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I Want to Take Off My Shoes and Socks

I always wore shoes and socks as a kid. Everywhere. Even in the heat of summer. That all changed one warm summer day. I was out with friends and came home for a bit to cool off. My sneakers were a bit warm so I slipped them off, thinking I'd just relax for a few in sock feet. When I happened to look down at my socked feet, they still felt very warm and uncomfortable. I didn't like what I saw. I quickly yanked my socks off! Now, I felt energized and went back outside. I was SO happy to be barefooted! Almost instantly, I became a barefooted boy and spent the summer and any chance I got in bare feet. I still love it.
Take off those shoes and socks and go barefooted. You will be happy you did!
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I am with you my barefooted friend! Love to shed my shoes and socks as often as I can and go barefoot! I've led the way in some cases as others have watched me shed my socks and shoes, they in turn shed theirs.
Remember those inflatable obstacle courses. I was in charge of one the other day. The youth had to take their shoes off in order to use it. The final route on both sides was a giant slide. Some of the youth wanted to do it backwards and tried to climb it. It was nearly impossible while wearing socks, so they asked if they could take them off and go barefoot. I said to them by all means...they slipped them off immediately and ran up the slide in their bare feet. Both youth had long slender tan feet with slender long and trim toes. I wish I could have taken a picture, but didn't have my phone.
Afterwards, they stayed barefoot for a while because they said it felt good on their soles.
BarefootedBoy · 56-60, M
I think more people would enjoy being barefooted if they'd just give it a try. When I finally did that summer day, I was hooked from the beginning. Free those feet!
Bareboy · 16-17, M
@BarefootedBoy i know i enjoy it

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