Tell me not to reply to himA while back I wrote about this guy I’d been dating who wanted a break then he semi-ghosted me. I hadn’t heard from him in a while then yesterday he left a message in my voicemail saying he was calling to see how I’m doing I’m sure he’s just look... See More »
Having your heart thrown back in your faceHow can you convince someone you've given your heart and basically soul to and who feels like your " the one' that they are " the one" without them throwing your heart back in your face at every little glitch.?
Love is an illusionMaybe i didn't lose you. Maybe you werent really there. Maybe what we were, was simply an illusion confused as love.
Well I'm BackWell I became a victim of another scam. I guess nobody tells the truth anymore but me. I don't lie to get what I want. Every woman i've talked to online wants money from me.
I wish i could shrink myself, put a saddle on my cats back and ride her throughout the house.I hate it when i can't get what i want.
If they never made you a priorityMake them history. Dont prioritize people who dont give a damn about you. Dont value people who dont value you. Because they arent proud to have you. Respect yourself and walk away from bad relationships. Dont waste your feelings on people who dont... See More »