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Always Thinking Any Love Interest Is Cheating

After being cheated on a few times already I am always in fear of the person I'm talking to sleeping with other people, sending them pictures, getting hickeys, etc. Like to the point where they could be going to a party and I'm terrified that they're gonna be with someone else. I don't think I'll be able to be in a healthy relationship while I'm like this. How do you get over this and let the past die?
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Stark Best Comment
I struggled with this a lot after being cheated on. It’s an awful betrayal that has lasting affects on more than just trust, but also on your self esteem and confidence.

For me, it took time to heal that wound a little rather than just jumping into something I wasn’t ready for. I also had to come to the realization that whatever past/history I have is not my current partner’s fault and it’s not fair to blame them for those issues or treat them as if they are doing the same as previous partners when they haven’t proven to do so simply because I have trust issues. You have to learn to trust again, but take baby steps and don’t force yourself into situations you’re not ready for. Treat your partner as an independent person because they are and not your property and give them the opportunity to prove you wrong before making your negative thoughts a reality for them. Be vulnerable with your partner, express to them the pain and past you’ve experienced, when you’re not open with them it’s hard for them to understand and be supportive in the way you need. Compromising with your partner is a good baby step to working towards trust. When they’re out you could always ask them to send a text to check in. It doesn’t have to be excessive or all night, but just a sign to let you know they’re still thinking of you and a small step to you feeling more secure as well as having your needs met and your partner still being able to go out and be trusted.

StarLily · 51-55, F
Trust your intuition. It's never wrong... even when you convince yourself it is.
BigAssLeech · 31-35, M
Be open with your partner, and build a solid foundation of trust based on honest, candid communication. Tell them about your past, your fears, and how you feel. It's important that you don't project this insecurity onto your partners who've otherwise never given you a valid reason to suspect that they're cheating on you, and it's ULTRA important that you never violate their privacy or friendships because of it. Once you lose trust, it is very hard to get back, even if you felt it was valid at the time.

But building open communication and having that necessary mutual trust will go a very long way in helping you overcome this insecurity. Your partner is not your therapist, so do make sure that they know what they're getting into ahead of time.
Date people who like you. You shouldn't be afraid they're going to leave you all time. You should know you have them. You either don't have them and are listening to the wrong feelings or you're insecure. If it's the latter, you should probably find out why and work on it. Listen to your gut and your intuition.
TexChik · F
Just be a little more diligent about determining the ethics of a person before you ask them out .
There are guys who ask woman out solely because she's hot or they think she's hot. They don't care about anything else. Sometimes I wonder if some guys are aware that they are doing this or just don't care. Woman pick up on this. They also sell themselves short or don't set standards just in a different way. @TexChik
TexChik · F
@Spoiledbrat But choosing to ask out a woman that has no ethical compass or compassion is going to screw a guy over more often than not. Sometimes the easy yes isnt worth having.
Carissimi · F
I’m not sure you can regain that trust. It’s hard enough to trust again after betrayal or repeated betrayals, but now we have a culture where a sex partner is one sweep away. There is a lot of available temptation out there, and men seem to like it. Why should they commit to one woman, when there is such variety ready to jump into bed with them. You are male, so I can’t speak to this because I didn’t cheat, although I’ve been betrayed.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
You don't... At least you won't very easily if you're sympathetic or have feelings..
Tristan1230 · 36-40, M
This has always been a struggle for me as well. The best approach is to start off as friends and not rush into anything. Make sure you are clear with the other person about not wanting to rush into anything. If she moves on because she doesn’t want to wait, then she definitely isn’t the right person!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@InvictusIndigo, save up your money and buy yourself a sex android. That will solve your anxiety. They are working on giving them "real skin" so they will be just like an actual person when you touch them.

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