Give It a Try!Warmer weather means we can go barefooted more often. If you don't go barefooted, I highly recommend giving it a try. Leave the shoes and socks in the closet and feel grass, dirt and even tile floors beneath your bare feet. It will enhance the... See More »
Barefooted in the RainWalking barefooted in the rain is so refreshing. It enhances the pleasure of having your feet free, and can be invigorating, too.
I Hate SocksI hate socks, too! Gotta wear 'em for work, but that is it. Toes gotta breathe and feet gotta be free!
I Am A Jeans And A T-shirt Kind Of GirlDefinitely my preference. A woman doesn't have to be dolled up for me. I find a woman in a t-shirt and jeans much sexier than any expensive dress.
I Love To Take My Shoes And Socks OffI sure do! Love that moment when I get home when I walk in, untie my shoes and slip them off. Feels good, but it's not enough. Off come the socks, and I feel lighter and happier. My feet are free!!
I Want to Take Off My Shoes and SocksAnytime I have to wear shoes and socks, mostly for work, I look forward to the moment when I can take them off. And they come off at the first possible moment. Do you ever say, I Want to Take Off My Shoes and Socks? Go for it! Untie those shoes and... See More »
I Love Being BarefootedYes, I love to be barefooted. And I don't mean shoes and just in socks. I mean barefooted! "Sockfooted" doesn't count. When your feet are free, you'll feel so much better. I love being barefooted as much as I can. Take off your shoes and socks, and... See More »
I Have Enjoyed EPI've enjoyed Experience Project. So many people out there with shared experiences. It has been nice to share stories with others who get it. Hoping to see many of you on these new sites. Peace and blessings from a barefooted boy!
I Love To Take My Shoes And Socks OffIf I have to wear shoes and socks, I look forward to the moment when I can take them off. I don't even like being in socked feet. I need to be barefooted! Feels good and it's natural for me. Take 'em off and free your feet!
I Am BarefootedShoes and socks are too hot and uncomfortable. I don't even like covers over my feet in bed. I like to feel the grass, dirt, tile floors, carpets and whatever with my bare feet. Free feet make me feel good and happy. Yes, I am barefooted. And proud... See More »
I Want to Take Off My Shoes and SocksI always wore shoes and socks as a kid. Everywhere. Even in the heat of summer. That all changed one warm summer day. I was out with friends and came home for a bit to cool off. My sneakers were a bit warm so I slipped them off, thinking I'd just... See More »
I Love A Lazy Sunday MorningLazy Sunday mornings are still kind of new for me, but I have come to love them a lot. It's awesome not having to be up as early and be rushed to get somewhere. I can take time to enjoy coffee and the newspaper. If I want, I can sit outside, drink... See More »