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Be honest, how often do you stalk your exes on social media? And why?

I know I'm better than this but deep down I wonder how we could have been
Anielka · F
Never, once they're gone they're gone for good, I don't even stay friends with them.
BadAssMirah · 18-21, F
Only have 1 ex, we were together for a few years and broke up without any hate. But I can't stand when I see him with other girls so I stopped stalking him for my sanity 😂
@BadAssMirah Went through that with one. Once I got myself together and stopped myself, I felt a ton better.
spice1 · M
I'll admit before I got married I was involved with 3 wonderful ladies, the first one was getting her divorce the same time I was, the second was married and the third was married too, it didn't work out with any of them and I met someone else and married her, years later I still think about how things would been if I would've married any of the 3, I've tried looking them up on social media but to date I've only mange to find one of them, I consider these last 3 past girlfriends as my all time best and still get those feelings when I think about them, the question would I change things if I could with any one of them the answer is no.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I've done that a few times
I'm nosy
Ewww, my ex’s are so gross now compared to the dude I’m with.
I dont go looking for them, dont think about "what could've been".
I have only one and no idea where he is online, if at all. There's no sense in looking for trouble.

If I became convinced that he's on any website that I visit, I'd feel unsafe and have to disappear.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
I once found out a few things about an exes future life after me on Linkedin.
Not stalking,but just curious.I felt better knowing what became of her after me a year or so later.
havent done that in years........ Lady Crush is way better than the ex wives and ex girlfriends of the past.
Morrigan · F
I do not, as the current recipient of an ex who harasses and stalks me i wouldn’t do it to anyone else.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
I don’t want anything to do with her or what she does
Raaii · 22-25, F
no ex, no stalking, just nothing ✌️
tamguy · M
I used to stalk my exes in social media very frequently.When conscience hit and when I felt I am wasting too much time in social media not only for stalking my exes but also in general,I deleted all the social media accounts I had 3 years back.Now I only use Gmail,WhatsApp and SW.
MaybelChong · 46-50, F
Only if its a vanila relationship. If let's say its a hookup then I just do it to flex with my buddies. I don't think escorts, prostitutes, sugar babies from sugarbook are a flex since I paid for it.
exexec · 70-79, C
I don't have any exes, and my wife says she is only interested in one ex, and he is not on social media.
@exexec Fair enough. Hopefully hes ok in thst case.
exexec · 70-79, C
@TallMtnMedic She heard last year that he was living as a hermit in the mountains.
@exexec See thats what I want lol
ArishMell · 70-79, M

I don't even know if they use (anti?)social media for a start.

More to the point I have too much respect for them, and too much self-respect. I am not very brave but I would not stoop to cowardice like that.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I don't stalk them, but I'm still friends with most of them on social media so I see their updates and posts, etc.
Nope ,if i have to stalk all my exes on social media daily ,it would probably be a 9-5 job and I should be paid 😂!!
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Not even once. If I was curious, I’d shoot off a text and ask.
@Adogslife Same here. When I got curious, I emailed my Ex twice on different occasions (different years).... to see if he was still alive. He left with serious health problems, so I did wonder. He replied mostly in one word answers. He's as nonverbal and weird as the day he left. 👽
ClydeKoolray · 46-50, M
I don’t, most exes have that status for good reason, and the one who doesn’t I can text if I want to know how she’s doing.
christylee · 36-40
I never stalked my ex. I only leave a relationship when I found an another. Rarely have a heartbreak that way.
dale74 · M
I normally need to block them
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
No one as time for that
HannahSky · F
No, I don't care
When I'm done, I'm done.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Never actually
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I don’t
Honestly, I don’t. SW is the only social media I use.
I've never stalked anyone, though that doesn't rule out conversing with them without realising it. 😳
@Nihiless I worry about that too sometimes.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I did once a few years ago because I was curious what she was like now. She's a real woman 🥲 since then I've not seen her online nor irl. I met her father and sister once on a flea market, but she had just left. Good thing.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst I once thought I saw her on here and subtly made my presence known to mark my turf, but she disappeared, so who knows.
@MartinTheFirst Maybe she's avoiding you.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Spoiledbrat hope so
Lilnonames · F
They stalk me

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