Give It a Try!Warmer weather means we can go barefooted more often. If you don't go barefooted, I highly recommend giving it a try. Leave the shoes and socks in the closet and feel grass, dirt and even tile floors beneath your bare feet. It will enhance the... See More »
Barefoot on a first date? Poll (7) See Poll OptionsHave you ever been on a first date with someone in which either you, the other person, or both of you were bare foot for the entire date or just part... See More »
A story from over a decade agoI remember it being a very hot day and I went to visit my then bf and after awhile I was thinking about removing my shoes I was hesitant at first but I ended up asking him if I could take my shoes and socks off because my feet were hot and he said of... See More »
Warm in the house toniteThis evening I was lying in bed and it was warm and normally I leave socks on but Tonite they get too warm so I removed them forgot how good it feels to be completely honest
Barefooting Partners Poll (7) See Poll OptionsDo you have a romantic partner, or maybe just a good friend, who is a barefooter, and how did your barefooting come about in relation to them?
Best part of being barefootIs getting to paint my toenails all summer instead of wearing socks and shoes