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Barefoot growing up?

Poll - Total Votes: 22
My family encouraged going barefoot, and I was usually barefoot
My family discouraged going barefoot, but I still preferred to be barefoot
My family encouraged going barefoot, but I did not often go barefoot
My family discouraged going barefoot, and I did not often go barefoot
My family neither encouraged or discouraged going barefoot, but I was still usually barefoot
My family neither encouraged or discouraged going barefoot, but I did not often go barefoot
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Growing up, how did your parents/family feel about bare feet? Was going barefoot normal in your family, or was it frowned upon? Did you feel the same as your family regarding bare feet, or did you do your own thing? Have you changed your outlook on going barefoot as an adult?
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onewithshoes · 22-25, F
I was brought up by a grandmother who went the rule that boys went barefoot, but girls needed shoes.
My boyfriend's mother must have felt the same way, as she brought him up barefoot, but was never barefoot herself.
That's still how we are today: He goes barefoot. I wear shoes.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
@onewithshoes Your the best shoe wearing girl on Similar Worlds! 🤗🤗🤗 I'm a barefoot gymnast kind of girl and your a shoe wearing but barefoot boy lover kind of girl! 🤭🤭🤭
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
@onewithshoes I had never heard of this rule before SW.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@BarefootedBoy I don't know if it's widespread, but onewithshoes is definitely a firm believer in this rule.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Barefoot was normal when I was growing up for all my family.It still is.Both my mom and myself have always drove barefoot too.At school I would wear shorts with my feet bare.
One time I accidentally walked through broken glass barefoot and didn't even realise.My friend told me I had just done it.I just brushed off my soles and kept walking.The advantage of having thick hard super tough soles.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@tallpowerhouseblonde Did the teachers or administrators ever push back against you going barefoot at school?
One time I dropped a cinder block corner first on my right big toe - barefoot. That was a BIG HURT lemme tellya. On another barefoot occasion I stepped on an upright nail sticking out of a 2x4. The sensation of a nail scrunching through flesh and muscle is a hard memory to erase!

But - being a kid means running around barefoot. Doesn't it?
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@rinkydinkydoink Sometimes you have to be cautious.
Adrift · 61-69, F
My parents didn't care but my grandmother insisted we wear shoes.
She said running barefoot could get you infected with worms especially in areas where there is livestock.
I thought it was all wives tales until I later learned of strongoloides and hookworm.
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Adrift · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 My grandparents on my moms side grew up farming dairy.
On my dads side they raised cattle for beef.
Both sides couldn't wait to sell out and move into the cities.
My dad used to tell stories about how a cow would occasionally be found dead and bloated and the chickens would be eating at it.
I'm surprised my dad didn't end up going vegan.
@Adrift I saw stuff too on neighboring farms, and my step father's farm and neighbors, and I used to be on a cleaning crew on slaughterhouse and cleaning floor of a packing plant, we get used to it.
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
My mother was a nurse she encouraged me to go barefoot to develop good posture and gait.

As an adult I still go without shoes whenever I can.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@GentleLucille Do you think going barefoot has had a positive effect on your posture and gait?
Ross19 · 31-35, M
I was brought up encouraged to go barefoot, let your feet breath my dad would say. I would spend all summer holidays with nothing on my feet.
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
My parents didn't like me being barefoot in or out of the house. When I was about 13 or so, I had enough and started going barefoot. Naturally, they hated it, but I didn't give in, and they finally gave up.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@BarefootedBoy I guess persistence paid off for you!
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
@southerncrossfire44 Yes! Being barefoot is very important to me!
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
I love being barefooted.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
It was very hot where I grew up, so we always ran around either barefoot or with flip flops.
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
@rottenrobi I don’t get people wearing shoes and socks in very warm or hot weather.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I was neither encouraged, nor discouraged to go barefoot.

Although, one habit I had as a child was walking around the house with one sock on and one sock off.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I grew up in Florida. Going barefoot, especially outside, was not encouraged. Those weren't rubber bands in those puddles.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
@rinkydinkydoink used condoms.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@rinkydinkydoink Worms that are parasites in warm bodies.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
@Crazywaterspring This is a billion times worse than condoms 😂.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
As a kid I cut my foot on broken glass and stepped on a nail. Those were lessons enough for me
Adrift · 61-69, F
@Gibbon I did that too.
Broken glass playing in the river, and a nail playing hide n go seek in a friend's backyard.
Deserthiker · 61-69, M
Women in bare feet are beautiful
I still go barefoot, it roots us to nature.

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