age. Criticizing Israel could lead your career to the same fate with FANG companies as well.

It's gunna keep going on so long as people like it and support it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I laid into one of these far left goofballs on another network when they criticized comedy legend John Cleese for impersonating Hitler on "Fawlty Towers". Sadly, I can't currently access the original text, but it was something along the lines of, "You're right. It's absolutely terrible to make fun of Adolf Hitler by dressing up like him and acting silly. So disrespectful of the former German chancellor. Can't have folks disrespecting the Fuhrer."
@LordShadowfire Cleese was great back then but lately he does seem to have become a wee bit nuttier in recent years, supporting Brexit and whatnot


But his turn as Mr. HiLTer back in the MP days fairly funny

@LordShadowfire People forget that a large number of the actors portraying Germans on the show "Hogan’s Heroes" were Jewish. John Banner, Leon Askin and Robert Clary (French pow "LeBeau") actually survived the camps.
Werner Klemperer (Col.Klink), whose family escaped Germany early, once said that he accepted the part with the agreement that he could play him as a buffoon, someone not to be admired.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard I never knew that at all, but it makes perfect sense. Not only because Jewish people would have a reason to make fun of these people, but because it makes sense from a legal standpoint. It can't be anti-Semitic if you have actual Holocaust survivors playing the Nazis.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
How do you feel about Ye? You n Ye like 2 yeezeys in a pod
Ynotisay · M
@pancakeslam Well, I'm not full on, batshit crazy, arrogant and self-aggrandizing living in a perpetual state of poor-me so...nah.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
this man hasnt been run out of beverly hills

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